Thompson Sub-Machinegun

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Thompson Sub-Machinegun
Thompson Sub-Machinegun.png
Type: Automatic
Quality: C Quality Item.png
Magazine Size: 30
Max Ammo: 350
Reload Time: 0.78s
DPS: 40.8
Damage: 5
Fire Rate: 0.10
Shot Speed: 23
Force: 9
Spread: 4
Sell Creep Price: 21 Money.png
Unlock Method: Purchase from Ox and Cadence for 1 Hegemony Credit.png.
Ammonomicon Entry
Myeah, See!
A favorite of organized criminals and Hollow Points, this gun has accumulated nicknames over its hundreds of years of use. Known affectionately as the "Tommy Gun," the "Trench Broom", the "Chicago Typewriter", and the "Teetotaller's Thursday."

Thompson Sub-Machinegun is a gun in Enter the Gungeon.



  • ETG The Thompson Sub-Machinegun is wielded by Hollowpoints.
  • "Myeah, See!" references a line spoken by Edward G. Robinson's gangster character in the 1931 film Little Caesar.
  • This gun is used in The Convict's past.
  • The Synergy.png Future Gangster synergy may be a reference to the Laser RCW, a weapon from Fallout: New Vegas, which resembles a Thompson SMG but is a rapid-fire laser assault rifle.
  • The Thompson Sub-Machinegun does not appear in Exit the Gungeon, however it still exists in the assets and text string database of the game. Like all real-world guns in Exit the Gungeon, the unused Thompson Sub-Machinegun has a different name in the Apple Arcade string database, where it is called the Gungeon Typewriter.


See also