Prize Pistol

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Prize Pistol
Prize Pistol.png
Type: Semiautomatic
Quality: N/A
Magazine Size: 4
Max Ammo: 1
Reload Time: 1.2s
DPS: None
Damage: None
Fire Rate: 0.07s
Shot Speed: 18
Range: 60
Force: 10
Spread: 0
Damage Type: None
Sell Creep Price: - Money.png
Unlock Method: -
Ammonomicon Entry
Definitely Fair
Used for Winchester's games.

Does no damage.

Meta Info
Item ID: 251
Internal Name: Artful Shooter
Object Name: ArtfulDodger_ChallengeGun
Sprite Name: game_gun

The Prize Pistol is a gun used only for Winchester's minigames in Enter the Gungeon.

Item Interactions

Most Bullet Modifiers correctly affect the projectiles of the Prize Pistol.

  • Ancient Hero's Bandana.png Ancient Hero's Bandana - Has no effect on the ammo of the Prize Pistol.
  • Heavy Bullets.png Heavy Bullets, Stout Bullets.png Stout Bullets, Rocket-Powered Bullets.png Rocket-Powered Bullets - These items correctly adjust the speed of the Prize Pistols projectiles, and may interfere with the users shot timing.
  • Backup Gun.png Backup Gun - Correctly causes the Prize Pistol to shoot one bullet forwards and one backwards, potentially allowing a skillful player to hit two targets with one shot- however, the Backup Gun also reduces the accuracy of the forwards shot, with the resulting inaccuracy rendering the Prize Pistol considerably harder to use.
  • Helix Bullets.png Helix Bullets - Multiplies the bullets of the Prize Pistol by 2, potentially allowing the player to hit two targets in a single shot, however the resulting helical flight path causes the bounces of the Prize Pistols projectiles to be unpredictable, and causes ricochet shots to be almost impossible to pull off correctly.
  • Hip Holster.png Hip Holster - An extra Prize Pistol projectile will be fired upon reloading the gun, allowing the player to hit multiple targets with a single ammunition with no down-side.
  • Scattershot.png Scattershot - Multiplies the number of projectiles fired from the Prize Pistol by 3, allowing the player to hit multiple targets with a single shot but significantly reduces their accuracy, making it impossible to properly aim and predict shots.
  • Flak Bullets.png Flak Bullets - While this is rarely useful due to how many times shots from the Prize Pistol bounce, shrapnel projectiles created by flak bullets can destroy Winchester's Targets.
  • Ghost Bullets.png Ghost Bullets - Projectiles fired from the Prize Pistol will penetrate through Winchester targets, allowing skillfull players to hit multiple targets with a single shot.
  • Remote Bullets.png Remote Bullets - Projectiles fired from the Prize Pistol will home in towards the player's crosshair/aim direction, allowing the user to weave their bullets around obstacles and hit hard to reach targets.
  • Bloody 9mm.png Bloody 9mm, Chance Bullets.png Chance Bullets - These items correctly retain their chance to change the projectile fired by the Prize Pistol. Usually this is detrimental, as the exchanged projectile will rarely be more suited to target shooting than the original.
  • Duct Tape.png Duct Tape - If the Prize Pistol is duct taped to another gun during the shooting gallery minigame, the player may continue to use the taped weapon to attempt to destroy the targets, with its additional Prize Pistol shot. The taped gun will retain its added Prize Pistol shot after the minigame ends.
    If another gun is duct taped to the Prize Pistol, their max ammo counts and projectiles will be combined as usual, but this will not increase the current ammo of the Prize Pistol, resulting in a pistol with 4 ammo remaining which fires multiple ammo-worth of projectiles each trigger pull. This is actively detrimental to completing the shooting gallery. Additionally, the Prize Pistol will be lost as normal upon minigame completion, taking the duct taped gun with it.


  • If the player leaves the shooting range mid-game, the Prize Pistol will be removed from their inventory and they will not receive a reward.
  • Although the max ammo of the Prize Pistol is 1, Winchester loads four shots into the gun before the minigame begins, resulting in normally inaccessible ammo values of 4/1, 3/1, and 2/1.
  • While the Prize Pistol does not appear in Exit the Gungeon, its sprites and description are present in the games assets.
  • The internal names Artful Dodger and Artful Shooter for the Prize Pistol are a reference to the character Jack Dawkins from Charles Dickens's 1838 novel Oliver Twist, whose nickname is 'The Artful Dodger'. Jack Dawkins is a skilled swindler and pickpocket, and the term 'artful dodger' has come to refer to any individual skilled in cunning deception, much like Winchester.
