Sniper Shell

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Sniper Shell
Sniper Shell.png XtG Sniper Shell.png
Statistics and Information
ETG Health:
1 O 2 A 3 4/R 5/6
18.8 25.07 24.44 31.33 30.08 34.78 39.48
XTG Health:
1 2 3 4 5
44 49 52 56 60
Location: Gungeon Proper
Black Powder Mine
Ammonomicon Entry

Ammonomicon Sniper Shell.png

Take The Shot
The sharp-eyed Sniper Shells are easy to deal with on their own, but can pose quite a threat when providing backup to other Gundead.

Adventurers who have encountered them are divided as to whether Gundead grow to resemble their weapons of choice, or if they are born with an affinity for a certain type of gun.

Sniper Shells are enemies that appear in Enter the Gungeon and Exit the Gungeon.

Enter the Gungeon ETG

Sniper Shells will follow the player from a distance, targeting them with a red laser sight. After taking aim, they will fire a single high-speed projectile towards the player.

Sniper Shells will also attempt to take aim at explosive barrels near the player in order to detonate them. This behaviour does not account for the Sniper Shells proximity to the barrel, and may lead to it blowing itself up.

Sniper Shells are also one of the few enemies capable of riding in minecarts, and will prioritise walking to available carts over following the player.

The attack pattern of a Sniper Shell

Exit the Gungeon XTG

XtG Sniper Shell Dragun Spawned.png

Sniper Shells walk back and forth across the elevator platform, training a red laser sight upon the player. Periodically, they will lock their aim and fire a high velocity bullet along their laser sight.

One of the boss attacks of the Last Dragun involves shooting two Sniper Shells into the boss elevator with a large Sniper Rifle. These two Sniper Shells behave identically to their regular counterparts, with the exception that they are completely immobile, and stuck into the platform upside down by their slugs. These Sniper Shells have reduced base HP of 30, meaning they have 45 HP with the health scaling of the Forge/Exterior.


  • Sniper Shells wield the Sniper Rifle.
  • ETG If the player has the Synergy.png Sniper Woof Synergy, all Sniper Shells and Professionals are permanently charmed.
  • The projectile speed of the Sniper Shell is so high that items such as Fortune's Favor can not redirect it.
  • If the player has Laser Sight it can be hard to distinguish which laser belongs to the player and which are Sniper Shells about to fire.
  • The sprite sheet of the Sniper Shell in Exit the Gungeon contains a hidden message reading "Dave Rules".
  • In the Portuguese translation of the game, they are known as "Bala de Elite" (Elite Bullet).
  • ETG PBug.png Possible Bug If the challenge modifier Final Attack is active, the bullets fired upon the death of a Sniper Shell will be very subtly smaller than those fired by other enemies.


Sniper Shell Variants