Unused and Cut Content/Items

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Icon Name Type Quote Effect Ammonomicon Entry
Master Round (VI) Passive Final Chamber Probably grants an extra heart container like the five used Master Rounds. This impossible artifact indicates mastery of the final chamber.

A holy shell. Simply looking upon it bestows a great peace upon your soul. The Gungeon is at rest.

Rat Master Round.png Rat Master Round Passive ? Probably grants an extra heart container like the five used Master Rounds. ?
Emerald Bracelet.png Emerald Bracelet Passive Thrown Guns Return Thrown guns return to the player. Unused since V1.0.0. The emeralds in this bracelet are extremely jealous. They will force any thrown gun to return, just so no other hand can hold them.
Sapphire Bracelet.png Sapphire Bracelet Passive ? Unknown effect. Unused since V1.0.0. ?
Amethyst Bracelet.png Amethyst Bracelet Passive ? Unknown effect. Unused since V1.0.0. ?
Cue Bullets.png Cue Bullets Passive Bullet Kin, Corner Pocket Enemy corpses gain significant knockback and can damage other enemies. Cut item from the Advanced Gungeons & Draguns Update. Substantially increases knockback on kills; enemies hit by corpses take damage.

Having given up on ever killing their pasts, many failed Gungeoneers pass the time by playing dumb games. Maybe one such adventurer missed playing billiards?

Ring of Giant Strength.png Ring of Giant Strength Passive Throw Harder Increases the damage dealt by thrown guns. Unused since V1.0.0. Increases thrown weapon damage.

This ring bestows incredible physical strength. Unfortunately, there are few benefits to physical strength in the Gungeon.

Ring of Lightning Resistance.png Ring of Lightning Resistance Passive Grounded Prevents electricity damage. Unused since V1.0.0. Prevents damage from electricity.

A ring originally worn by Alistair, the Thunderbolt. The gemstone set in the golden band is cracked down the middle.

Hungry Caterpillar.png Hungry Caterpillar Passive Hungry For Hearts If given enough Hearts, it gives the player Fairy Wings. Unused since V1.0.0. There is a caterpillar following you.

It appears to be hungry for hearts.

Fairy Wings.png Fairy Wings Passive Enchantment? Grants flight. Dodge rolling leaves pink slime that charms enemies. Unused since V1.0.0. A pair of enchanted wings, which grant flight.

Your caterpillar friend has metamorphosed into a wondrous creature! And that wondrous creature is a spine fly, which burrows into the spinal column of vertebrates. The survivors of this parasite sprout wings.

Hunter's Journal.png Hunter's Journal Passive Luck Or Skill? Slightly increased drop chance on room clear. A cut starting item for The Hunter. Unused since V1.0.0. Slightly increases drop rate.

Filled with maps and the answers to half-forgotten riddles. Ever since the Hunter was a child, she had a knack for finding things.

Ceremonial Sword.png Ceremonial Sword Passive The S Word Unknown. Unused since V1.0.0. A ceremonial sword. Not for combat.

Bladed weaponry would normally incite the wrath of the Jammed, but this ceremonial sword is blunted and not for combat.

Thirst For Vengeance.png Thirst For Vengeance Passive Taking You With Me Killing an enemy right before death brings the player back to life. Unused since V1.0.0. Slaying an enemy just before dying prevents death.

Sometimes getting even is all you've got left.

Magic Sweet.png Bubble Shield Passive ? Deflect bullets for a few seconds, similar to Potion of Lead Skin. Recharges once every two rooms, unlike other active items. Strangely, it uses the sprite for Magic Sweet. Unused since V1.0.0. ?
Old Infuriating Note.png Old Infuriating Note 2.png Old Infuriating Note 3.png Old Infuriating Note 4.png Old Infuriating Note Passive You’ve been had. . . The cheese showing the direction to go in the maze is on the icon instead of in the Ammonomicon entry. Pre-AG&D version of the Infuriating Note. You have been had. . . by the Resourceful Rat! Whatever was in that chest has already been taken by Gungeon's Most Wanted.
Stone Bullets.png Rock Bullets Passive ? Unknown. Possibly related to the Black Skusket (similar sprites) or the undiscovered desert chamber mentioned in the Cactus’s Ammonomicon description. Unused since the Supply Drop Update. ?
Table Tech Time.png Table Tech Time Passive ? Possibly slows time, similar to Table Tech Sight. Likely replaced with the Synergy.png Hidden Tech Time synergy. Unused since V1.0.0. ?
Table Tech Table Flip.png Table Tech Table Flip Passive ? Possibly a Table Tech that would originally allow the player to flip tables, with Gungeoneers starting without this ability. Unused since V1.0.0. ?
Table Tech Shock.png Unknown Table Tech Passive ? Possibly a Table Tech that would allow the player to electrify the nearby area. Unused since the Advanced Gungeons & Draguns Update. ?
Table Tech IDK.png Table Tech Hole Passive Flip Oblivion Possibly a Table Tech that created black holes like those made with Singularity. Unused since the Advanced Gungeons & Draguns Update. This forbidden technique causes flipped tables to increase exponentially in mass, collapsing almost immediately.

An apocryphal text of the "Tabla Sutra." Of that which we cannot flip, we must pass over in silence.

Table Tech Slow.png Table Tech Life Passive Children of the Flip Possibly a Table Tech that turned tables into temporary familiars. Unused since the Advanced Gungeons & Draguns Update. This forgotten technique causes flipped tables to gain sentience, however briefly.

An apocryphal text of the "Tabla Sutra." This ancient scroll invokes the tablegrammaton, the four letter name of table.

Monster Ball.png Monster Ball Active 100% Catch Rate Caught enemies when used and then released them as charmed enemies when used again. This item is a reference to the Pokeball from the Pokémon series, which can capture creatures for use by the owner in battle. Captures enemies and charms them upon release.

Ancient monster trainers tried to use these balls to domesticate inhabitants of the Gungeon.

According to local legend, Emmitt Calx threw one of these at a Beholster. It didn't work. However, it did force the beast to blink, which allowed Calx to escape.

Magic scroll 004.png Scroll of Wonder Active Wondawondawonder! Unknown. A transformative spell of incredible power.

The wizard Alben Smallbore theorized that the more power was put into a spell, the less could be known about its outcome. This spell is immensely powerful.

ThunderBolt.png ThunderBolt Active Shrinks And Dazes Likely makes enemies smaller and stuns them. Shrinks and dazes enemies for a brief period of time.

Said to contain the soul of a famous Gungeoneer.

Fairweather Friend ? While The Going Is Good Unknown. A hanger-on to the healthy and prosperous.
RaccoonComp.png Raccoon Passive Sly Scooper Summons the Raccoon companion, which can carry players across trap rooms unharmed. Helps to navigate dangerous areas.

In another era, this Raccoon was a very successful thief. However, after dabbling in time travel, he became obsessed and put an end to his thieving career in favor of the infinite treasure of the Gungeon.

Brittle Bullets.png Brittle Bullets Passive Risk/Reward Ammo is lost upon receiving damage. Likely the same effect as Balloon Gun. Greatly increases firepower. All equipped ammunition will shatter upon receiving damage.

It takes an idiot to do cool things. That's why it's cool!

Hero Sword.png Hero Sword Active Enter the Swordgeon Upon use, spawns a sword facing the direction the player is aiming. Automatically recharges over one second. An elegant weapon... though perhaps obsolete.
Alien Genes.png Alien Genes ? ? Unknown. N/A
BandAid.png Band-Aid ? ? Unknown. N/A
Baret.png Beret ? ? Unknown. N/A
BeltFeeder.png Belt Feeder ? ? Unknown. Possibly increases fire rate. N/A
CarBattery.png Car Battery ? ? Unknown. N/A
Chamber Hammer.png Chamber Hammer ? ? Unknown. N/A
Cleets.png Cleets ? ? Unknown. N/A
Climbing Glove.png Climbing Glove ? ? Unknown. N/A
CloneOld.png Clone (Old) ? ? Unknown. N/A
MetaCoin.png Meta Coin ? ? Possibly an early form of the Hegemony Credit, as "Meta" usually refers to the breach. N/A
Crown1.png Crown 1 ? ? Unknown. N/A
Crown2.png Crown 2 ? ? Unknown. N/A
CursedBulletsOld.png Cursed Bullets (Old) ? ? Unknown. N/A
LichBullet.png Lich Bullet ? ? Unknown. N/A
DejaVuRing.png Ring of Deja Vu ? ? Unknown. N/A
DemonsSoul.png Demon's Soul ? ? Unknown. N/A
Deposit Key.png Deposit Key ? ? Unknown. N/A
Dragun Heart.png Dragun Heart ? ? Likely has an effect similar to Heart of Ice due to its similar sprite. N/A
Egg Salad.png Egg Salad ? ? Unknown. N/A
Elite Badge.png Elite Badge ? ? Unknown. N/A
Fat Bullet.png Fat Bullet ? ? Could have been an early version of the Fat Bullets. N/A
Fatman.png Fat Man ? ? Unknown. N/A
Firx.png Firx ? ? Unknown. N/A
Flexing Arm.png Flexing Arm ? ? Unknown. N/A
FloppyDisk.png Floppy Disk ? ? Unknown. N/A
FlubberBullet.png Flubber Bullets ? ? Unknown. Possibly a more powerful version of Bouncy Bullets. N/A
Gold Bracelet.png Gold Bracelet ? ? Unknown. N/A
Group photo.png Group Photo ? ? Unknown. N/A
Gun Soul Old.png Gun Soul (Old) ? ? Unknown. N/A
Hand mirror.png Hand Mirror ? ? Unknown. N/A
Hankerchief.png Handkerchief ? ? Unknown. N/A
Ice pack.png Ice Pack ? ? Unknown. N/A
Item bullets 001.png Item Bullets ? ? Unknown. N/A
Jeans 001.png Jeans ? ? Unknown. N/A
Key bullet bullets 001.png Key Bullet Bullets ? ? Probably allowed to open locks upon shooting at them N/A
Killamajig machine friendship 001.png Killamajig Machine Friendship ? ? Unknown. N/A
Lump of space metal 010.png Lump of Space Metal ? ? Unknown. N/A
Magic bullet 001.png Magic Bullet ? ? Unknown. N/A
Magnet helmet 001.png Magnet Helmet ? ? Unknown. N/A
Metronnome 001.png Metronome (Old) ? ? Unknown. N/A
Mortar 001.png Mortar ? ? Unknown. N/A
Nerves of steel 001.png Nerves Of Steel ? ? Early prototype of Riddle of Lead N/A
Next quarter 001.png Next Quarter ? ? Possible early version of the Iron Coin. N/A
Old man bullet 001.png Old Man Bullet ? ? Unknown. N/A
Ooze 001.png Ooze 1 ? ? Unknown. N/A
Ooze 002.png Ooze 2 ? ? Unknown. N/A
Ooze 003.png Ooze 3 ? ? Unknown. N/A
Purple ring.png Purple Ring ? ? Unknown. N/A
Radar 001.png Radar ? ? Unknown. N/A
Ring of boomerang mastery 001.png Ring of Boomerang Mastery ? ? Unknown. N/A
Katana.png Katana Active Sword of Doom On use the player would dash and enemies they dashed through would take 50 damage Swordplay is forbidden, and only the most powerful or most ignorant individuals can get away with using any melee weaponry.

Angers the Jammed.

Item Behaviours

Unused behaviours for items that are present in the game.

Item Behaviour Sprites (if any) Behaviour Name Description
Lament Configurum.png
Lament Configurum
None Eyeball The code of the Lament Configurum contains an unused variable called 'ChanceToEyeball', permanently set to 0.001.

It is unknown what 'Eyeball' would do, but it is possible that the Lament Configurum was originally intended to send the player to the cryptic Eyeball room, similarly to the Teleporter Prototype.