Lead Maiden

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Lead Maiden
Lead Maiden.png XtG Lead Maiden.png
Statistics and Information
ETG Health:
1 O 2 A 3 4/R 5/6
60 80 78 100 96 111 126
XTG Health:
1 2 3 4 5
110 122.5 130 140 150
Ammonomicon Entry

Ammonomicon Lead Maiden.png

Daughter of Slaughter
Impenetrable when closed.

A torture device built by the Gundead, its interior is lined with small arms.

"Fear not the embrace of death, hunter!" - Frifledialogue.png Frifle

Lead Maidens are powerful enemies that appear in Enter the Gungeon and Exit the Gungeon.


Enter the Gungeon

Lead Maidens slowly hop towards the player, periodically opening their bodies to fire three rings of triangular bullets, which stick to walls. After sticking into walls, these bullets will all re-aim themselves towards the player, and launch off from the wall again. Upon death, Lead Maidens explode.

While their bodies are closed, Lead Maidens cannot take damage, even from status effects such as fire or poison. Player bullets that hit a closed Lead Maiden will ricochet off, similarly to sheltering Minelets. Bullets that bounce off a Lead Maiden cannot hurt the player.

Exit the Gungeon

Lead Maidens hop slowly around the elevator shaft, periodically opening their bodies to fire bullets outwards, which stick to walls. After sticking nto walls, these bullets will all re-aim themselves towards the player, and launch off from the wall again. While closed, Lead Maidens are immune to damage. Player bullets that hit a closed Lead Maiden will ricochet off, similarly to sheltering Minelets. Bullets that bounce off a Lead Maiden cannot hurt the player.

Walls which are visually moving, such as those in a moving elevator shaft, will not carry Lead Maiden bullets with them as they rocket upwards or downwards. In these instances, Lead Maiden bullets will remain static compared to the elevator itself.


  • Lead Maidens are a reference to an alleged medieval torture device known as the iron maiden. Iron maidens are sarcophagus shaped metal caskets lined on the inside with spikes, with the intention supposedly being to place a person inside and close the door, skewering them from all angles. Despite their popularity in literature and striking image, the use of iron maidens is widely considered to be a myth invented in the 19th century, and that no real iron maidens were ever actually used in medieval torture.
    • The phrase "its interior is lined with small arms" in the Lead Maidens Ammonomicon entry is a reference to the spikes which allegedly lined the inside of iron maidens. 'Small Arms' are a classification of firearm, namely those that are designed for use and transport by a single person.
  • The Ammonomicon quote "Daughter of Slaughter" is a reference to the song Bring Your Daughter... to the Slaughter by the band Iron Maiden.
  • Lead Maiden projectiles will penetrate through breakable decorative objects such as pots or barrels.
  • If a Lead Maiden is stunnedETG or frozen while it is open, it will not be able to close until the effect ends, and will remain vulnerable.
  • Using a blank to cancel a Lead Maiden's attack will cause it to close again immediately.
  • ETG Despite only visually opening from the front, Lead Maidens can be damaged from all sides while open.
  • ETG Lead Maiden projectiles will not stick to Tables.
  • ETG If the challenge modifier Final Attack.png Final Attack is active, the ring of bullets fired upon the death of a Lead Maiden will adopt the spiky appearance of its regular projectiles, but will not behave any differently.

See also