Unused and Cut Content/Enemies

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Icon Name Base Health Description Ammonomicon Entry
Spectre.png Spectre 17.5 Slowly floats towards the player, rapidly firing bullets. Periodically disappears and reappears. Periodically appears as three of itself moving with the player and firing rotating bullets at them. The developers have stated that this enemy was removed because it wasn't fun to fight against when paired with other enemies. Drifter

This vengeful Hollowpoint locks on to foes and launches a fearful barrage.

Human1.png Human2.png Human3.png Human4.png Robot's Past Humans 15

(All Types)

When one is killed, more spawn in waves. There are four types: pistol, shotgun, sniper, and rapid-fire. N/A
Black Skusket.png Black Skusket 45 A normal Skusket, but it doesn't shoot bullet skulls - it instead shoots a normal bullet at the player every few seconds. Possibly related to the undiscovered desert chamber mentioned in the Cactus’s Ammonomicon description. N/A
Bandana Bullet Kin.png Bullet Kin Fakery 15 A Bullet Kin that does nothing. Only killable with dodge rolls. N/A
Veteran Bullet Kin.png Veteran Bullet Kin Fakery 20 A Veteran Bullet Kin that does nothing. Only killable with dodge rolls. Corpses turn red. N/A
Bullet Kin.png Test Dummy 150,000,000 A Bullet Kin with very high health that does nothing. Likely used by the developers for testing. N/A
Muzzle Flare.png Unused Muzzle Flare 15.9 A Muzzle Flare that just repeats its attack animation over and over. N/A
Skusket Head.png Skusket Head 4 A tiny, fast skull that chases players, attempting to deal contact damage. N/A
Bullet Kin.png Friendly Bullet Kin 15 A Bullet Kin that attacks enemies. N/A
Dread Book ? A Bookllet-type enemy with unknown attacks. Klaatu Beretta Nikto

Once the Ammonomicon of a fallen Gungeoneer, this tome has been inked in gun grease and rebound in Gundead flesh.

Bullet Hornet ? An enemy with unknown attacks. Sting of Defeat

A gargantuan insect that has evolved a projectile sting.

Unfortunately, it can sting more than once before dying.

Snake Shooter ? An enemy with an unknown attack. based on the ammonomicon entry it might be the enemy that appears in the Ammoconda bossfight, however there is no proof to that. Sheds Shells

The spawn of the great Ammoconda, each Snakeshooter will shed its shells thousands of times before maturing.

Very few survive to adulthood.

Gurpy ? Harpy-like enemy that looks like the player. Familiar Face

A guardian of Bullet Hell. Will viciously attack any mortal being that passes to the Sixth Chamber.

Though few witnesses survive, it is known to wear the face of its prey.

Strike it when it alights!

LandMine.png Land Mine ? Unused enemy related to the Mine Flayer. Possibly an early version of the Mine Flayer’s claymores. N/A
Grim.png Grim ? Early version of the Gunreaper, referred to as 'Grim' by its sprites.

Can be seen in the unused Death Shrine, and the Pre-Alpha Pause Menu.

Grenade Rat.png Grenade Rat ? A Rat with a grenade strapped to its back. Presumably explosive.

Likely related to the Resourceful Rat, or the Resourceful Rat's Lair.

? Player Mimic ? Unimplemented type of Mimic that would have a chance to appear when a player is resurrected from a chest in co-op mode. A few seconds after being resurrected, the player would have control taken away from them, and their Gungeoneer would then attempt to attack their partner. N/A
Sword Rubber Bullet.png Sword Rubber Bullet 12 The original design of the Tazie (used during the pre-alpha), which was simply a red Rubber Kin with a sword strapped to its head. Behaved identically to the Tazie. N/A
Chameleon ? A strange chameleon enemy meant to spawn in the R&G Dept. Likely references the cut Jungle floor. Walks around firing wide, inconsistent spreads of fast-moving bullets. N/A
Blacksword Guard.png Blacksword Guard ? An unused enemy version of the unconscious Blacksword Guards found in the Hunter's Past. N/A


Icon Name Health Description Ammonomicon Entry
Bunker.png Bunker 800 Unused boss that is fully complete (has bosscard, attacks, etc.)

There is another version of this boss which is a giant mimic. The developers stated that this boss was cut because it simply wasn't fun to fight against in-game.

Forward Operating Base

This bunker's walls are several feet thick, and it is too dark to make out what is operating its turrets.

It seems like something is moving inside.

High Priest.png Boss Template 950 Unused boss that uses the default sprite (High Priest) and default attack (ring of bullets).

Most likely used for testing purposes.

High Priest.png Shopkeeper Boss 1000 Exactly the same as the Boss Template. N/A
High Priest.png Tsar Bomba ? Exactly the same as the Boss Template. The basis for Fuselier. N/A
Psycho Mantis.png Vampire Mantis 950 Unused boss with animations and a bosscard, but only uses the default attack. In Exit The Gungeon, it is revealed that this is the High Priest's original form before Kaliber chose them to be her avatar. Psychokinetic Soldier


Bullet Bishop.png Bullet Bishop 950 Unused boss with animations but no boss card. Only uses the default attack. Ex Cathedra

This blessed bullet speaks with the voice of Kaliber herself.

His aim is infallible, at least when firing from the pulpit.

Old Resourceful Rat Portrait.png Old Resourceful Rat ? An unused old version of the Resourceful Rat boss that would fire small yellow shots rapidly, run towards the player, and dash away from bullets. N/A
Western Bros.png Western Bros ? An unused boss trio that would possibly work like the Trigger Twins. They reference the movie The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in that the Western Bros' sprite names (Angel, Nomo, and Tuc) reference the names of the three main characters (Angel Eyes, No Name, and Tuco). N/A