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Type: Semiautomatic
Quality: B Quality Item.png
Max Ammo: Infinity.png
Reload Time: 1.0s
Damage: 14
Fire Rate: 0.20
Shot Speed: 26
Range: Infinity.png
Force: 10
Spread: 10
Unlock Method: Kill High Dragun as The Bullet
Ammonomicon Entry




  • 亵渎是唯一一把可以被其他角色得到的无限弹药初始枪。
  • 亵渎是唯一一把不显示弹药数的武器。
  • 子弹人不能丢下亵渎
  • 在任何商店中挥动亵渎,仍然会被视为开枪且会激怒Bello
  • 在使用子弹人的可选皮肤完成他的过去后,将解锁亵渎的一个可选皮肤。


  • 亵渎挥动时向前的后坐力可以被用来略微改变翻滚的方向,允许玩家在方向上达到更加精准的操作。
  • 亵渎挥动的碰撞箱略微超过了玩家的背后,因此玩家在向前挥动亵渎时可以击中距离玩家十分近的身后的敌人。
  • 亵渎的“装填”只在“装填”动画的最开始消除子弹,即使“亵渎”仍被举起在进行装填。
    • 在满血时双击装填会触发一个带有装填条的更长的装填时间,这会有更多的时间来推开附近的敌人和消除弹幕。每挥动一次,可以有一次这样做的机会。
    • 在“装填”时进入弹幕中不会消除弹幕
  • 在贴着非常薄的墙时,面向墙挥动亵渎可以让剑气穿过墙,不过只有对于竖直的墙才是这样。
  • 如果你挥动亵渎然后立刻翻滚,挥动产生的切口效果会与你一起移动,allowing you to slice through thicker walls of bullets or reach a farther away enemy.
  • 如果你在挥动亵渎后快速绕你的角色旋转鼠标,你的挥动可以击中你身边的所有东西。
    • 这允许你同时击中大量敌人或者同时消除你身边不同方向的弹幕。
  • A “guard flash” that hits nearly all enemies on screen regardless of distance or obstacles can be performed by swinging in the opposite direction of the enemies, then instantly double-tap “reloading” and quickly turning to face the enemies.
    • This makes Blasphemy essentially a more powerful Camera with slightly lower firerate, as the Camera only does 10 damage while Blasphemy does 14.
    • The guard flash also gains the benefits of the double-tap reload, pushing back enemies and destroying nearby bullets.
    • Guard flash can be performed with a normal reload, but it is very precise and difficult to do correctly.
    • In versions prior to v2.1.4, while using the carrot skin for Blasphemy, every sword swipe to the left functions as a guard flash without needing to perform one.


  • 亵渎的穿刺子弹效果无法被机器人触发, 因为他没有心之容器。
  • Synergy.png Friend to Gun and Bullet复制出的亵渎仍将发射剑气,而与玩家的生命无关,但是不会有挥动的动作。
  • 如果有Synergy.png Key Witness,亵渎在玩家满血时将在发射剑气的同时发射AKEY-47的子弹。
  • 如果玩家转变为Cormorant,亵渎双击装填的功能将被禁用,因为转变为Cormorant将取消装填时间。Also, Cormorant does not automatically reload Blasphemy's hidden 6 round magazine upon manually firing.
  • 伤害加成只影响满血发射的剑气,而不影响挥剑的伤害。
  • 射击速度的提升不改变亵渎挥动的速度以及以此为基础的剑气发射的频率。
  • 无论玩家是否满血,Bumbullets都能生成蜜蜂。
  • Advanced Gungeons & Draguns Update前,如果在挥动结束后立刻“装填”,亵渎可以被立刻再次挥动。
  • 子弹修正(例如Bouncy Bullets, Backup Gun)不影响挥动的颜色。它们只影响剑气。
  • Alpha Bullets只在双击装填后的第一发剑气起作用,而Omega Bullets只在双击装填后的第六发剑气起作用。
  • Hip Holster对亵渎的双击装填有效。
  • 即使玩家不是满血,Ring of Triggers仍将向各个方向发射剑气。
  • 战争齿轮能对亵渎起作用
    • 如果玩家一旦从战争齿轮得到有效的装填,亵渎就会拥有永久的伤害加成。
  • 如果玩家在挑战模式下因为高压力只有1/2血但是仍然满血,亵渎一样能发射剑气。
  • 亵渎在挑战模式中会触发Thermal Clips,但如果它被挥动超过六次时则不会。
  • 在挑战模式中,挥动亵渎不会使Gun Queue modifier循环至下一把枪。
  • With Crisis Stone, its sound effect will play after swinging 6 times at full health, but reloading will not grant invulnerability.
  • 挥动亵渎可以伤害Betrayer's Shield创造的盾,这样同样也可以破坏桌子。


  • 亵渎的近战攻击可以在加农炎魔和至高主教消失时打到他们。对于加农炎魔这只能造成伤害无法将其击杀,但可以杀死至高主教。
  • Blasphemy excels in defeating enemies that use bullet chains or stationary bullets, like the Kill Pillars or the Revolvenant.
  • Killithid’s bullet portals can be destroyed with Blasphemy.
  • Executioners’ bullet chains can be destroyed to ensure they do not hinder you.
  • Cardinals’ homing bullets can be destroyed so that they are less of an annoyance.
  • Gunjurers can be hit mid-teleport with Blasphemy.
  • It is useful to hit Shotgun Kin again during their exploding death animation to destroy their death bullets.
  • Creeches’ bouncing bullets can all be destroyed by slicing the Creech as it is about to launch its attack.
  • Shotgrubs’ bullets can be destroyed so they do not split.
  • Professionals’ bullets can be destroyed so they do not split.
  • Misfire Beast's whips cannot be destroyed with Blasphemy unless they are being fired.
  • Skuskets’ bullet lines and homing skulls can be destroyed with Blasphemy to render them harmless.
  • Gigis’ bullet eggs can be destroyed to prevent them from “hatching” into clouds of bullets.
  • The blank-like effect created by the Bombshee does not destroy slices.
  • Any enemy that prepares bullets before firing them, like Bookllets, can have them easily destroyed by Blasphemy before they can launch.
  • Wizbangs’ projections can be destroyed with Blasphemy.
  • Lore Gunjurers’ bullet familiars can be destroyed with Blasphemy to negate all Lore Gunjurer’s power.
  • It is safe to destroy Gunzookie or Gunzockie bubbles with Blasphemy’s slice, as this will destroy the bubble and the bullet within.
  • Chain Gunners’ chain can be destroyed with Blasphemy, but it will return after a full rotation.
  • Revolvenants’ arms can be destroyed with Blasphemy to stop them from attacking for a while.
  • Gunreapers’ homing bullets can be destroyed with Blasphemy to make them less of an annoyance.
  • Phaser Spiders’ web shots can all be destroyed with one slice if sliced at the base as they are fired.
  • Shelletons’ laser attack can be canceled by hitting them with Blasphemy mid-attack.
  • Fuselier’s lines of fire bullets and large cannonball bullet can be destroyed with Blasphemy.
  • Blockner’s shields can be destroyed to give more dodging room to the player.
  • The Beholster’s Beadie spawns through a projectile thrown by the Beholster. This projectile can be destroyed with Blasphemy to prevent the Beadie from spawning.
  • Hitting the Beholster as it does its laser attack will cancel the attack, as the slice hits the base of the laser (which is recognized as a bullet by the game) and thereby destroys it.
  • Blasphemy can be used to destroy Mine Flayer’s mines as he is throwing them.
  • Treadnaught’s special attacks can be destroyed with Blasphemy to render them ineffective.
  • Attacks that are lines or walls of bullets like High Dragun's phase 2 attack are made easier with Blasphemy.
  • Most attacks that attempt to restrict dodging area can be negated with Blasphemy.
  • The High Dragun's RPG rocket can be destroyed with Blasphemy, and if you are standing in front of it, you will not be hit by the bullets as they only go outward in a forward-facing semicircle.
    • The explosion from the rocket cannot hurt you.
  • The Advanced Dragun's grenades can also be destroyed with Blasphemy.
  • The knives the Dragun throws can be destroyed mid-throw with one slice.
  • Resourceful Rat’s mousetraps can be destroyed as he throws them as long as they are hit before they land.
  • Resourceful Rat’s cheese summoning attack can be halved by destroying the full cheese once it has all reached him.
  • Resourceful Rat’s crosshair attack can be negated by destroying the giant bullet as it lands.
  • Resourceful Rat's lasers can be negated by slicing the base of the lasers.
  • Door Lord's laser attack can be stopped by slicing the base of the laser.


  • UnusedSynergy.png Unused: Chickensword - If the player has Chicken Flute, it causes an unknown effect. Removed because it contains a starting weapon.
  • 剑能发射剑气的能力来源于经典的塞尔达传说。The brown coloration from The Bullet's past may be referring to the wooden sword, the first sword in the original Legend of Zelda.
  • 不像其他的近战枪比如猎人和格斗佩剑,亵渎不会获得诅咒,也许这是因为亵渎是一把初始枪。
  • Contrary to some rumors, Blasphemy does not give curse when picked up by characters other than The Bullet.
  • Supply Drop Update之前的版本,挥剑可以揭示秘密房间。
  • 亵渎的名称和描述是指游戏以Gungeon为名,本不应出现近战武器。
  • The Bullet’s Super attack during the Resourceful Rat’s third phase is them using Blasphemy


See also