Modding/Once More Into The Breach/Items

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The following is a list of all Items, both passive and active, in the mod Once More Into The Breach.

Items are listed in the order they appear in the Ammonimicon. To view in alphabetical order, sort the table via the names collumn.

Passive Items

Icon Name Quote Quality Effect
Egg Salad.png
Egg Salad Tastes Fishy. Why. D Quality Item.png Grants a heart container.
OMITB Prima Bean.png
Prima Bean Magic? 1S Quality Item.png Grants three heart containers.
OMITB Shade Heart.png
Shade Heart Heart of Darkness N/A Grants the ability to float over pits, status effect immunity, and all of the stat-modifiers of the Shade character, but restricts the player to one hit of health.

Starting item of the Shade.

OMITB Bashing Bullets.png
Bashing Bullets Punch Out D Quality Item.png +1000% bullet knockback.
OMITB Titan Bullets.png
Titan Bullets Absolute Unit D Quality Item.png +1000% bullet size. +5% Damage. 30% chance to stun enemies on hit.
OMITB Mistake Bullets.png
Mistake Bullets Your Bullets Suck! D Quality Item.png +30% Reload Speed. +20% Firerate. Knockback is increased by 300%, but in the wrong direction, with enemies being pulled towards the player.

Gives 1 Junk and 1 Glass Guon Stone when picked up.

OMITB 50Cal Rounds.png
50. Cal Rounds Randy's Favourite C Quality Item.png +16% Damage and +25% Shot Speed.
OMITB Engraved Bullets.png
Engraved Bullets Bullet with your name on it N/A Granted by the Unengraved Bullets active item. Allows the player to one-shot any enemy of the type selected by using Unengraved Bullets.
OMITB Hard Reload Bullets.png
Hard Reload Bullets Slippery Buggers C Quality Item.png +30% Damage. Increases the time it takes to reload by 50%.
OMITB Nitro Bullets.png
Nitro Bullets Badda Bing... C Quality Item.png 50% chance for enemies to explode when killed. These explosions can hurt the player.
OMITB Supersonic Shots.png
Supersonic Shots Nyoom A Quality Item.png +1000% player bullet speed.
OMITB Glass Rounds.png
Glass Rounds Right Through You C Quality Item.png Increases damage by 5% for every Glass Guon Stone held. Grants one Glass Guon Stone upon initial collection.
OMITB Junkllets.png
Junkllets Hunky Junk C Quality Item.png Increases damage by 5% for every piece of Junk held.
OMITB Bloodthirsty Bullets.png
Bloodthirsty Bullets Born In The Fray B Quality Item.png Upon shooting an enemy there is a 60% chance to deal massive bonus damage to it. If this does not happen, however, the enemy will become Jammed.

Does not affect bosses, or enemies that are already Jammed.

Bonus damage amount is equal to 30 times the player's Damage stat.

+45% Damage in All-Jammed Mode.

OMITB Cleansing Rounds.png
Cleansing Rounds Undo What Is Done B Quality Item.png 10% chance for Jammed enemies to become unjammed when shot.
OMITB Hallowed Rounds.png
Hallowed Bullets Bullet Holeys D Quality Item.png +10% bonus damage against Jammed enemies.

Jammed bullets that touch player bullets mid-air will become unjammed.

OMITB Promethean Bullets.png
Promethean Bullets Forethought A Quality Item.png +50% damage to enemies that are above 50% HP.
OMITB Epimethean Bullets.png
Epimethean Bullets Afterthought B Quality Item.png +50% damage to enemies that are below 50% HP.
OMITB Rando Rounds.png
Rando Rounds Something Up C Quality Item.png Picks two random stats from the list of; Accuracy, Reload Speed, Damage, Bullet Size, Bullet Speed, or Fire Rate, and increases them both by 15%.
Omitb hematic rounds.png
Hematic Rounds Blood... So Much Blood... C Quality Item.png Grants a +10% damage increase every time the owner takes damage. Resets every room.
OMITB Full Armour Jacket.png
Full Armour Jacket Live n' Lerm B Quality Item.png Increases damage by 6% for every piece of armour held.

Shade: Increases the damage gained by picking up armour from +2.5% to 5%.

OMITB Mirror Bullets.png
Mirror Bullets Upon Further Reflection... 1S Quality Item.png Player bullets treat enemy bullets as solid barriers, and will collide with them. Enemy bullets hit by player bullets will be reflected at their owners.

+3 Curse.

OMITB Crowded Clips.png
Crowded Clips More The Merrier A Quality Item.png +1% damage and firerate but -1% Accuracy for every passive item or gun held.
OMITB Bashful Shot.png
Bashful Shot Travel Light 1S Quality Item.png +100% damage and firerate. This bonus is decreased by 3% for every passive item or gun held.
OMITB 1Shot.png
1 Shot +1 to Everything 1S Quality Item.png Increases almost every stat by 1. For some stats, this results in a 100% increase (like damage) whereas for others (like speed, where the default is 7) an increase of 1 is relatively small.

Shop prices and enemy bullet speed are instead increased by 0.1.

OMITB Bullet Bullets.png
Bullet Bullets Score! D Quality Item.png If a player bullet passes overtop of an enemy bullet mid-air, then a single bullet will be automatically reloaded into the player's clip.
OMITB AntimatterBullets.png
Antimatter Bullets Prime Antimaterial A Quality Item.png If a player bullet passes overtop of an enemy bullet mid air, there is a 30% chance that a small explosion will occur at the point of intersection. This explosion does not destroy bullets or harm the player.
OMITB Spectre Bullets.png
Spectre Bullets SpoOOOooOOoky! B Quality Item.png Bullets have a 40% chance to apply fear to enemies for 7 seconds.
OMITB Tabullets.png
Tabullets Surface Level C Quality Item.png Player bullets phase through tables without damaging them.

Bullets gain +20% damage for every table they pass through.

Omitb bombardier shells.png
Bombardier Shells Heavy Ammunition A Quality Item.png x2 Damage multiplier and 1.3x Bullet Size Multiplier.

Firing a gun will knock the player back with recoil. Higher damage projectiles and guns that shoot more projectiles at once cause more recoil.

7% chance for player projectiles to explode upon landing.

OMITB Gilded Lead.png
Gilded Lead Pays Off B Quality Item.png Upon firing a bullet, there is a 10% chance for Gilded Lead to consume one casing and triple the damage of the projectile. If this bullet hits an enemy, the consumed money will be dropped again.

Affected bullets are tinted yellow.

OMITB Demoter Bullets.png
Demoter Bullets You're Fired! C Quality Item.png Upon shooting an enemy, there is a 30% chance that the enemy will be 'demoted' to a lesser form of the same class of enemy. (E.g.: Cardinals may turn into Bullet Kin, Blue Shotgun Kin may become Red Shotgun Kin, and Gunjurers may become Apprentice Gunjurers).

Demoted keep the same health percentage they had pre-demotion.

OMITB Voodoollets.png
Voodoollets Doll-ay, Oh Oh, We Come Doll-day! A Quality Item.png When any enemy takes damage, another random enemy in the room will take equal damage.

Does not work if there is only one enemy in the room, and cannot trigger itself with its own damage.

OMITB Tracer Rounds.png
Tracer Rounds Follow The Red Line D Quality Item.png 10% chance for player bullets to leave a trail of fire on the ground as they travel.
OMITB Endless Bullets.png
Endless Bullets And They Don't Stop Comin' C Quality Item.png Grants all guns near infinite range.
OMITB Hellfire Rounds.png
Hellfire Rounds Lead and Brimstone 1S Quality Item.png Grants a damage buff that increases the lower the player is in the Gungeon.
Floor Buff %
Keep of the Lead Lord 8.3%
Oubliette 12.4%
Gungeon Proper 16.6%
Abbey of the True Gun 20.7%
Black Powder Mine 24.9%
Rat Lair 29%
Hollow 33.2%
R&G Dept 37.3%
Forge 41.3%
Bullet Hell 50%

If the player enters a floor not listed on this table (for example, modded floors) the percentage of the damage increase will be calculated at the percentage used last floor plus an extra 8.3%.

Omitb birdshot.png
Birdshot Angry B Quality Item.png +40% damage to flying enemies.
Omitb unpredictabullets.png
Unpredictabullets Who? What? When? Where? B Quality Item.png Randomly alters projectile damage, range, speed, knockback, and size by anywhere between -90% and +100%.
Omitb warp bullets.png
Warp Bullets Bullets Teleport C Quality Item.png Bullets have a 20% chance to teleport to enemies.
Omitb bullets with guns.png
Bullets With Guns Bullets From Bullets B Quality Item.png -40% Shot Speed, -15% Damage.

Projectiles will periodically shoot smaller 4-damage projectiles at nearby enemies. With Beam weapons, smaller 4-damage projectiles will periodically emerge at random points along the length of the beam, and fire at enemies.

These smaller projectiles are affected by other projectile modifiers (other than Bullets With Guns itself).

Omitb laser bullets.png
Laser Bullets Hybrid B Quality Item.png Player bullets have a chance to have their speed reduced by 80%. Slowed bullets will fire four red lasers in either a + or x pattern that move with them as they travel. These beams have a DPS of 20 and are affected by other projectile modifiers.
OMITB Wooden Bullets.png
Wooden Bullets Staple Material D Quality Item.png Increases knockback, firerate, reload speed, damage, player bullet size, player bullet speed, range, and accuracy by 5%.
OMITB Knightly Bullets.png
Knightly Bullets Charthurian C Quality Item.png +30% Damage outside of boss rooms. -20% damage when within a boss room.

Cannot be dropped inside Boss Rooms, or any room adjacent to a Boss Room.

Omitb empty rounds.png
Empty Rounds Less is More A Quality Item.png Increases damage based on the ammo emptiness of each gun in the inventory, according to the following formula.
bulletDamage * (((totalMaxAmmo - totalRemainingAmmo) / totalMaxAmmo) + 1)
Omitb longsword shot.png
Longsword Shot Foreign Technology B Quality Item.png Player projectiles have a chance to have their speed reduced by 50%. These projectiles will swing a sword-like slash in front of themselves every 0.3 seconds, and gain piercing.

This slash applies all status effects that the projectile otherwise would, and scales with the projectile's damage.

Omitb drill bullets.png
Drill Bullets Drrrrrrrrr A Quality Item.png Projectiles gain piercing, and will gain +25% damage for every enemy they pierce through.
Omitb foam darts.png
Foam Darts Or Nothing D Quality Item.png +45% Projectile Knockback. Player projectiles will soak up ground-goops they fly overtop of, and will not only remove them but will absorb their status effects. (E.g.: Shooting over Poison will make the bullet poisonous).
Omitb batter bullets.png
Batter Bullets Up C Quality Item.png Gives all bullets the effect of Casey. Killed enemies get launched with great velocity, and are capable of smacking into other enemies for extra damage.
Omitb electrum rounds.png
Electrum Rounds Zip Zop Zap 1S Quality Item.png +70% Player Projectile Speed. Player projectiles pierce.

Projectiles connect back to the player via an electric link. This electric link deals continual damage to enemies it overlaps.

Omitb breaching rounds.png
Breaching Rounds Breach and Clear C Quality Item.png Gives a x3.5 damage multiplier upon entering combat.

This multiplier will reduce linearly back down to x1 over the course of 7.5 seconds.

Magnet Mysterious Magic D Quality Item.png x3 Projectile Knockback.

Projectiles suck enemies towards them.

Omitb eargesplitten loudenboomers.png
Eargesplitten Loudenboomers Big Cat B Quality Item.png +15% Damage. +25% Player Bullet Speed.

Firing a gun pushes all enemies away from the gun's barrel. The force of the push is dependent on the gun's firerate, with slower firing guns packing more of a punch. Firing a gun also has a chance to stun enemies close to the barrel, with the chance increasing the closer the enemy is, and the slower the gun fires.

Omitb the shell.png
The Shell The First B Quality Item.png Grants a 5% damage boost for each projectile the player's current gun fires at once (e.g.: a gun that fires 2 projectiles at once grants a 10% damage increase while held).
OMITB Snail Bullets.png
Snail Bullets Slow as Slugs A Quality Item.png 80% chance to slow enemies on hit. Reduces player bullet speed by 40%.
Omitb lockdown bullets.png
Lockdown Bullets Clapped In Irons C Quality Item.png Chance for bullets to apply the lockdown status effect enemies, preventing them from moving in any way for four seconds.
Omitb pestiferous lead.png
Pestiferous Lead The Fester Pours A Quality Item.png Chance for bullets to apply the Plague status effect to enemies, a contagious poison which quickly spreads throughout enemy ranks.
Omitb shrinkshot.png
Shrinkshot A Person's A Person B Quality Item.png Bullets have a chance to be orange in colour, and slightly smaller. These orange bullets shrink enemies they hit for 10 seconds. Shrunken enemies can be stepped on or dodge rolled into to instantly kill them, and no longer deal contact damage.
Omitb splattershot.png
Splattershot SPLAT B Quality Item.png After travelling for a certain distance, projectiles will split into three evenly spaced copies. Split copies have -33% damage and -20% size, but all other stats and effects remain the same.
Omitb backwards bullets.png
Backwards Bullets gnaB gnaB ytoohS C Quality Item.png x2 Player Damage Multiplier, and 1.5x Player Accuracy Multiplier.

All projectiles travel opposite to the direction fired, shooting backwards.

Omitb cross bullets.png
Cross Bullets Quad Shot A Quality Item.png Upon firing a bullet, there is a 25% chance for three more bullets to be fired in a cross formation relative to the original. (E.g.: One is angled 90 degrees from the original, one is angled 180 degrees from the original, and one is angled 270 degrees from the original.)
Omitb shade shot.png
Shade Shot Astral Disentanglement 1S Quality Item.png Grants the effect of Shadow Bullets with every shot.
OMITB Miners Bullets.png
Miners Bullets So we back in the mine D Quality Item.png Allows any cube-shaped enemy to be insta-killed.
List of Valid Enemies
  • Mountain Cube
  • Lead Cube
  • Flesh Cube
  • Cubulon
  • Cubulead
OMITB Antimagic Rounds.png
Antimagic Rounds Casting Time: 1 Action B Quality Item.png Allows any magical or wizard-themed enemy to be insta-killed.
List of Valid Enemies
  • Gunjurer
  • Apprentice Gunjurer
  • High Gunjurer
  • Lore Gunjurer
  • Bookllet
  • Green Bookllet
  • Blue Bookllet
  • Gunsinger
  • Aged Gunsinger
  • Jammomancer
  • Jamerlengo
  • Ammomancer
  • Gun Fairy
  • Necronomicon (R&G Dept)
  • Tablet (R&G Dept)

Additionally prevents Gunjurers from being able to catch player bullets.

OMITB Alkali Bullets.png
Alkali Bullets Violent Reaction A Quality Item.png Allows any blobulonian enemy to be insta-killed. This includes the Blobulord.
List of Valid Enemies
  • Blobulon
  • Blobuloid
  • Blobulin
  • Poisbulon
  • Poisbuloid
  • Poisbulin
  • Blizzbulon
  • Leadbulon
  • Bloodbulon
  • Cubulon
  • Chancebulon
  • Cubulead
  • Poopulon
  • Blobulord
OMITB Shutdown Shells.png
Shutdown Shells No, shut them all down! B Quality Item.png Allows any shotgun kin enemy to be insta-killed.
List of Valid Enemies
  • Red Shotgun Kin
  • Blue Shotgun Kin
  • Veteran Shotgun Kin
  • Mutant Shotgun Kin
  • Executioner
  • Ashen Shotgun Kin
  • Shotgrub
  • Creech
  • Shotgat
  • Western Shotgun Kin (R&G Dept)
  • Pirate Shotgun Kin (R&G Dept)
OMITB ERROR Shells.png
ERROR Shells What do you mean 74 errors!? A Quality Item.png Randomly picks 10 enemy types, and allows the player to insta-kill them for the rest of the run. Cannot select bosses, unused enemies, incredibly low health enemies like Blobulins, passive creatures, or enemies from the R&G Dept.

Chosen enemies are displayed in a text bubble popup when the item is picked up, and enemies that can be insta-killed are marked by a missing texture symbol over their heads.

OMITB Osteoporosis Bullets.png
Osteoporosis Bullets Bad To The Bone A Quality Item.png Allows any skeletal enemy to be insta-killed.
List of Valid Enemies
  • Skullet
  • Skullmet
  • Skusket
  • Shelleton
  • Revolvenant

Additionally causes the player to deal massively increased damage to the Cannonbalrog and the Lich.

OMITB Aimbot.png
Aimbot Virtual Assistant A Quality Item.png +1000% Accuracy.
OMITB Iron Sights.png
Iron Sights Sturdy and Standard D Quality Item.png +40% Accuracy. Grants a key upon initial collection.
OMITB Sanctified Oil.png
Sanctified Oil Soyled It A Quality Item.png +1000% Rate of fire. +1400% Ammo Capacity. +900% Weapon Charge Speed. +900% Reload Speed.

-80% damage.

Reloads the player's clip as they fire, preventing the need to ever reload.

Gives all guns full ammo when picked up. Causes the player's bullets to pierce through enemies with no HP (Ie: those that are playing their death animations).

OMITB Num1 Boss Mug.png
#1 Boss Mug You're the boss now C Quality Item.png +25% damage to bosses.
OMITB Libram of the Chambers.png
Libram of The Chambers Behold the Boss Eater! C Quality Item.png Removes the health given by Master Rounds.

Grants +15% damage for every Master Round held.

OMITB Glass God.png
Glass God Fragile Divinity 1S Quality Item.png Grants the following stat upgrades;
  • +5 Coolness
  • +5 Active Item Slots
  • +50% Damage
  • +50% Reload Speed
  • +20% Movement Speed
  • +50% Ammo Capacity
  • +50% Accuracy
  • +50% Player Bullet Speed

Upon the player taking damage, Glass God will be destroyed permanently, losing all of its stat upgrades. Grants 5 Glass Guon Stones when destroyed.

OMITB Chaos Ruby.png
Chaos Ruby (Un)Control D Quality Item.png Picks a random stat and increases it by 20%.

If Health or Coolness are selected, they will instead increase by 1.

Cannot increase curse.

Omitb blobulonrage.png
Blobulon Rage Long Live The Empire N/A +20% Damage.

Possible Mastery Reward for the Oubliette.

OMITB Overpriced Headband.png
Overpriced Headband Ultimate C Quality Item.png Increases Coolness by 1 for every 25 casings the player has.
OMITB Gunslinger Emblem.png
Gunslinger Emblem Class Divide B Quality Item.png Increases Range, Damage, Reload Speed, and Fire Rate by 10%.
OMITB Mobius Clip.png
Mobius Clip The Power of Infinity C Quality Item.png Triples the damage of infinite ammo weapons. Does not work on weapons that are A Quality Item.png or 1S Quality Item.png tier.
Omitb jaws of defeat.png
Jaws of Defeat Press To See Graveyard 1S Quality Item.png +3 Curse.

Increases damage and firerate by 0.5% for every death on the current save file.

Maxxes out at +500% Damage and Firerate on a save file with 1000 or more deaths.

Omitb iridiumsnakemilk.png
Iridium Snake Milk All Speed Up A Quality Item.png +25% Player Shot Speed, +25% Reload Speed, +25% Rate of Fire, +25% Charge Speed, and +2 Movement Speed.
Omitb starfruit.png
Starfruit Like a Dream 1S Quality Item.png +15% Player Shot Speed, +15% Range, +15% Reload Speed, +15% Rate of Fire, +15% Ammo Capacity, +15% Damage, +15% Accuracy
Omitb armour bandage.png
Armour Bandage Hurtful Heals D Quality Item.png Losing a piece of armour heals half a heart of health.

Gives a piece of armour upon pickup.

OMITB Golden Armour.png
Golden Armour You Can't Take it With You D Quality Item.png If the player takes damage that would otherwise kill them, there is a chance that this damage will be negated and the player will instead lose all of their Money.png. The chance for this effect to activate is equal to the amount of Money.png held. At 100 or more Money.png, the effect is guaranteed.

Grants 1 armour upon initial collection.

OMITB Meat Shield.png
Meat Shield Self Sacrifice D Quality Item.png Hearts will take damage before armour. Grants 2 armour and heals for one heart upon initial collection.
OMITB Power Armour.png
Power Armour Power Fantasy A Quality Item.png Grants 8 pieces of armour on initial collection. Cannot be dropped.
OMITB Armoured Armour.png
Armoured Armour Why ARE they shields? B Quality Item.png 50% chance to double the amount of armour given by armour pickups.
OMITB Loose Change.png
Loose Change Cash Money D Quality Item.png Gives 10 Money.png upon initial collection.

Gives Money.png every time a new floor is entered, starting at 20Money.png and increasing by 10Money.png for every floor visited previously.

Lump of space metal 010.png
Lump of Space Metal Mined Fresh To You A Quality Item.png On initial pickup, grants 5 armour, 50Money.png, 3 Keys, 1 Blank, and 4 Glass Guon Stones.

Grants an additional blank every floor.

Spare Blank +1 to Blank D Quality Item.png Grants 1 blank upon initial collection.

Grants an additional blank every floor.

Omitb grim blanks.png
Grim Blanks Bullets Die With You D Quality Item.png Killing an enemy will destroy all bullets on screen belonging to that enemy.
Blank Personality.png
Blank Stare Unreadable C Quality Item.png 40% chance to gain a bonus blank upon purchasing an item.
Omitb blombk.png
Blombk Boomer Blanks C Quality Item.png Explosions trigger mini-blank effects at their position. This includes explosions created by the player (such as the RPG or C4) as well as explosions created by enemies (such as Pinheads).
Omitb blankh.png
Blankh My Body Is A Temple A Quality Item.png Pressing the button to use a blank with no blanks left will instead remove half a heart of health from the player and trigger a blank anyways. This does NOT count as taking damage, and as such will not trigger on-hit items or prevent Master Rounds from appearing.

Hearts are removed first. If no hearts are available to remove, Armour will be taken instead (Armour will always be taken for the Robot).

Attempting to trigger the Blankh when one hit from death will do nothing.

Shade: As the Shade, the Blankh will instead consume 15Money.png and trigger a blank. If the Shade has less than 15Money.png nothing will happen.

OMITB Blank Key.png
Blank Key Implosive Openings C Quality Item.png Spending a key triggers a blank effect. This includes using keys to open chests, spending them at Flynt's shop, or using them in an item that consumes keys.
Spare Key Important to Have B Quality Item.png Grants a free key at the start of every floor.
OMITB Keychain.png
Keychain Chain Reaction B Quality Item.png Has a 25% chance to double collected Key pickups.

Has a 10% chance to double collected Rat Keys.

OMITB Key Bulwark.png
Key Bulwark Keyfensive Maneuver B Quality Item.png Each time a new floor is entered, the player loses all of their keys. For every key lost the player gains a piece of armour, and a permanent +5% damage buff.
OMITB Keybullet Effigy.png
Keybullet Effigy Aimgels on High D Quality Item.png Keybullet Kin drop an extra key when killed.

Chance Kin will drop a bonus key in addition to their normal loot.

1.5% chance to spawn a bonus Keybullet Kin in every room entered.

OMITB Frost Key.png
Frost Key Cold Open B Quality Item.png Increases Coolness by 1 for every held key.
Omitb cursed tumbler.png
Cursed Tumbler What's In The Box? B Quality Item.png +1 Curse. Grants a chance for Chests to become Jammed! This chance increases with the player's current curse level.

Jammed Chests drop 10-20Money.png when opened, and have chances for bonus loot. See the Jammed Chest section on this page for more details.

Curse Amount Jammed Chest Chance
0 25%
1 25%
2 30%
3 35%
4 40%
5 50%
6 60%
7 70%
8 80%
9 90%
10+ 100%

If obtained in All-Jammed mode, these chances stack additively with the existing Jammed Chest chances.

OMITB Bloody Ammo.png
Bloody Ammo Lead Vessel B Quality Item.png Picking up an ammo box heals the player for half a heart.

Picking up an ammo box as the Robot grants a piece of armour instead.

OMITB Menger Ammo Box.png
Menger Ammo Box Fractal Replenishment B Quality Item.png All ammo boxes, regardless of type, will fully refill the player's held gun, and restore 20% of the ammo of non-held guns as well.
Omitb ammo trap.png
Ammo Trap Clickity Clack B Quality Item.png The Resourceful Rat will no longer steal Ammo pickups. If the Rat steals an item, he will drop an Ammo pickup before leaving.
OMITB Maiden Shaped Box.png
Maiden-Shaped Box Singlehandedly Ruining This Game B Quality Item.png Allows for the instant killing of Lead Maidens. Killed Lead Maidens will drop items.

+1 Curse.

OMITB Mutagen.png
Mutagen Rampant Mutation C Quality Item.png Heals a full heart upon killing a boss. Gives the Robot 1 armour upon killing a boss.
OMITB Forsaken Heart.png
Forsaken Heart And lo, it shall embroil within B Quality Item.png Grants a heart container for every 2.5 curse the player has.

+1 Curse.

OMITB Heart of Gold.png
Heart of Gold Red Gold C Quality Item.png Gives 10Money.png upon taking damage.
OMITB Gooey Heart.png
Gooey Heart Squelchy N/A 5% chance to heal the player for half a heart upon killing any blobulonian enemy. Every tier of blob is counted as valid, and as such a single Blobulon may hypothetically heal multiple times as it splits.

Possible Mastery Reward for the Oubliette.

OMITB Exalted Heart.png
Exalted Heart Praise Be Kaliber N/A Grants a heart container. Possible Mastery Reward for the Abbey of the True Gun.
OMITB Cheese Heart.png
Cheese Heart Eat Your Heart Out C Quality Item.png Creates a large, long-lasting pool of cheese around the player upon taking damage.
Omitb tin heart.png
Tin Heart If I Only Had A Heart B Quality Item.png Gives 1 empty heart container. If the player takes fatal damage, they will instead have the damage negated, and the following effects will trigger;
  • The player's max HP will be reduced by 1 container.
  • A Blank effect will trigger.
  • The Player will gain a Potion of Lead Skin shield for 7 seconds.

Robot / Shade: 25% chance to negate damage. If Damage is negated, trigger the blank and lead skin shield from the normal effect.

Omitb barrel chamber.png
Barrel Chamber Wooden Shield D Quality Item.png Reloading an empty clip creates a circle of generic barrels around the player. These barrels do not inhibit and are not damaged by the player, or the players bullets, but will still block enemy projectiles.
OMITB Glass Chamber.png
Glass Chamber Seeload C Quality Item.png Increases reload speed by 10% for every Glass Guon Stone held.

Grants a Glass Guon Stone upon initial pickup.

OMITB Flame Chamber.png
Flame Chamber Hotshot D Quality Item.png Reloading an empty clip sets all nearby enemies on fire.
OMITB Nitroglycylinder.png
Nitroglycylinder Reloader 'sploder D Quality Item.png Reloading will cause a small explosion to go off at the player's position. Does not harm the player.
OMITB Springloaded Chamber.png
Springloaded Chamber Marvellous Mechanism B Quality Item.png +20% Reload Speed.

Increases damage by 30% while the currently held gun's clip is more than 50% full.

Decreases damage by 20% while the currently held gun's clip is less than 50% full.

Omitb witheringchamber.png
Withering Chamber Decay B Quality Item.png +0.5% Damage for each bullet of maximum ammo the current gun is able to hold. (E.g.: A gun with 100 max ammo gains +50% damage).

Taking damage reduces the maximum ammo of the currently held gun to its current ammo (E.g.: Taking damage with a Magnum that only has 23 shots left will reduce it's max ammo to 23).

+25% damage to infinite ammo guns. Cannot lower the max ammo of infinite ammo guns.

Omitb heavy chamber.png
Heavy Chamber Trade-Off B Quality Item.png Doubles the player's clip size but also doubles the time it takes to reload.
Omitb cyclopean cylinder.png
Cyclopean Cylinder Make It Count B Quality Item.png Reduces the clip size of all guns to 1.

Increases the damage of all guns by 25% for every shot that was removed from the magazine.

If a gun takes less than a second to reload, the final damage multiplier will be multiplied by its reload time. IE: Guns that take 0.5 seconds to reload will only gain 50% of the damage bonus.

Does not affect beam weapons.

OMITB Table Tech Table.png
Table Tech Table Flip Recursion C Quality Item.png Has a 50% chance to spawn a smaller folding table nearby when the player flips a table. This folding table can also trigger the table tech.
OMITB Table Tech Speed.png
Table Tech Speed Flip Acceleration D Quality Item.png +2 Movement Speed for 7 seconds after flipping a table. Stacks with each table flipped.
OMITB Table Tech Invulnerability.png
Table Tech Invulnerability Flip Immunity D Quality Item.png Grants invulnerable lead skin for 1.5 seconds after flipping a table. Bullets that hit the player in this state will deal no damage, and will be reflected back at their owners.
OMITB Table Tech Ammo.png
Table Tech Ammo Flip Replenishment C Quality Item.png Restores 1-4 ammo to the player's currently held gun when a table is flipped. Causes all other tables in the room to automatically flip, similarly to Table Tech Money.
OMITB Table Tech Guon.png
Table Tech Guon Spinflip C Quality Item.png Grants a Wood Guon Stone for 20 seconds after flipping a table.
Omitb unstable tech.png
Uns-Table Tech Flip Chaos C Quality Item.png Flipping a table triggers one of the following effects, chosen at random;
  • Spawns a Folding Table nearby
  • Causes the table to explode (cannot harm the player)
  • Spawns a large pool of fire around the table
  • Spawns a large pool of poison around the table
  • Spawns a large pool of pink creek around the table, that charms enemies who stand on it
  • Spawns a large pool of cheese around the table
  • Spawns 5-9Money.png
  • Triggers a blank effect at the table's position
  • Triggers a mini-blank effect at the table's position
  • Charms every enemy in the room
  • Freezes every enemy in the room
  • Slows every enemy in the room
  • Knocks back all enemies in the room from the table's position with great force
  • Spawns a Black Hole at the table's position
  • Restores 5-25 ammo to the player's current gun
  • Freezes time for five seconds
  • Causes the table to fly off as an explosive projectile, like Table Tech Rocket
  • Spawns 1-5Hegemony Credit.png
  • Spawns a permanently friendly Bullet Kin for the rest of the room
  • Spawns 1-5 permanently charmed Bullats
  • Sets all enemies in the room on fire
  • Fires 15 projectiles in a radial blast from the table's position. These bullets do 8 damage, bounce, and do 12 damage after bouncing
  • Spawns an RC Rocket projectile
  • Gives the player a Potion of Lead Skin shield for seven seconds
  • Slows down all enemy bullets for a short time
  • Enrages the player, granting them double damage for four seconds
Omitb rectangularmirror.png
Rectangular Mirror Table Reflection C Quality Item.png Flipped tables will reflect enemy bullets. Flipped tables no longer take damage from enemy bullets, and instead break automatically 20 seconds after being flipped.
OMITB Wood Guon Stone.png
Wood Guon Stone Fleeting Protection N/A Orbits the player, blocking enemy shots on contact. Is destroyed after 20 seconds of existence.

Only obtainable via Table Tech Guon.

OMITB Yellow Guon.png
Yellow Guon Stone Yellowstone C Quality Item.png Orbits the player, blocking enemy shots on contact. Grants Lead Skin for 1 second upon killing an enemy. Bullets that hit the player in this state will deal no damage, and will be reflected back at their owners.
OMITB Grey Guon Stone.png
Grey Guon Stone Vengeful Rock C Quality Item.png Orbits the player, blocking enemy shots on contact. If the owner of the stone takes damage to an enemy projectile, the owner of the enemy projectile will take damage equal to 25 times the player's current damage stat.
Omitb blackguonstone.png
Black Guon Stone No Bullets Can Escape B Quality Item.png Orbits the player, blocking enemy shots on contact. When hit by an enemy bullet, has a 25% chance to small, short lived black hole like the ones created by the Black Hole Gun.
OMITB Gold Guon Stone.png
Gold Guon Stone Greedy Rock A Quality Item.png Orbits the player, blocking enemy shots on contact. Has a 10% chance to drop 1Money.png upon blocking an enemy bullet, up to a maximum of 20Money.pngper room.
OMITB Brown Guon Stone.png
Brown Guon Stone Humble Stone D Quality Item.png Orbits the player, blocking enemy shots on contact. Orbits farther away than most Guon Stones.

For each D Quality Item.png quality item or gun held, the Brown Guon will orbit 10 degrees-per-second faster. Junk also increases the orbital speed.

Omitb cyan guon stone.png
Cyan Guon Stone Slow and Steady A Quality Item.png Orbits the player, blocking enemy shots on contact.

While the player is standing still, the Cyan Guon Stone will rapidly fire small projectiles at the nearest enemy that each do 2 damage.

Omitb indigo guon stone.png
Indigo Guon Stone Close To Your Heart A Quality Item.png Orbits the player, blocking enemy shots on contact. Orbits much, much closer to the player than other Guon Stones.

When hit by an enemy bullet, the Indigo Guon Stone has a 35% chance to trigger a mini-blank effect.

Omtib silver guon stone.png
Silver Guon Stone Relic From Beyond B Quality Item.png Orbits the player, blocking enemy shots on contact. +15% damage to Jammed Enemies.

Builds up a multiplier when hit by enemy bullets (0.5 per bullet, starting at 1, so after one bullet the multiplier would be 1.5). Upon the player firing their gun, the fired projectile has it's damage multiplied by the stored multiplier, and resets the multiplier to 1x for the next bullet.

This multiplier caps at 5x.

Omitb maroon guon stone.png
Maroon Guon Stone Unapologetically Offensive A Quality Item.png Orbits the player. Does not block enemy bullets, unlike other Guon Stones.

Player bullets that pass through the Maroon Guon Stone gain a +50% damage increase, and a +20% size increase.

Omitb ultraviolet guon stone.png
Ultraviolet Guon Stone Beyond the Pale C Quality Item.png A fast moving orbital that erratically jumps to random orbital radii.
Omitb infrared guon stone.png
Infrared Guon Stone Under the Radar C Quality Item.png While in combat, the Infrared Guon Stone fires a laser outwards away from the player as it orbits.
Omtib rainbow guon stone.png
Rainbow Guon Stone Insanity Stone C Quality Item.png Orbits the player, blocking enemy shots on contact.

Randomly swaps between other Guon Stone effects and stats every five seconds. Can mimic any Guon on the following list;

Possible Guons
Omitb kaleidoscopic guon stone.png
Kaleidoscopic Guon Stone Twisted! 1S Quality Item.png Orbits the player, blocking enemy shots on contact. Player bullets that pass through the guon will split into six copies, each bearing a colour of the rainbow. These split shots each deal 50% of the damage of the original (300% damage if all six hit).
OMITB Bloodglass Guon Stone.png
Bloodglass Guon Stone We are the crystal haems N/A Gives 3 Glass Guon Stones upon initial collection.

40% chance to give the player 3 Glass Guon Stones after taking damage.

Possible mastery reward for the Oubliette.

OMITB Guon Boulder.png
Guon Boulder Hefty Chunk A Quality Item.png Orbits the player, blocking enemy shots on contact. Orbits much farther away than most Guon Stones, and has a much larger hitbox.
OMITB Glass Ammolet.png
Glass Ammolet Blank Recycling B Quality Item.png Gives the player a Glass Guon Stone whenever they use a blank.

Unlike other Ammolets, this effect only triggers when the player manually spends one of their held blanks, and as such cannot be triggered by companions like the Owl.

OMITB Wicker Ammolet.png
Wicker Ammolet Blanks Terrify B Quality Item.png Using a blank inflicts fear on all enemies in the room for 7 seconds.

Grants an extra blank every floor.

OMITB Furious Ammolet.png
Furious Ammolet Blanks Enrage B Quality Item.png Enrages the player for 7 seconds upon using a blank. While enraged, the player deals double damage.

Grants an extra blank every floor.

OMITB Silver Ammolet.png
Silver Ammolet Blanks Cleanse C Quality Item.png Upon using a blank, any Jammed enemy in the room has a 50% chance to be unjammed.

Grants an extra blank every floor.

Omitb ivory ammolet.png
Ivory Ammolet Tiny Blanks C Quality Item.png +2 Blanks Per Floor. All blank effects are replaced by smaller blanks with halved stats and 1-5th the radius.

Blank pickups grant three blanks instead of one.

Omitb kin ammolet.png
Kin Ammolet Blanks Reinforce D Quality Item.png Using a blank will spawn a permanently charmed Bullet Kin who lasts for the remainder of the room.

Grants an extra blank every floor.

Omitb autollet.png
Autollet Automatic and Effective C Quality Item.png Triggers a free blank effect every time the player enters a room with enemies.
Omitb keymmolet.png
Keymmolet Blanks are Key A Quality Item.png Using a blank will unlock all chests in the room. Does not work for Rat Chests.
Omitb ammolock.png
Ammolock Blanks Clamp C Quality Item.png Using a blank will apply the Lockdown status effect to all enemies in the room, preventing them from moving for ten seconds.

Grants an extra blank every floor.

Omitb hepatizon ammolet.png
Hepatizon Ammolet Blanks Infect B Quality Item.png Using a blank has a 33% chance to inflict Plague upon each individual enemy in the room.

Grants an extra blank every floor.

Omitb bronze ammolet.png
Bronze Ammolet Blanks Diminish C Quality Item.png Using a blank has a 50% chance to shrink each individual enemy in the room for 10 seconds. Shrunken enemies can be stepped on or dodge rolled into to instantly kill them, and do not deal contact damage.

Grants an extra blank every floor.

Omitb pearl ammolet.png
Pearl Ammolet Blanks Bubble C Quality Item.png Using a blank converts all enemy bullets on screen into friendly bubble projectiles, harmless to the player but capable of damaging enemies.

Grants an extra blank every floor.

Omitb neutronium ammolet.png
Neutronium Ammolet Blanks Unravel A Quality Item.png Using a blank creates a stationary black hole that sucks in enemies and projectiles, and lingers for up to seven seconds.

Grants an extra blank every floor.

Omitb shatterblank.png
Shatterblank Fragmentation D Quality Item.png Using a blank will fire 15 bouncing projectiles in an evenly spaced radial pattern around the player. These projectiles can bounce up to 3 times, and deal 5 damage.

Projectiles can adopt the player's projectile effects, and scale with the player's stats.

Grants an extra blank every floor.

OMITB Cyclone Boots.png
Cyclone Boots Gusty Dodges D Quality Item.png Upon dodge rolling, all enemies in a medium radius around the player will be forcefully pushed away.
OMITB Legboot.png
Legboot Knock It Off A Quality Item.png Dodge rolling over an enemy bullet restores 1 ammo to the currently held gun.

Dodge rolling into an enemy restores 5 ammo to the currently held gun.

OMITB Blank Boots.png
Blank Boots Boots of Banishment A Quality Item.png Rolling over an enemy bullet has a 20% chance to trigger a miniature blank effect.

+1 Curse.

Omitb bullet boots.png
Bullet Boots Run and Gun D Quality Item.png +1 Movement Speed.

When walking in a room with enemies, every quarter of a second a large yellow bullet will be fired in the direction the player is moving.

This bullet deals 5 damage by default, and scales with the player's stats. This bullet can also gain the player's projectile effects.

OMITB Diamond Bracelet .png
Diamond Bracelet Slinger's Best Friend D Quality Item.png Thrown Gun Damage +700%. Thrown guns will slide back across the floor to their owner.
OMITB Pearl Bracelet.png
Pearl Bracelet Thrown Guns Afflict D Quality Item.png Thrown guns inflict Slow, Charm, and Fire upon enemies. Thrown guns will slide back across the floor to their owner.
Omitb panicpendant.png
Panic Pendant AAAAA D Quality Item.png Taking damage turns all enemy bullets on screen into the player's bullets, making them friendly and unable to harm the player while at the same time making them collide with enemies. Additionally, all enemy bullets fired for two seconds after taking damage will also be friendly.
Omitb gunknight amulet.png
Gunknight Amulet Banished Reload D Quality Item.png Guns have a 25% chance to reload instantaneously.
Omitb amulet of shelltan.png
Amulet of Shell'tan Promise of Ammo D Quality Item.png Killing a boss will drop an ammo pickup. This ammo pickup has a 50/50 chance of either being Regular or Spread.
OMITB Ring of Oddly Specific Benefits.png
Ring of Oddly Specific Benefits Picky Picky D Quality Item.png Increases Damage, Movement Speed, Player Bullet Speed, and Reload Speed by 16.3% if the player meets any one of the following criteria;
  • The player has exactly 4 Armour
  • The player's amount of Money.png ends in exactly 4 or 8
  • The first digit of the remaining amount of ammo in the player's current gun is 5
  • The player's Curse and Coolness match exactly, and are not both zero.

Omitb fowl ring.png
Fowl Ring Cluck Up D Quality Item.png One enemy every room is automatically transmogrified into a chicken, essentially reducing the amount of enemies per room by 1.
Omitb ring of ammo redemption.png
Ring of Ammo Redemption Thrown Guns Reload D Quality Item.png Killing an enemy with a thrown gun restores 10% of the thrown gun's max ammo.
Omitb risky ring.png
Risky Ring This Ring Has Fangs D Quality Item.png +3 Coolness when at max health, -3 Coolness when not.

Cannot be dropped in combat.

Robot / Shade: Risky Ring is always active, granting +3 Curse.

Omitb widows ring.png
Widow's Ring Deadly Charms D Quality Item.png Charmed enemies can be instantly killed, regardless of their health.
Omitb shadow ring.png
Shadow Ring Umbral D Quality Item.png Spawns a shadow duplicate from the Shadow Clone item upon taking damage.
Omitb ring of invisibility.png
Ring of Invisibility Precious 1S Quality Item.png +1 Curse. Grants stealth while standing perfectly still. Shooting a gun in this state will break the player's stealth and prevent it from re-activating for five seconds.
OMITB Black Holster.png
Black Holster Unload A Quality Item.png Reloading a fully empty clip has a 15% chance to fire a black hole.
OMITB The Beholster.png
The Beholster CreEyetion B Quality Item.png Reloading an empty clip spawns a friendly beady projectile that will, in turn, fire at enemies.
OMITB The Hive Holster.png
Hive Holster Beeload B Quality Item.png Reloading an empty clip will spawn five angry bees to attack enemies. Bee damage scales with player damage.
Omitb shoulderholster.png
Shoulder Holster Bonus Bullets C Quality Item.png 33% chance upon firing that an additional bullet (or collection of bullets in the case of shotguns) will be fired in a random direction.
Omitb artillerybelt.png
Artillery Belt From The Hip B Quality Item.png While in combat, bonus bullets will be fired at random from the player's body in the direction of the nearest enemy.

These bullets benefit from the player's stat upgrades.

Omitb bullet shuffle.png
Bullet Shuffle Ask Questions Later 1S Quality Item.png Causes every bullet fired to have a random bullet effect chosen from a vast list encompassing most bullet modifiers, and even certain modifiers from guns.
Omitb chemical burn.png
Chemical Burn Two-Faced B Quality Item.png Poison immunity. Grants x2 damage while standing on poison. Bullets fired while standing on poison will inflict poison on enemies.
Omitb witches brew.png
Witches Brew Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble A Quality Item.png All non-boss enemies are split into two smaller copies of themselves. Each copy only has 25% the health of the original.
Omitb nigredo.png
Nigredo Decay D Quality Item.png +1 Curse.

Increases rate of fire by 5% for every level of curse the owner has.

Omitb albedo.png
Albedo Clarity C Quality Item.png Triples the orbital speed of Glass Guon Stones.

Grants 3 Glass Guon Stones upon initial collection, and an additional Glass Guon Stone every floor.

Omitb citrinitas.png
Citrinitas Wisdom C Quality Item.png Entering a secret room grants 20-50Money.png, and a permanent +10% bonus to a random stat.
Omitb rubedo.png
Rubedo Absolution B Quality Item.png Every five seconds (if the player is damaged) there is a 50% chance they will heal half a heart from the current 'saved for later' HP pool.

Every floor will start with 2 half hearts already saved.

Omitb holey water.png
Holey Water Pure D Quality Item.png Prevents 'floor curses' (See Floor Curses Section) from appearing.
Omitb blood thinner.png
Blood Thinner Unnecessary Necessities C Quality Item.png When at full HP, all heart pickups will be rerolled into other consumables. Does not affect shops.

Robot / Shade: Heart pickups will always be rerolled as these characters are always considered as being at full HP.

Omitb booster shot.png
Booster Shot Have you had your shots? C Quality Item.png 5% chance to fully heal upon taking damage.

Robot: 5% chance to increase Armour to 6 upon taking damage. If Armour is already above 6, no effect.

Omitb bayonet.png
Bayonet They Don't Like The Cold Steel C Quality Item.png +1 Curse. Reloading triggers a sword slash in the area directly in front of where the player is aiming.

This slash does 15 base damage, and is affected by the player's damage multiplier.

OMITB Book of Mimic Anatomy.png
Book of Mimic Anatomy Look closer... A Quality Item.png Mimics drop bonus items upon death. Item quality corresponds to the quality of the mimic.

Wall Mimics will drop items of a random quality.

Rat Chest Mimics will drop A Quality Item.png quality items.

Pedestal Mimics will drop Armour and Ammo.

The Door Lord will drop an additional B Quality Item.png, A Quality Item.png, and 1S Quality Item.png quality item.

In Rainbow Mode, mimics will drop Armour.

Omitb map fragment.png
Map Fragment Selective Information D Quality Item.png Entering a room will reveal all rooms adjacent to it on the map.
Omitb tattered map.png
Tattered Map Reveals Some Rooms D Quality Item.png Upon entering a new floor, every room has a 25% chance to already be shown on the map. Can show secret rooms.
Omitb cloak of darkness.png
Cloak of Darkness Shrouded in Mystery 1S Quality Item.png +2 Curse. Jammed enemies will be charmed for 13 seconds after they spawn. Jammed enemies have a 50% chance to not be necessary for room clear, and will automatically die up on killing all other enemies.

50% chance to stealth the player upon entering a room with enemies.

In All-Jammed mode, only 50% of enemies are affected by the cloak.

OMITB Time Fuddlers Robe.png
Time Fuddlers Robe Timeline Twister A Quality Item.png 15% chance to freeze time for 3 seconds upon killing an enemy.
Omitb cartographers eye.png
Cartographer's Eye Shows the Way B Quality Item.png Shops, Chest Rooms, and Boss Foyer Rooms are all revealed on the map by default.

One of those room types will be chosen at random to not only be revealed, but visited by default, meaning that the player can immediately teleport to it upon entering the floor.

Omitb bloodshot eye.png
Bloodshot Eye Ow, Oof, Ouchie A Quality Item.png Grants a permanent +2% damage increase when the player is damaged.

Shade: When the Shade walks over a heart pickup to convert it to money, they will gain a permanent +2% damage increase.

Omitb shades eye.png
Shade's Eye Everything For A Price C Quality Item.png Grants double loot from bosses, but taking damage in a bossfight instantly kills the owner.
OMITB Kalibers Eye.png
Kaliber's Eye They are mine. 1S Quality Item.png Killed enemies have a 50% chance to be resurrected and permanently charmed. Resurrected enemies die upon room completion.

Resurrected enemies are tinted grey, and cannot harm the player.

Omitb lefthandedness.png
Lefthandedness Shell'tan's Sign C Quality Item.png +30% damage when shooting to the left.
Omitb pickledpepper.png
Pickled Pepper Picked In Pecks B Quality Item.png Inflicts poison upon enemies who come too close to the player.
Omitb pepperpoppers.png
Pepper Poppers Popping Off B Quality Item.png Chance to fire a pepper shaped projectile alongside any bullet fired. These pepper bullets deal five damage, and drop onto the ground as bouncing peppers when they hit an enemy or obstacle. Once grounded, these peppers gain a Gungeon Pepper style damage aura which deals 5 DPS to nearby enemies.

Grounded peppers will deactivate after 20 seconds, or when the player leaves the room.

Omitb percussioncap.png
Percussion Cap Blanks Enspore C Quality Item.png +1 Blank Per Floor.

Using a blank will create a cloud of 30 spores from the Fungo Cannon gun at the blank's position.

Omitb blastingcap.png
Blasting Cap Dire Spore C Quality Item.png Explosions will create clouds of spores from the Fungo Cannon gun. The amount of spores created depends on the explosion's size.
Omitb apple core.png
Apple Core Trash N/A +5% Shot Speed and +5% Bullet Size. Obtained by using the Apple active item.
Omitb golden apple core.png
Golden Apple Core Trash? N/A +5% Shot Speed and +5% Bullet Size. Obtained by using the Apple active item with the Golden Apple synergy.

Sells for a very high price.

OMITB Bag of Holding.png
Bag of Holding Space Gallore A Quality Item.png +10 Active Item Slots.

Gives a random active item when picked up.

OMITB Liquid Metal Body.png
Liquid-Metal Body 1000 B Quality Item.png Grants 3.5 seconds of Lead Skin after taking damage. While in the 'Lead Skin' state, the player is immune to damage, and any bullets that make contact with them will be reflected back at their owners.
OMITB Gun Grease.png
Gun Grease Slippery Slope D Quality Item.png Increases Reload Speed by 15%. Killed enemies will leave puddles of oil at their location.
OMITB Dragun Scale.png
Dragun Scale Burning Rage B Quality Item.png Upon taking damage or using an active item, all enemies in the room will be set on fire.
OMITB Blight Shell.png
Blight Shell Apocryphal Armoury B Quality Item.png Entering a new chamber gives +1 Permanent Curse, and gives a random shotgun weapon.
List of 'Shotguns'
OMITB Bullet Kin Plushie .png
Bullet Kin Plushie Why Must I Do This? B Quality Item.png 20% chance to enrage the player for 4 seconds upon killing an enemy. While enraged, the player deals double damage.
OMITB Kevin.png
Kevin Long Live the Keving D Quality Item.png Spawns a friendly Bullet Kin Kevin every room to aid the player in combat. This Bullet Kin Kevin does not need to be killed to end combat, and will die on his own lay down and take a nice nap once all other enemies have been killed.
OMITB Purple Prose.png
Purple Prose Pity Is A Powerful Weapon D Quality Item.png Upon taking damage, all enemies in the room are charmed for a short time.
OMITB Rusty Casing.png
Rusty Casing Heheheheheheh D Quality Item.png Picking up consumables will also grant bonus Money.png.
  • Keys & Ammo: 6Money.png
  • Rat Keys: 10Money.png
  • Blanks & Half Hearts: 4Money.png
  • Full hearts & Armour: 8Money.png
OMITB Hiking Pack.png
Hiking Pack Go Take A Hike C Quality Item.png +2 Active Item Slots
OMITB Gunpowder Pheromones.png
Gunpowder Pheromones My Pretties D Quality Item.png Explosive enemies are automatically charmed from the moment they spawn.
List of Valid Enemies
  • Pinhead
  • Nitra
  • Grenat
  • Bombshee
  • Det
  • Claymore (Mine Flayer Summons)
  • Brollet (R&G Dept)
  • m80 Kin (R&G Dept)
Omitb gunsmoke perfume.png
Gunsmoke Perfume Ode to Glock 42 B Quality Item.png Enemies 2 tiles or closer to the player become charmed.
Omitb pestilence.png
Pestilence Yersinia Bestis C Quality Item.png Upon entering a room, one random enemy will be afflicted with the Plague status effect.
OMITB Accelerant.png
Accelerant Burning Sensation D Quality Item.png Triples the damage that enemies take from fire.
OMITB Horned Helmet.png
Horned Helmet 19 STR 7 INT B Quality Item.png Enrages the player for 4 seconds upon entering a new combat room. While enraged, the player deals double damage.
OMITB Rocket Man.png
Rocket Man Gonna be a long long time B Quality Item.png Has a chance to fire a bonus rocket whenever the player fires a bullet.

Rocket projectile is chosen at random from any one of the following guns;

Rocket Launchers
  • Stinger
  • RPG
  • The Exotic
  • Com4nd0
  • RC Rocket
  • Yari Launcher
  • Void Core Cannon
  • Bullet Bore
  • Gungeon Ant (with the Great Queen Ant synergy)
OMITB Chance Effigy.png
Chance Effigy Guns Upon a Time D Quality Item.png Chance Kin will drop an additional loot pickup when killed.

Keybullet Kin will also drop a bonus pickup from the Chance Kin pool when killed.

1.5% chance to spawn a bonus Chance Kin in every room entered.

OMITB Clay Sculpture.png
Clay Sculpture This Gungeon Has Gundead In It C Quality Item.png Upon the player taking damage, one random non-boss enemy in the room will be sucked into the ground, instantly killing it.
OMITB Graceful Goop.png
Graceful Goop They Have Died... Inside B Quality Item.png Grants Poison Immunity. All player bullets will leave trails of poison behind themselves on the floor.
OMITB Mr Fahrenheit.png
Mr. Fahrenheit 200 Degrees B Quality Item.png +2 Movement Speed. Grants Fire Immunity. The player leaves a trail of fire when moving.
OMITB Magic Quiver.png
Magic Quiver Stranger Ranger C Quality Item.png All Bows / Crossbows / Arrow Firing Guns gain a 50% damage increase.
Arrow Weapons
  • Sticky Crossbow
  • Bow
  • Crossbow
  • Crescent Crossbow
  • Shotbow
  • Charmed Bow
  • Gunbow
  • Triple Crossbow
  • Gunzheng
  • Exalted Armbow (Retrash's Items)
  • Stake Launcher (Cel's Items)
Omitb focal lenses.png
Focal Lenses Better Beams D Quality Item.png All beam style weapons gain double damage.
Omitb amberdie.png
Amber Die Tastes Lucky C Quality Item.png Each enemy bullet spawned has a 10% chance to be friendly, not harming the player and instead hurting enemies.

Friendly projectiles are coloured yellow.

Omitb showdown.png
Showdown Now it's just you and me... D Quality Item.png Prevents bosses from spawning additional enemies.
Omitb ammolite.png
Ammolite Gemmed Shells B Quality Item.png Picking up ammo permanently increases the damage of the gun that was refilled by 5%.
Omitb cardinals mitre.png
Cardinals Mitre Ex Cathedra C Quality Item.png Reloading an empty clip will fire a 25 damage homing projectile in the direction the player is aiming.

The homing projectile scales with the player's stats, and can adopt their projectile effects.

OMITB Goomperors Crown.png
Goomperors Crown The Slime Must Flow 1S Quality Item.png 25% chance to permanently slow all enemies in a room upon entering. If this triggers, all subsequent waves in the room will also be slowed.
Omitb chem grenade.png
Chem Grenade Toxic Explosions C Quality Item.png Grants poison immunity. Causes all explosions to leave large pools of poison.

This includes both player-made explosions (such as the RPG or C4) as well as enemy explosions (such as the Pinhead).

Omitb 88888888.png
88888888 88888888 C Quality Item.png Every eighth bullet fired will be accompanied by a bonus projectile in the form of a red 8. This red 8 deals 8 damage.
Omitb titanium clip.png
Titanium Clip Damage Output B Quality Item.png x2 Damage multiplier. All guns consume twice as much ammo.

Does not affect infinite ammo weapons.

Omitb paper badge.png
Paper Badge All of Nothing C Quality Item.png 50/50 chance to either double your bullet damage or completely negate it.

Becomes 5% more likely to double damage with each point of Coolness the owner has (IE: at 1 coolness, the chance becomes 55/45 in favour of doubling damage. At 10 coolness, is guaranteed to double damage on all shots).

Omitb sculptorschisel.png
Sculptors Chisel A Real Boy C Quality Item.png 25% chance to transform flipped tables into enemy-distracting decoys from the Decoy active item.
OMITB Permafrost.png
Permafrost Cold Snap 1S Quality Item.png All enemies are frozen upon entering a room.
Omitb glass shard.png
Glass Shard Walking on Broken Glass A Quality Item.png Grants 3 Glass Guon Stones. While in combat, Glass Guon Stones will shoot glass bullets at nearby enemies on a 1.5 second delay.

These glass bullets deal 5 damage by default, but scale with the player's stats and can adopt the player's bullet effects.

Omitb equality.png
Equality Blanks And Keys Are Equal B Quality Item.png Constantly balances the player's blanks and keys. Using a blank will also remove a key, and vice versa.

Picking up a blank or key will also increase the amount of its held counterpart.

Omitb eraser.png
Eraser Now I Only Want You Gone B Quality Item.png Chance to delete all bullets belonging to an enemy upon shooting that enemy.

If this triggers on a boss enemy, only 33% of the bosses bullets will be deleted.

Omitb moonrock.png
Moonrock Little Orbiters B Quality Item.png Fired bullets have 0-3 smaller bullets orbiting them.

These orbital projectiles deal 5 damage by default, but scale with the player's stats and can adopt the player's bullet effects.

Omitb tablet of order.png
Tablet of Order Everything In It's Place B Quality Item.png All enemies have 50% more health, but extra waves no longer spawn.
Omitb lead soul.png
Lead Soul No Voice To Cry Suffering 1S Quality Item.png Grants a shield (indicated by a rotating icon above the player's head) that blocks one hit before breaking. Regenerates every 15 enemies killed.
Omitb lead of life.png
Lead of Life Forged Friends 1S Quality Item.png

Active Items

Icon Name Quote Cooldown Quality Effect

ulB Quality Item.png

B Quality Item.png While active, shooting an enemy will remove the active and grant the 'Engraved Bullets' passive, allowing the player to one-shot any enemy of the type that they selected.

Does not function on bosses.

OMITB Lucky Coin.png
Lucky Coin Heads or Tails Damage (500) C Quality Item.png 50% chance to increase damage by 100% and movement speed by 60% for 25 seconds.

50% chance to decrease damage by 50% and movement speed by 60% for 25 seconds.

OMITB Lewis.png
Lewis With Friends Like These... Damage (1000) B Quality Item.png Has no active effect.

Passively buffs Damage, Reload Speed, Firerate, Movement Speed by 20%.

Passively grants a heart container.

OMITB Hand of Night.png
Hand of Night Giveth and Taketh Away Damage (800) N/A Cloaks the user in stealth for a theoretically unlimited amount of time. While Stealthed, enemies cannot see the player, and will be unable to shoot at them. Stealth also allows stealing.

Stealth is only broken by dodge rolling, firing your gun, or other such unstealthy actions.

Starting item of the Shade.

OMITB Venusian Bars.png
Venusian Bars Verified Damage (1000) 1S Quality Item.png Gives 100x Firerate, Charge Speed, and Reload Speed for 10 seconds.

Passively grants +1 Coolness, and +1 Curse.

OMITB Organ Donor Card.png
Organ Donor Card Gift of Life None D Quality Item.png Passively grants +1 Active Item slot.

Upon use, consumes a heart container, and spawns 20 casings, as well as granting another (permanent) +1 Active Item slot. Gives a permanent heart-shaped companion, which follows the player and periodically shoots 20 damage projectiles.

As the Robot, instead of taking a heart container, two pieces of armour are taken.

Omitb clip on ammo pouch.png
Clip-On Ammo Pouch Ammo Up 1 Time Use D Quality Item.png Permanently increases the ammo capacity of the currently held gun by 50%.
OMITB True Blank.png
True Blank Blanktism None 1S Quality Item.png Cleanses 0.5 curse, and does a blank effect. Can only be used if the owner has more than 0.5 curse.

Grants +2.5 curse on initial pickup.

OMITB False Blank.png
False Blank Blanksphemer Damage (50) D Quality Item.png Triggers a blank effect, and gives 0.5 curse.
Omitb opulent blank.png
Opulent Blank Spin Bullets To Gold 1 Time Use D Quality Item.png Triggers a blank effect, destroying all enemy bullets on screen. Spawns 1Money.png for every enemy bullet destroyed.
OMITB Sharp Key.png
Sharp Key SaKeyfice Timed (5) B Quality Item.png Consumes 3HP (1.5 Hearts) and grants a Key. If used by the Robot, takes 2 Armour instead.

Passively grants +1 Curse.

Omitb shadowkey.png
Shadow Key Dark Realmed 1 Time Use D Quality Item.png Can only be used on a Chest. Duplicates the chest it is used upon exactly, including mimicness, fuse, lock, and most importantly tier.

Rat Chests will be duplicated into A Quality Item.png tier chests.

Omitb keygen.png
Keygen wHO n n n eEDS KEYs?!1! Damage (70) B Quality Item.png Can only be used on a Chest. Has a variety of random effects that it can apply to the chest.
List of Effects
  • Blows up the Chest
  • Forces open the Chest (Works even if the lock is broken)
  • Breaks the lock on the Chest
  • Duplicates the Chest
  • Turns the Chest into a Mimic and awakens it
  • Turns the chest into a Glitched Chest (If on a floor where Glitched Chests can't spawn, turns it into a mimic instead).
  • Upgrades the chest to the next tier, with a 35% chance for it to become Rainbow
  • Rerolls the quality of the chest
  • Deletes the chest and spawns five random pickups
  • Gives a fuse to the chest
  • Unlocks the chest (Opens the chest if it is already unlocked)
  • Turns the chest into a Jammed Chest
  • Teleports the Chest to the next floor, with a chance to upgrade it's quality like Chest Teleporter
  • Drills the Chest, opening it for free but forcing the player to fight enemies like the Drill

Keygen can be used multiple times on the same chest.

OMITB The Shellactery.png
The Shellactery Firearm Immortality Damage (1600) 1S Quality Item.png Spawns an ammo box pickup.

Passively grants +2 Curse.

OMITB Bloody Box.png
Bloody Box Oozing and Gurgling None B Quality Item.png Consumes 5HP (2.5 Hearts) and spawns a Chest. If used by the robot, takes 2 Armour instead.

Passively grants +1 Curse.

Chests created by Bloody Box are immune to Magnificence mechanics.

Omitb toolbox.png
Toolbox Robust Damage (60) D Quality Item.png Spawns a random barrel, table, or other object nearby.

1% chance to spawn a Brown Chest when used.

Omitb pocket chest brown.png
Pocket Chest Baby Box 1 Time Use D Quality Item.png Spawns a chest when used. Levels up as the player deals damage, into higher and higher quality chests.
Chest Type Damage Amt Notes
Omitb pocket chest brown.png

0 Default.
Omitb pocket chest blue.png

Omitb pocket chest green.png

Green (75%)
Omitb pocket chest synergy.png

Synergy (25%)
1500 This tier of the chest has a 75% chance to be green and a 25% chance to be a Synergy Chest.
Omitb pocket chest red.png

Omitb pocket chest black.png

Black (99%)
Omitb pocket chest rainbow.png

Rainbow (1%)
6500 This tier of the chest has a 99% chance to be black and a 1% chance to be Rainbow.
Omitb delivery box.png
Delivery Box Ready To Order Timed (0.2) B Quality Item.png Displays a random consumable inside of itself, with a number next to it. The number is the price of the item.

Using the active item will consume the price of the consumable (in Money.png) and spawn the pictured consumable via airdrop, before randomly restocking with a different consumable. Cannot spawn consumables without the necessary funds.

Consumable Price
Omitb delivery box blank.png

Omitb delivery box ammo.png

Omitb delivery box spread ammo.png

Spread Ammo
Omitb delivery box armor.png

Omitb delivery box half heart.png

Half Heart
Omitb delivery box heart.png

Omitb delivery box key.png

Omitb delivery box glass guon.png

Glass Guon Stone

These prices are affected by discounts from items such as Disarming Personality.

OMITB Wonderchest.png
Wonderchest What could be inside? 1 Time Use B Quality Item.png Gives a reward depending on the floor on which it is used.
Floor Effect
Keep of the Lead Lord Gives either 2 Armour or 2 Blanks
Oubliette Gives 3 Keys
Gungeon Proper Gives 150Money.png
Abbey of the True Gun Gives +2 Permanent Heart Containers and +2 Permanent Curse
Black Powder Mine Spawns an unlocked A Quality Item.png quality chest.
Rat Lair Gives a Rat Key.
Hollow Spawns a random chest, and gives a permanent 20% discount in shops.
R&G Dept Spawns two random chests.
Forge Gives 6 Armour, and a random gun of either B Quality Item.png, A Quality Item.png, or 1S Quality Item.png quality.
Bullet Hell Spawns 4 Chests. Gives +3 Permanent Curse.

Two of the chests are based on the player's Magnificence, while the other Two are completely random.

Bullet Hell (Gunslinger Past) Spawns two 1S Quality Item.png quality chests, and gives +5 Permanent Curse.
Jungle (ExpandTheGungeon) Spawns three unlocked D Quality Item.png quality chests.
Belly (ExpandTheGungeon) Fully heals the user, and grants +1 Permanent Heart Container.
Old West (ExpandTheGungeon) Gives a Rat Key, and reveals the entire map.

If used on a Glitched Beholster floor, the Wonderchest will spawn an 1S Quality Item.png tier chest in addition to other rewards for the floor.

Wonderchest also has a 0.1% chance to completely ignore the current floor and spawn a Rainbow Chest.

If used on a floor that Wonderchest does not recognise (likely with modded floors), Wonderchest will spawn 1 Junk.

OMITB Heart Padlock.png
Heart Padlock Locked Life None D Quality Item.png Consumes 1 Key, and heals the user for a heart. Gives 1 armour to the robot instead.
OMITB Recyclinder.png
Recyclinder Lean Green Machine Damage (200) A Quality Item.png Destroys the currently held gun, and spawns a passive or active item of equal quality to the lost gun. If the destroyed gun does not have a conventional tier, then Recyclinder will drop Junk.

Cannot be used on undroppable weapons, such as starters.

If used in Blessed Mode, the Recyclinder will destroy itself and drop one item of every tier.

OMITB Speed Potion.png
Speed Potion Gotta Go Fast Damage (500) C Quality Item.png Increases Movement Speed by 200% for 15 seconds
OMITB Love Potion.png
Love Potion The Sausage Principle Damage (150) D Quality Item.png Sprays a long line of pink goop on the ground in front of the player. This goop charms enemies who stand on it.
Omitb honey pot.png
Honey Pot A Little Something Damage (250) D Quality Item.png Throws a pot of honey that breaks after travelling a certain distance and leaves a large pool of slowing honey on the ground.

This Honey slows down both enemies and the player.

OMITB Reinforcement Radio.png
Reinforcement Radio I Need Backup! Damage (500) B Quality Item.png Spawns a selection of friendly enemies. Picks one of the following reinforcement waves:
  • Four Bullet Kin
  • Two Red Shotgun Kin
  • Two Bullet Kin and a Blue Shotgun Kin
  • Two Bandana Bullet Kin
  • Two Pinheads and a Nitra

Enemies spawned by the Radio do not need to be killed to clear a room, and will die on room clear.

Omitb shot in the arm.png
Shot in the Arm The Jab Timed (7) D Quality Item.png Gives a x3.5 damage multiplier that linearly reduces back down to x1 over the course of 3 seconds.
OMITB Dagger of the Aimgels.png
Dagger of The Aimgels Sacrifices Must Be Made Timed (5) B Quality Item.png Removes 1 Heart Container on use, and gives a permanent +20% damage buff. Also grants +1.5 permanent curse when used.

Passively grants +1 Curse.

Omitb combat knife.png
Combat Knife Quiet and Always Available Timed (3) D Quality Item.png +1 Curse. Triggers a Blasphemy-like sword slash in the direction the player is aiming. This slash does not destroy bullets.

This slash does 30 damage by default, and scales with the user's Damage stat.

Omitb kalibers prayer.png
Kalibers Prayer Book of Secrets Timed (8) D Quality Item.png Triggers invulnerability frames for two seconds, as if the player had been hit (does not actually deal damage or trigger on hit items).
Omitb gunidae solvit haatelis.png
Gunidae solvit Haatelis As It Is Written Damage (350) B Quality Item.png Unjams all enemies and enemy bullets in the room. Halves the speed of all enemy bullets for 15 seconds.
Omitb necromancers right hand.png
Necromancer's Right Hand Spacebar To Necromance Damage (210) D Quality Item.png Converts enemy corpses into friendly purple Spent, who lunge at enemies to attack them.
Omitb infantry grenade.png
Infantry Grenade Cheap, but Efficient Damage (50) D Quality Item.png Throws a weak grenade that deals 30 damage to enemies in its blast radius.
Omitb dice grenade.png
Dice Grenade Die, Fool! Damage (190) D Quality Item.png Throws a D20-shaped bomb with that explodes with random knockback, random range, and random damage.
Omitb lvl2 molotov.png
Lvl. 2 Molotov BURN IT DOWN Damage (800) D Quality Item.png Throws a molotov that breaks into a pool of green fire upon hitting the ground.
Omitb apple.png
Apple Doesn't Fall Far 1 Time Use D Quality Item.png Heals one and a half hearts when eaten. Gives the Apple Core passive item.
OMITB Coupon.png
Coupon 100th Lucky Gungeoneer None B Quality Item.png Any item purchased while the Coupon is active will be free. Does not affect Flynt's shop or the Gnawed Key. Purchasing an item while the Coupon is active will destroy the Coupon.
OMITB Identity Crisis.png
Identity Crisis WHO AM I? 1 Time Use B Quality Item.png Gives the entire starting loadout of a random character. (E.g.: May give the Rusty Sidearm, the Crossbow, and the Dog). Cannot give the loadout of the character being played.

Will never give the Gunslinger, Paradox, or Cultist loadouts.

+1 permanent curse when used.

OMITB Bomber Jacket.png
Bomber Jacket Kamakablooey Damage (120) D Quality Item.png Creates a small explosion at the position of the player. Does not harm the player.

Passively grants +2 Active Item Slots.

GTCWTVRP 'Tis But A Copy 1 Time Use A Quality Item.png Reloads the current floor, allowing the player to play through it a second time, keeping all the loot they obtained the first time through.

If used on a floor that the GTCWTVRP does not recognise (likely due to new modded floors), the GTCWTVRP will instead spawn a Rainbow Chest.

OMITB Elevator Button.png
Elevator Button Going... Down 1 Time Use D Quality Item.png 95% chance to send the player to the next chamber, skipping the remainder of the floor.

5% chance to send the player backwards a floor, allowing them to play through the two chambers again for bonus loot.

If the Elevator Button attempts to send the player downwards on Bullet Hell, it will instead explode, damaging the player.

OMITB Bullut.png
Bullut Supposed Delicacy 1 Time Use D Quality Item.png Spawns 1 1S Quality Item.png quality chest, 1 A Quality Item.png quality chest, 1 Synergy chest, and three random quality chests. Gives 10 Keys.

Permanently increases enemy bullet speed by 50%, and curse by +2.

OMITB GSwitch.png
G-Switch Wahoo! Timed (1) D Quality Item.png Consumes 3Money.png and spawns a temporary shield to block bullets.
OMITB Finished Bullet.png
Finished Bullet Let's Finish This Damage (240) D Quality Item.png Fires the final bullet of the Finished Gun's clip in the direction that the player is aiming, catching enemy bullets and sending them back.

Passively grants +1 Curse.

OMITB Alchemy Crucible.png
Alchemy Crucible Philosopher's Own Damage (150) C Quality Item.png Transmogrifies all enemies in the room into random other enemy types from the same floor.
OMITB Bombinomicon.png
Bombinomicon GUTS AN' GLORY, LADS! Damage (200) B Quality Item.png Spawns a bomb at the feet of every enemy in the room.
OMITB Magic Missile.png
Magic Missile Dank Dungeon Walls Damage (240) C Quality Item.png Fires a remote control missile that explodes upon destruction.

Provides immunity to darkness effects including Curse of Darkness.

Omitb obsidian pistol.png
Obsidian Pistol Sacrifice I'm Willing to Take Timed (0.5) C Quality Item.png Kills a random companion that the user possesses and spawns a gun or item from the A Quality Item.png or 1S Quality Item.png tier. Increases curse by 1 every time a companion is killed. The companion that is killed is TRULY random and cannot be manipulated by dropping companions onto the ground. Dropped companions may still be chosen by the pistol to be destroyed.

Sacrificing the Cop grants the +20% damage increase you would normally obtain by allowing him to die naturally, as well as an item.

Despite not technically being companions, the Obsidian Pistol can also target the following guns and items for sacrificing;

Valid Non-Companion Items
Omitb loot engine.png
Loot Engine Lengine, If You Will Damage (500) C Quality Item.png Rerolls all pickups in the room into other random pickups. Glass Guon Stones are considered valid pickups for the purposes of the Loot Engine.
Omitb portable hole.png
Portable Hole The Hole Nine Yards Damage (600) B Quality Item.png Throws a portable hole that creates a large black pit after travelling enough distance. This pit is harmless to the player, but any non-flying enemies who walk on the hole will fall in and die.
Omitb gunjurers belt.png
Gunjurers Belt Poof! Timed (5) D Quality Item.png Upon use, creates a reticle at the location of the player's cursor (on controller, this reticle is movable via the aiming controls). Pressing the active item button again (does not require charge) will teleport the player to this reticle.
Omitb bitbucket.png
Bit Bucket Data Loss Timed (0.2s) D Quality Item.png While held, bullets fired by the player have a chance to instantly vanish, stored inside the bucket (up to a maximum of 20 stored bullets).

Using the Bit Bucket launches all stored projectiles at once in the direction aimed.

Omitb tackshooter.png
Tack Shooter Tacked On Damage (200) D Quality Item.png Places down a Tack Shooter turret. Every 0.8 seconds, this tack shooter fires 8 short ranged nails in a radial pattern.

The Tack Shooter will persist for as long as the player is in combat, and multiple tack shooters can be placed.

Omitb telekinesis.png
Telekinesis Power Of The Mind Timed (2) D Quality Item.png Pushes all enemies in the room in the direction that the player is aiming.
Omitb bambarrage.png
Bambarrage Xiao Zhu Tong Jian Damage (600) D Quality Item.png Rapidly shoots six rocket powered arrows in the direction the user is aiming. These arrows do 7 damage each, and have an 80% chance to inflict poison.


Icon Ingame Name Quote Quality Effect
Omitb molotov buddy.png
Omitb molotov buddy ingame.png
Molotov Buddy Hot Headed Friend D Quality Item.png Runs up to enemies before bursting, and spraying fire in their direction.

Respawns 7 seconds after bursting.

OMITB Baby Good Chance Kin Item.png
OMITB Baby Good Chance Kin Ingame.png
Baby Good Chance Kin Confused Friend C Quality Item.png Follows the player. Upon the player taking damage, Baby Good Chance Kin has a 40% chance to drop a random pickup.
Omitb potto.png
Omitb potto ingame.png
Potto Clay Companion C Quality Item.png Follows the player. Spawns 1-3Money.png on room clear. Small chance when in combat to spawn a friendly Gun Fairy to fight for the player.

In Bullet Hell, Potto will randomly spit bullets from the Shotgrub Synergy.png Just Like The Real Thing Synergy.

Omitb peanut.png
Omitb peanut ingame.png
Peanut Prince of the Pea A Quality Item.png Walks up to enemies, slamming down his pea-blade to release a spread of seven 8-damage peas. This equates to 56 damage if all peas hit the same enemy.
Omitb darkprince.png
Omitb darkprince ingame.png
Dark Prince Wicked Heir 1S Quality Item.png Walks up to enemies, periodically launching extremely fast, homing bolts of red magic at available targets.

These bolts deal 1 damage, and applies a permanent debuff to the enemy which reduces it's max health by 35% (25% for Bosses) and lowers its speed by 20%.

Omitb diode.png
Omitb diode ingame.png
Diode Electric Buddy C Quality Item.png Runs up to enemies. Connects back to the player via a long electric link. Enemies that touch this electric link will take significant damage.
Omitb drone.png
Omitb drone.png
Drone Beep Boop I'm A Drone B Quality Item.png Follows the player. Will fire red bullets whenever the player shoots. The amount of red bullets is equal to the amount the player fires at once (e.g.; if the player shoots a shotgun, the Drone will fire a shotgun blast).

The bullets fired from the drone will copy the accuracy, speed, and range of the bullets the player fired, but always have a consistent 4 base damage.

Other bullet stats such as damage, size, and knockback do not copy the source projectile, but do still benefit from player stat changes.

The drone will consistently shoot while the player is charging a charge-style weapon.

Omitb gregtheegg.png
Omitb gregtheegg ingame.png
Greg the Egg I'm About to Break! B Quality Item.png Chance for random pickup on room clear (similar to Dog, bur rarer.) Blocks projectiles, and will break after taking enough damage. Drops a random companion when destroyed.
Omitb funguy.png
Omitb funguy ingame.png
Fun Guy Myc-inda Fella C Quality Item.png Walks towards enemies, periodically blasting out clouds of spores. These spores hang in the air and deal anywhere between 1 and 10 damage each.
Omitb baby good det.png
Omitb baby good det.png
Baby Good Det Laserbrained C Quality Item.png Floats towards enemies, periodically firing lasers in a + or x formation.

Lasers deal 45dps each.

Omitb angryspirit.png
Omitb angryspirit ingame.png
Angry Spirit Furious Friend B Quality Item.png Flies towards enemies. Whenever the player fires a bullet, the Angry Spirit has a 20% chance to clone this projectile and launch it at the nearest target.
Omitb gusty.png
Omitb gusty ingame.png
Gusty Windbag D Quality Item.png Drifts towards enemies, periodically releasing a gust of air that knocks all nearby enemies away, dealing 2.5 damage to them in the process.
Omitb scrollofexactknowledge.png
Omitb scrollofexactknowledge ingame.png
Scroll of Exact Knowledge Nerd C Quality Item.png Gives dialogue hints to certain pieces of information such as;
  • If a chest or secret room is nearby.
  • Whether a chest contains a gun, passive item, active item, or no item.
  • Whether or not a chest is a mimic.
  • The identity of the current floor's boss.
  • If the current room contains a Wall Mimic.
  • If a spawned reward pedestal is a Pedestal Mimic.

Also reveals adjacent rooms on the map.

Omitb lilmunchy.png
Omitb lilmunchy.png
Lil Munchy Hungry Hungry C Quality Item.png Follows the player. Interacting with Lil Munchy allows the player to feed them a gun. Every second gun fed to Lil Munchy causes him to give a random gun back, akin to a portable Muncher.
Hapulon icon.png
Hapulon idleright 001.png
Hapulon Bouncing Bundle of Joy A Quality Item.png A small blobulon which hops towards enemies, leaving a small puddle of pink charming creep upon landing, and inflicting charm on all nearby enemies. Deals no damage.