Cult of the Gundead (Exit the Gungeon)

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The Cult of the Gundead are the enemies in Exit the Gungeon. These disciples of the gun still fight desperately to protect the crumbling Gungeon. Despite this Sisyphean task, they will stop at nothing to kill the Gungeoneers who attempt to ascend through their home.

List of Enemies

Icon Name Health Description
XtG Blizzbulon.png Blizzbulon 35 Moves back and forth, occasionally releasing a ring of sharp bullets around itself.
XtG Blobulon.png Blobulon 30 Hops back and forth, dealing contact damage. Splits into two Blobulins upon death.
XtG Blobulin.png Blobulin 5 Hops back and forth.
XtG Bullat.png Bullat 15 Drifts around for a while, before firing itself at the player in the form of a single bullet.
XtG Shotgat.png Shotgat 20 Drifts around for a while, before firing itself at the player in the form of a shotgun blast.
Spent Bullat.png Spent Bullat 15 Drifts around the elevator shaft, not actively attacking the player, though it does deal contact damage.
XtG Bullet Kin.png Bullet Kin 25 Walks back and forth, firing single bullets at the player
XtG Bandana Bullet Kin.png Bandana Bullet Kin 30 Walks back and forth, rapid firing bullets at the player, with intermittent pauses.
XtG Cardinal.png Cardinal 35 Walks back and forth, firing four homing triangular bullets in an X formation around itself.
XtG Minelet.png Minelets[sic] 35 Walks back and forth, firing single bullets at the player. Occasionally hides underground to become invulnerable for a period, before jumping back up and releasing a ring of bullets around itself.
XtG Sniper Shell.png Sniper Shell 40 Walks back and forth, training a laser sight on the player. Occasionally, they will fire a very fast moving bullet along this sight.
XtG Skullet.png Skullet 40 Walks back and forth, firing spreads of arrows at the player.
XtG Bullet Shark.png Bullet Shark 35 Flies around the elevator shaft, occasionally charging at the player, leaving bullets in its wake.
XtG Cubulon.png Cubulon 40 Hovers around, occasionally releasing a large amount of bullets around itself in a diamond shape.
XtG Det.png Det Drifts around the elevator shaft, bouncing off walls. Fires lasers up, down, left, and right.
XtG Nitra.png Nitra 35 Walks towards the player, and attempts to explode into a long line of blasts when the player is in range.
XtG Gat.png Gat 30 Drifts around, bouncing off walls. Opens up to fire bullets at the player. It is invulnerable as long as it is closed.
XtG Gigi.png Gigi Flies around, occasionally coughing up a bullet egg. This bullet egg splits into a cloud of smaller bullets which fire themselves at the player.
XtG Pinhead.png Pinhead 25 Walks towards the player, and attempts to explode into a + shaped collection of blasts when the player is in range.
XtG Gun Nut.png Gun Nut Walks towards the player, occasionally slamming its sword down to send a huge swathe of bullets in the player's direction.
XtG Gunzookie.png Gunzookie Walks back and forth, coughing up bubble bullets. These bubble bullets float lazily towards the player until popped, then the bullet inside will launch itself at the player at great speed.
XtG Hollowpoint.png Hollowpoint 35 Flies towards the player, shooting rapid-fire bullets at the player in bursts of three.
XtG King Bullat.png King Bullat 50 Flies around, occasionally releasing a ring of bouncing bullets around itself.
XtG Lead Maiden.png Lead Maiden 100 Hops around, opening up to fire several waves of spiky bullets all around itself. These spiky bullets stick in the walls, and re-aim themselves at the player for a second attack. Invulnerable while closed.
XtG Fungun.png Fungun 60 Walks back and forth, occasionally releasing a cloud of spore bullets that hang in the air.
XtG Muzzle Wisp.png Muzzle Wisp 40 Darts back and forth in the air, releasing rings of bullets around itself.
XtG Phaser Spider.png Phaser Spider 100 Hangs in the air, releasing webs of bullets below itself. Occasionally teleports.
XtG Poisbulin.png Poisbulin 10 Slides back and forth, leaving a toxic trail in its wake.
XtG Poisbulon.png Poisbulon 35 Slides back and forth, leaving a toxic trail in its wake. Splits into two Poisbulins on death.
XtG Rubber Kin.png Rubber Kin 25 Hangs in the air, periodically launching itself at the player. Deals no contact damage, but high knockback, posing great danger to players in precarious positions.
XtG Shelleton.png Shelleton Sits in one place, alternating between releasing rings of bullets around itself and firing continuous lasers in the player's general direction. Upon death, it will collapse into a pile of shells. If this pile is not also destroyed, the Shelleton will reform.
XtG Red Shotgun Kin.png Red Shotgun Kin Walks back and forth, occasionally firing shotgun blasts at the player.
XtG Skusket.png Skusket 40 Drifts towards the player, with two bullet 'arms' continuously spinning around itself.
XtG Spectral Gun Nut.png Spectral Gun Nut 150 Floats around, occasionally charging up to fire a swathe of bullets to either the left or the right depending on where the player is. Among this spread is a single large bullet that will split into a ring of bullets after either hitting something or travelling significant distance.
XtG Apprentice Gunjurer.png Apprentice Gunjurer Sits in the air, periodically launching spinning bullet shapes at the player. Regularly teleports.

Enemies without Diginomicon Entries

Certain enemies that appear in Exit the Gungeon do not have entries in the diginomicon, though many of them have diginomicon sprites regardless.

Please be aware that these names are not canon, or confirmed, and are merely placeholders for cataloging purposes.

Icon Name Health Description
Gunneph.png Winged Gun Nut 150 A flying Gun Knight who periodically raises its sword above its head to release numerous rings of bullets simultaneously.
Floating Fungun.png Floating Fungun 60 A variant of the Fungun that drifts around through the air, and occasionally releases a spore cloud.
Grenade Shell Kin.png Grenade Shell Kin 45 Green slugged Grenade Shells spawned by The Last Dragun throughout its bossfight.
Bomb Bot Knife.png Bomb Bot Knife Thrown into the wall by Medusalier. Shoots bullets at the player.
XtG Laser Turret.png Laser Turret Spawned on the elevator by Mutread Head. Shoots lasers above and below itself constantly.

Jetpack Variants

Certain enemies also have special Jetpack variants that behave identically to their grounded counterparts with the addition of flight. These Jetpack Variants share diginomicon entires with their grounded counterparts.

Icon Name Health
XtG Jetpack Bullet Kin.png Jetpack Bullet Kin
XtG Jetpack Skullet.png Jetpack Skullet
XtG Jetpack Gun Nut.png Jetpack Gun Nut
XtG Jetpack Red Shotgun Kin.png Jetpack Red Shotgun Kin 35

Unused Enemies

There are several enemy sprites in the game's files that are not used in the game. Considering that Exit the Gungeon is receiving regular updates, these enemies may well be implemented at some future date.

Icon Description
XtG Executioner.png An Executioner.
XtG Gunjurer.png A Gunjurer
XtG High Gunjurer.png A High Gunjurer.
XtG Gunreaper Ammonomicon.png What appears to be a Gunreaper's unused diginomicon portrait. Originally used to be in the game before it updated and launched on Steam.