Cult of the Gundead/zh

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图标 名字 基础生命值 描述
Bullet Kin.png 子弹小子 15 慢慢地走向玩家,发射子弹。
Bandana Bullet Kin.png 头巾小子 15 慢慢地走向玩家,快速地发射子弹。
Veteran Bullet Kin.png 老兵小子 15 慢慢地走向玩家,发射子弹并预测玩家的走位。
Tanker.png 坦克小子 18.8 慢慢地走向玩家,快速地发射子弹。
Minelet.png 挖矿小子 15 慢慢地走向玩家,发射子弹。偶尔会藏在它坚硬的帽子下,暂时反弹子弹,然后跳出来向所有方向发射子弹。
Cardinal.png 红衣主教 22.5 慢慢地走向玩家,发射子弹。偶尔会向玩家轰出一组5枚子弹。
Shroomer.png 蘑菇小子 30 慢慢地走向玩家,以V型发射两枚子弹。
Ashen Bullet Kin.png 灰烬小子 15 慢慢地走向玩家,发射快速子弹。
Mutant Bullet Kin.png 变异小子 20 慢慢地走向玩家,发射子弹。偶尔吐出一小摊毒液。
Fallen Bullet Kin.png 堕落小子 20 慢慢地走向玩家,发射一波3枚快速子弹。死后留下一团火。
Keybullet Kin.png 钥匙小子 15 从玩家面前跑开,如果没被杀死就会消失。死后变成一把钥匙。
Confirmed.png 已确认者 ? 慢慢地走向玩家,有间隔地发射4条蛇型子弹。
Red Shotgun Kin.png 红霰弹枪小子 30 慢慢地走向玩家,偶尔紧密地发射一波5枚子弹。死后有几率向所有方向发射6枚子弹。
Blue Shotgun Kin.png 蓝霰弹枪小子 40 慢慢地走向玩家,偶尔宽松地发射一波5枚子弹,然后快速接上一波宽松的4枚子弹。死后有几率向所有方向发射6枚子弹。
Veteran Shotgun Kin.png 老霰弹枪小子 33.8 慢慢地走向玩家,偶尔以V型发射一波5枚快速子弹,并预测玩家的走位。死后向所有方向发射一些子弹。
Mutant Shotgun Kin.png 变异霰弹枪小子 32 慢慢地走向玩家,紧密地发射一波5枚快速子弹。死后向所有方向发射6枚子弹。
Executioner.png 处刑者 ? 慢慢地走向玩家,混乱地发射一波子弹。偶尔停下来向玩家发射3条链型子弹,子弹会挂在墙上。然后这些子弹链一会儿就消失了。
Ashen Shotgun Kin.png 灰烬霰弹枪小子 20 慢慢地走向玩家,宽松地发射一波5枚快速子弹。
Shotgrub (Enemy).png 霰弹蛆 20 慢慢地走向玩家,发射一波子弹,子弹撞到障碍物时会放出更多的波动子弹。
Sniper Shell.png 狙击枪小子 18.8 隔一段时间用红色激光瞄准玩家,接着发射单枚高速子弹。
Professional.png 专家 18.8 隔一段时间用绿色激光瞄准玩家,接着发射单枚高速子弹,子弹碰到东西时爆炸,向四周射出子弹。
Gummy.png 黏黏小子 26.3 慢慢地走向玩家,快速地发射子弹。偶尔召唤一只大的废弹小子,它能隔一段时间向所有方向发射一波子弹。
Skullet.png 骨头小子 15.8 慢慢地走向玩家,偶尔发射两波发射三角子弹。
Skullmet.png 骷髅小子 21.1 慢慢地走向玩家,偶尔发射两波发射三角子弹。
Spent.png 废弹小子 4.2 走向玩家,想要触发碰撞伤害。
Creech.png 爬行小子 20 走向玩家,隔一段时间向所有方向发射跳跳弹。
Hollowpoint.png 中空弹 25 飘向玩家,快速地发射子弹。隔一段时间消失,然后又在房间某处出现。
Bombshee.png 炸弹小子 ? 跟在其他敌人周围,发出一声小范围的尖叫来消灭玩家的子弹。如果所有敌人都死了,炸弹会发射自己,接触时爆炸。
Rubber Kin.png 橡胶小子 13 试着向玩家发射自己,接触时击退玩家。不能对玩家造成直接伤害。
Tazie.png 充电小子 12 向玩家发射自己,接触时造成伤害。
King Bullat.png 子弹蝠王 26 隔一段时间向所有方向发射跳跳弹。死后生成几个子弹蝙蝠和霰弹蝙蝠。
Pinhead.png Pinhead 13 Walks towards the player and explodes upon death. IF the player gets too close, it will leap towards the player and explode.
Arrowkin.png Arrowkin ? Walks towards the player then stops at a distance. Charges and fires arrows towards the player.
Blobulon.png Blobulon 20 Moves towards the player and attempts to deal contact damage. Splits into two Blobuloids upon death.
Blobuloid.png Blobuloid 10 Moves towards the player and attempts to deal contact damage. Splits into two Blobulins upon death.
Blobulin.png Blobulin 1 Quickly moves towards the player and attempts to deal contact damage.
Poisbulon.png Poisbulon 19.2 Moves towards the player, leaving a trail of poison creep. Turns into one Poisbuloid upon death.
Poisbuloid.png Poisbuloid 10.8 Moves towards the player, leaving a trail of poison creep. Splits into two Poisbulins upon death.
Poisbulin.png Poisbulin 1 Quickly moves towards the player, leaving a trail of poison creep.
Blizzbulon.png Blizzbulon 21.1 Fires triangular bullets in all directions, followed by several spreads of 3 triangular bullets towards the player.
Leadbulon.png Leadbulon Moves towards the player and attempts to deal contact damage. Becomes enraged after taking enough damage, moving faster and leaving a trail of fire.
Poopulon.png Poopulon 20 Occasionally spins, releasing a large amount of spiraling bullets in all directions.
Bloodbulon.png Bloodbulon 30 Moves towards the player and attempts to deal contact damage. Becomes larger and slower as it takes damage. Releases many bullets in all directions upon death.
Skusket.png Skusket 13 Has two lines of bullets orbiting it. Slowly floats towards the player, firing skulls that home in on the player and split into 6 bullets upon being destroyed.
Bookllet.png Bookllet 25 Occasionally fires bullets towards the player in various patterns, such as R, N, and Φ shapes.
Blue Bookllet.png Blue Bookllet 25 Occasionally fires bullets towards the player in various patterns, such as R, N, and Φ shapes or rings of bullets that pulse back and forth.
Green Bookllet.png Green Bookllet 25 Occasionally fires bullets towards the player in various patterns, such as R, N, and Φ shapes or a large clover shape.
Gigi.png Gigi 12 Flies towards the player, periodically spitting an egg that releases a swarm of bullets towards the player.
Muzzle Wisp.png Muzzle Wisp 19 Dashes three times in random directions, then releases a ring of flaming bullets. Leaves behind a patch of fire upon death. Sets the player on fire upon contact.
Muzzle Flare.png Muzzle Flare 15.9 Dashes three times in random directions, firing three bullets towards the player with each dash, then releases a ring of flaming bullets. Leaves behind a patch of fire upon death. Sets the player on fire upon contact.
Cubulon.png Cubulon 30 Frequently fires bullets in all directions in a diamond shape.
Cubulead.png Cubulead 18.2 Fires bullets in all directions in a diamond shape, then pulls its bullets back towards itself.
Apprentice Gunjurer.png Apprentice Gunjurer 18.8 Fires bullets in a variety of rotating shapes, such as a square, circle, or X. Occasionally disappears and reappears elsewhere in the room.
Gunjurer.png Gunjurer 15.8 Summons 6 bullets, during which time any bullets fired at it will be absorbed. The 6 bullets along with any absorbed bullets are then fired at the player. Occasionally disappears and reappears elsewhere in the room.
High Gunjurer.png High Gunjurer 24 Fires large rings of bullets at the player. Occasionally disappears and reappears elsewhere in the room.
Lore Gunjurer.png Lore Gunjurer 30 Summons one of 3 bullet familiars, each with distinct behaviors.

Warrior: The bullet will home in on the player until it vanishes.

Rogue: The bullet will home in on the player and then teleport behind them in an attempt to catch them off-guard.

Mage: The bullet follows the player closely and will shoot smaller bullets at them.

Gunsinger.png Gunsinger 15 Buffs an enemy in the room, increasing their health and speed. They will cancel their spell and run away if the player is too close or they take too much damage.
Aged Gunsinger.png Aged Gunsinger 17.5 Buffs all enemies in the room, increasing their health and speed. They will cancel their spell and run away if the player is too close or they take too much damage.
Ammomancer.png Ammomancer 20 Attempts to summon Shelletons. They will cancel their summoning ritual and run away if the player is too close or they take too much damage. If the Ammonancer is killed while their Shelleton is still alive, then the Shelleton will collapse.
Jammomancer.png Jammomancer ? Jams an enemy in the room, increasing their health, speed, and damage.
Jamerlengo.png Jamerlengo ? Jams all enemies in the room, increasing their health, speed, and damage.
Wizbang.png Wizbang 25 Teleports around the room, occasionally creating a projection of itself near the player that explodes into bullets in all directions.
Mimic.png Mimic Depends on chest quality Rapidly fires bullets towards the player with different patterns depending on the quality of the chest. Drops items and/or pickups upon death. When the player attempts to open a Mimic or shoot it for the first time, it will shoot a jammed shot at the player that explodes into six bullets on contact with a wall or after traveling a certain distance.
Gun Fairy.png Gun Fairy Wanders around the room, rapidly firing bullets towards the player.
Bullat.png Bullat 1 Launches itself at the player, dying in the process.
Shotgat.png Shotgat 2 Launches two projectiles in a V shape at the player, dying in the process.
Grenat.png Grenat 3 Launches an exploding projectile at the player, dying in the process.
Spirat.png Spirat 5 Launches itself at the player, dying in the process. Predicts the player's movements, and can reposition itself several times before hitting walls.
Coaler.png Coaler 19.2 Occasionally fires bullets at the player. Catches on fire upon taking damage, running around erratically and sending flaming bullets out in random directions.
Gat.png Gat 12 Bounces around the room and deflects bullets. Occasionally opens up to fire three spreads of four bullets towards the player.
Det.png Det 18 Periodically fires four lasers in a + or × formation. Explodes upon death.
Gunzookie.png Gunzookie 15 Periodically spits up bubbles that, upon popping, fire a bullet that predicts the player's movements.
Gunzockie.png Gunzockie 15 Periodically spits up four bubbles that, upon popping, fire a bullet that predicts the player's movements.
Bullet Shark.png Bullet Shark 15 Charges towards the player, releasing bullets to the sides of itself.
Great Bullet Shark.png Great Bullet Shark 18.2 Charges towards the player, releasing many bullets to the sides of itself.
Tombstoner.png Tombstoner 20 Walks towards the player, firing crosses of bullets.
Gun Cultist.png Gun Cultist 22.7 Erratically moves around the room and shoots at the player. Has the ability to dodge roll.
Beadie.png Beadie 26.3 Fires bullets towards the player and explodes upon death.
Gun Nut.png Gun Nut 100 Periodically strikes the ground with its sword, releasing a wide 90 degree arc of bullets towards the player. Can only aim in the eight compass directions.
Spectral Gun Nut.png Spectral Gun Nut 54 Periodically fires a wide 90 degree arc of bullets towards the player, along with a larger bullet that explodes into bullets in all directions upon impact.
Chain Gunner.png Chain Gunner ? Slowly walks towards the player while swinging a ball and chain made of bullets.
Fungun.png Fungun 15 Periodically releases clouds of bullets. Leaves a small pool of poison creep upon death.
Spogre.png Spogre 60 Periodically releases large clouds of bullets. Releases a smaller cloud of bullets upon death.
Mountain Cube.png Mountain Cube 21.1 Slides towards the player if they line up with it horizontally or vertically. Dies upon completing the room.
Lead Cube.png Lead Cube 20 Slides towards the player if they line up with it horizontally or vertically. Cannot be killed until the room is completed.
Flesh Cube.png Flesh Cube N/A Slides towards the player if they line up with it horizontally or vertically, leaving behind a trail of fire. Releases bullets in all directions upon colliding with an obstacle. Cannot be killed until the room is completed.
Dead Blow.png Dead Blow N/A Pounds the ground, leaving a patch of fire and sending fire bullets in all directions. Cannot be killed, and disappears when the room is completed. In some rooms, the Dead Blow will follow the player.
Lead Maiden.png Lead Maiden 60 Hops around, then opens up and fires three rings of triangular bullets that stick to walls, then fire towards the player. Cannot be damaged while closed. Explodes upon death.
Killithid.png Killithid ? Summons portals around the room that fire bullets towards the player. Occasionally splits into three copies of itself, two of which are illusions.
Shambling Round.png Shambling Round Has three stages that it progresses through as it takes damage. In its first stage, it fires rings of bullets in all directions. In its second stage, it rapidly alternates between firing bullets out of its left and right sides. In its third stage, it sprays numerous bullets in all directions. Upon death, it leaves behind a cap that explodes after a short delay.
Shelleton.png Shelleton Slowly walks towards the player, frequently firing two wide bursts of bullets at the player. Occasionally fires a laser at the player. Collapses upon death, and will revive if not destroyed after a short period of time.
Agonizer.png Agonizer 50 Periodically spews bullets in all directions.
Revolvenant.png Revolvenant 90 Stretches its arm towards the player, attaching it to a wall. The arm will then release bullets perpendicular to itself. The arms might also form a circle around the player, which follows the movement of the player and will shoot bullets at them.
Gunreaper.png Gunreaper N/A Swings its scythe, sending a homing arc of bullets towards the player. Cannot be killed, and disappears upon completing the room.
Lord of the Jammed.png Lord of the Jammed N/A Swings its scythe, sending bullets in all directions. Cannot be killed, and follows the player through rooms and across floors.
Shadow Magician.png Shadow Magician ? Fires bullets in magical spell patterns and twirls across the room.

Health Scaling

Enemy health increases as the player progresses further into the Gungeon. The health that an enemy has in a chamber can be found by multiplying its base health by the chamber's corresponding multiplier:
