Modding/Once More Into The Breach/Synergies

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The following is a list of item and gun synergies in the mod Once More Into The Breach.


Name Items Effects Appearance
...Another Time
OMITB Blank Key.png
Blank Key
Spare Blank
Instead of Blank Key triggering a blank when a key is spent, a blank is instead given directly to the player.
...Badda Boom! OMITB Nitro Bullets.png
Nitro Bullets
One of the following:
OMITB Nitroglycylinder.png
Explosive Rounds.png
Explosive Rounds
The chance for Nitro Bullets to make enemies explode is raised to 100%.
1000 Degree Knife Combat Knife One of the following:

Hot Lead, Flame Chamber, or Mr. Fahrenheit

The Combat Knife will ignite enemies it hits.
3 + 1 = 4 Splattershot and +1 Bullets The player's projectiles will split into 4 smaller versions with Splattershot instead of 3.
A Bomby Nation OMITB Bombinomicon.png
One of the following:
Lil' Bomber.png
Lil' Bomber
Grenade Launcher.png
Grenade Launcher
Bombinomicon's bombs are twice as powerful. Using Bombinomicon restores 1 ammo into the Lil' Bomber or Grenade Launcher for every bomb it was able to spawn.
A Moste Accursed Brew OMITB Alchemy Crucible.png
Alchemy Crucible
One of the following:
Yellow Chamber.png
Yellow Chamber
Sixth Chamber.png
Sixth Chamber
OMITB Kalibers Eye.png
Kaliber's Eye
High Kaliber.png
High Kaliber
Upon re-rolling enemies, all the enemies created as a result of the reroll will be Weakened. Weakened enemies have -50% Health and -20% Movement Speed.
Absolute Radiance Alpha Beam One of the following:

Lead Soul, Flash Ray, Light Gun, or Spun

The Alpha Beam loses 75% of it's damage, but splits into ten separate beams, forming a 90 degree wedge of bright light.
Accelent Accelerant and Accelerator Bullets from the Accelerator will create small pools of fire upon passing through enemy projectiles.
Added Effect - Lockdown Lockdown Bullets with Alpha Bullets The first bullet of every clip inflicts Lockdown.
Added Effect - Plague Pestiferous Lead and Alpha Bullets The first bullet of every clip inflicts Plague.
Added Effect - Shrink Shrinkshot and Alpha Bullets The first bullet of every clip inflicts Shrink.
Advanced Ammomancy Bookllet (gun) with any of the following: Magic Bullets, Antimagic Rounds, +1 Bullets, or Alchemy Crucible. Bookllet's shots no longer re-aim towards enemies after a certain length of time, instead launching towards the nearest enemy all at once when the Bookllet is reloaded.
Aim Twice, Shoot Once Kin Ammolet with any of the following: +1 Bullets, Multiplicator, Double Vision, Helix Bullets, or Scattershot Kin Ammolet will spawn two friendly gundead instead of one when a blank is used.
All Locked Up
OMITB Heart Padlock.png
Heart Padlock
Heart Locket.png
Heart Locket
Doubles the amount of health healed by the Heart Padlock. (2 hearts for normal characters, and 2 pieces of armour for the Robot).
All Seeing
OMITB Kalibers Eye.png
Kaliber's Eye
Yellow Chamber.png
Yellow Chamber
The chance for Kaliber's eye to resurrect enemies is raised to 100%.
Allegro Crescendo Blast with any of the following: Ballistic Boots, Rocket Powered Bullets, Shotga Cola, or Shotgun Coffee Crescendo Blaster becomes a burst-style gun, and rapidly empties all the bullets in it's clip upon firing.
Amethyst Weapon Pestiferous Lead and Omega Bullets The last bullet of every clip will inflict Plague.
Ammo Economy Inflation Ring of Ammo Redemption with any of the following: Ammo Belt, Drum Clip, or Utility Belt The percentage of ammo restored to a thrown gun upon killing an enemy with it is raised to 20%.
Apple A Day Apple One of the following:

Medkit, Plunger, Muscle Relaxant, Mutagen, or Antibody

Doubles the amount of health/armour granted by the apple.
Armoured Armoured Armour OMITB Armoured Armour.png
Armoured Armour
One of the following:
Armor Synthesizer.png
Armor Synthesizer
OMITB Meat Shield.png
Meat Shield
OMITB Golden Armour.png
Golden Armour
Gunknight Armor.png
Gunknight Armor
OMITB Power Armour.png
Power Armour
Armor of Thorns.png
Armor of Thorns
The chance for Armoured Armour to double Armour pickups is raised to 75%
OMITB Reinforcement Radio.png
Reinforcement Radio
Reinforcement Radio will spawn a bonus Arrow Kin alongside it's regular reinforcements when used.
Associated Disassociations Identity Crisis and Paraglocks Paraglocks will deal x2 damage while mimicking a starter weapon that the player has obtained via using Identity Crisis.
Atomic Blombk Blombk, with any of the following: Elder Blank, True Blank, False Blank, Blank Bullets, Full Metal Jacket, Blank Boots, or Big Boy Blanks triggered by the Blombk have a 20% chance to be full-room blanks rather than miniature blanks.
Back Muscle
Omitb viscerifle.png
File:OMITB Back Muscle.png
Meat Shield
Viscerifle will prioritise firing hearts before armour.
Backstabber! Back Warder One of the following:

Knife Shield, Excaliber, Huntsman, Butcher's Knife, Katana Bullets, or Combat Knife

Bullets fired from the Back Warder will trigger a melee swing when fired, and again each second afterwards.
Backwards Compatible Variable with any of the following: Backup Gun, Backwards Bullets, or Back Warder. The Variable will deal triple damage if the enemy being shot by the gun is different to the last enemy shot with the gun, and is also different to the enemy shot before that.
Ballistic Fingers Shroomed Gun One of the Following:

Lichy Trigger Finger, or Finger Guns

The v shaped spread of the Shroomer gun is narrowed by 40 degrees.
Bane of Arthropods Omitb diamond gun.png
Diamond Gun
One of the following:
Grappling Hook.png
Grappling Hook
Chaos Bullets.png
Chaos Bullets
Bee Hive.png
Bee Hive
Jar of Bees.png
Jar of Bees
OMITB The Hive Holster.png
Hive Holster
The Diamond Gun will instantly kill enemies on the following list;
OMITB Reinforcement Radio.png
Reinforcement Radio
Machine Pistol.png
Machine Pistol
Reinforcement Radio will spawn a bonus Bandana Bullet Kin alongside it's regular reinforcements when used.
Beam Me Up! Laser Bullets One of the following:

Mega Douser, Unicorn Horn, Demon Head, Mutation, Fossilized Gun, Gamma Ray, Freeze Ray, Science Cannon, Disintegrator, Proton Backpack, Plunger, Raiden Coil, Moonscraper, Wood Beam, Abyssal Tentacle, or Life Orb.

When Laser Bullets activates, it has a 20% chance to create beams from a beam weapon in the player's inventory, instead of generic red beams.
Behind The Goops
OMITB Graceful Goop.png
Graceful Goop
Firing the Camera will create a large pool of poison underneath the player.

If the player also has the 'Hot Pics' synergy between Tracer Rounds and the Camera, then firing the Camera will create a large pool of Green Fire instead.

Big Bomber
OMITB Bomber Jacket.png
Bomber Jacket
Lil' Bomber.png
Lil' Bomber
Bomber Jacket's blast radius is increased by 1.5 tiles, and it's blast damage is doubled.
BIGGEST SHOT Big Shot One of the following:

Fat Bullets, Stout Bullets, or Titan Bullets

The Big Shot gains +100% Bullet Size and +25% Damage.
Omitb purpler.png
Omitb golf rifle.png
Golf Rifle
The player gains flight while either the Golf Rifle or Purpler are held.
Black Paradox
OMITB The Shellactery.png
The Shellactery
Black Hole Gun.png
Black Hole Gun
The Shellactery spawns two spread ammo pickups instead of one normal ammo pickup.
Blacker Guon Stone Black Guon Stone One of the following:

+1 Bullets, Amulet of the Pit Lord, Black Holster

The Black Guon stone becomes larger, and orbits more strictly. Black Holes created by the stone are larger, and deal additional damage.
Blank-It Statement OMITB Blank Boots.png
Blank Boots
One of the following:
Full Metal Jacket.png
Full Metal Jacket
OMITB True Blank.png
True Blank
OMITB False Blank.png
False Blank
Spare Blank
Blank Personality.png
Blank Stare
The chance for Blank Boots to trigger a mini-blank when rolling over enemy bullets is raised to 40%.
Blessed are The Shriek
OMITB Silver Ammolet.png
Silver Ammolet
Silver Bullets.png
Silver Bullets
The chance for Silver Ammolet to unjam any individual enemy upon using a blank is raised to 70%.
Blizzbulonial Vacuum Gun One of the following:

Frost Bullets, Freeze Ray, Ice Bomb, or Glacier

Blobs fired from the Vacuum Gun turn blue, and freeze enemies.
Blood for the Blood God Pump-Charge Shotgun One of the following:

Blood Brooch, Bloody Eye, Blood Thinner, or Monster Blood

Doubles the chance for enemies killed by the Pump-Charge Shotgun to explode into blood. Enemies that explode into blood leave a puddle of blood goop on the ground which deals 15dps to enemies.
Blood in the Water
Omitb gunshark.png
Compressed Air Tank.png
Compressed Air Tank
Upon killing any enemy, there is a 5% chance that 8 sharks will burst out from its position in all directions.
BLOOD IS FUEL Pump-Charge Shotgun One of the following:

Charge Shot, Bloodthirsty Bullets, or Holey Grail

When enemies killed by the Pump-Charge Shotgun explode into blood, players standing close enough will be healed for half a heart.
Blood Transfusion Hematic Rounds One of the following:

Bloodthirsty Bullets, Organ Donor Card, Blood Thinner, or Bloody Box

Hematic Rounds has a 50% chance to not remove it's current damage boost upon entering a new room.
Bloodbulonial Vacuum Gun One of the following:

Bloody 9mm, Blood Brooch, Hematic Rounds, or Bloodied Scarf

Blobs fired by the Vacuum Gun burst into powerful flak upon impact.
Bloodthirsty Blades Mantid Augment One of the following:

Hungry Bullets or Bloodthirsty Bullets

Slashes from the Mantid Augment have a 7% chance to destroy enemy bullets.
Blue Bomber OMITB Bombinomicon.png
One of the following:
Ice Bomb.png
Ice Bomb
Ice Cube.png
Ice Cube
Heart of Ice.png
Heart of Ice
Bombinomicon spawns ice bombs instead of regular ones.
Blue Shotgun+
OMITB Reinforcement Radio.png
Reinforcement Radio
Reinforcement Radio will spawn a bonus Blue Shotgun Kin alongside it's regular reinforcements when used.
Bomb Voyage! OMITB Nitroglycylinder.png
One of the following:
OMITB Nitro Bullets.png
Nitro Bullets
Explosive Rounds.png
Explosive Rounds
The damage and explosive radius of Nitroglycylinder's explosion is increased.
Bomb+ OMITB Reinforcement Radio.png
Reinforcement Radio
One of the following:
Ice Bomb.png
Ice Bomb
Lil' Bomber.png
Lil' Bomber
Cluster Mine.png
Cluster Mine
Reinforcement Radio will spawn a bonus Pinhead alongside it's regular reinforcements when used.
Break Fast! Glass Shard One of the following:

Orange, Ration, Meatbun, Weird Egg, Egg Sald, Greg the Egg, or The Scrambler

Increases the firerate of Glass Guon Stones with Glass Shard.
Brothers in Copper
Omitb lantaka.png
Copper Ammolet.png
Copper Ammolet
Lantaka's shots ignite enemies.
OMITB Reinforcement Radio.png
Reinforcement Radio
Bubble Blaster.png
Bubble Blaster
Reinforcement Radio will spawn a bonus Gunzookie alongside it's regular reinforcements when used.
Bubble Blowing, Baby! Pearl Ammolet One of the following:

Bubble Blaster, or Soap Gun

Bubbles created by the Pearl Ammolet gain +50% damage.
OMITB Reinforcement Radio.png
Reinforcement Radio
Reinforcement Radio will spawn a bonus Bullet Kin alongside it's regular reinforcements when used.
Bullets With Knives Bullets With Guns One of the following:

Excaliber, Huntsman, or Fightsaber

Instead of generic shots, Bullets With Guns will cause player projectiles to launch piercing knives.
Burn, Baby Burn! OMITB Accelerant.png
One of the following:
Flame Hand.png
Flame Hand
Doubles the damage of all guns involved.
Burning Core Maroon Guon Stone and Hot Lead. Bullets that pass through the Maroon Guon Stone are guaranteed to burn enemies.
Burning With Passion OMITB Flame Chamber.png
Flame Chamber
One of the following:
Charmed Bow.png
Charmed Bow
Charming Rounds.png
Charming Rounds
Charm Horn.png
Charm Horn
Reloading an empty clip will, in addition to Flame Chamber's regular effects, spawn a large pool of pink goop at the player's feet. This goop will charm enemies who stand on it.
Buy 1 Get 1 Free
Blank Personality.png
Blank Stare
Spare Blank
Blank Stare's chance to give the player a blank upon any purchase is raised to 100%.
Cause And Effect Unpredictabullets with any of the following: Mass Shotgun, Chaos Bullets, Chaos Ammolet, or Protean The maximum random modifier value for any given bullet stat with Unpredictabullets is raised from 200% to 250%.
Can't Shoot Straight GayK-47 One of the following:

Eyepatch or Rainbow Guon Stone

Decreases the GayK-47's accuracy by 66%, but gives it's shots the ability to bounce.
Centerfold Y Beam One of the following:

Laser Sight, Origuni, or Book of Chest Anatomy

Instead of splitting into two beams, the Y Beam laser will split into three beams, the extra beam going straight forward.
Century Greg Greg the Egg One of the following:

Pocket Chest, Aged Bell, or Bullet Time

Greg the Egg will show the contents of nearby chests.
Chamber Masters Libram of the Chambers One of the following:

Yellow Chamber, Sixth Chamber, Oiled Cylinder, Nitroglycylinder, Glass Chamber, Flame Chamber, Springloaded Chamber, Withering Chamber, Heavy Chamber, Cyclopean Cylinder, Recyclinder, or Barrel Chamber.

Spawns an orbital chamber for each chamber item held. Each type of chamber has a unique orbital with it's own unique effects.
Chamber Orbital Effect
Yellow Chamber Shoots charming shots.
Sixth Chamber Shoots homing, piercing skulls that deal more damage based on the player's curse level.
Oiled Cylinder Does not shoot. Orbits slightly further away, but moves much faster.
Nitroglycylinder Slowly shoots explosive projectiles.
Glass Chamber Shoots mundane projectiles. Shoots an additional bullet for every Glass Guon Stone the player holds.
Flame Chamber Shoots fireballs.
Springloaded Chamber Rapidly shoots bouncing projectiles.
Withering Chamber Shoots red lasers, with a chance to inflict the Weakness debuff.
Heavy Chamber Does not shoot. Orbits much closer, but moves much slower.
Cyclopean Cylinder Slowly shoots large, high damage water bullets.
Recyclinder Does not shoot. When this orbital blocks an enemy bullet, one ammo will be restored to the player's current gun.
Barrel Chamber Does not shoot, but periodically spawns barrels.
Chamrock Withering Chamber and Seven Leaf Clover Withering Chamber has a 50% chance to not lower the current gun's max ammo when the player takes damage.
Charming Core Maroon Guon Stone and Charming Rounds Bullets that pass through the Maroon Guon Stone are guaranteed to inflict Charm.
Chickadoo Vacuum Gun and any of the following: Magic Bullets, Bundle of Wands, Witch Pistol, Hexagun, or Fowl Ring. The vacuum gun also becomes able to suck up Chickens for 5 ammo each.
Cloak and Mirrors Cloak of Darkness One of the following:

Mirror Bullets, Silver Ammolet, or Silver Bullets

The chance for Cloak of Darkness to stealth the player upon entering combat is raised to 100%.
OMITB Springloaded Chamber.png
Springloaded Chamber
Bullet Time.png
Bullet Time
Springloaded Chamber no longer gives a damage debuff when below the clip fullness threshold, instead simply returning the player to normal damage.
Clown Town
Omitb clown shotgun.png
Clown Shotgun
Clown Mask.png
Clown Mask
Increases the Clown Shotgun's accuracy by 50%.
Cobalt Streak Punishment Ray with Cobalt Hammer Increases the amount of damage gained per Punishment Ray's streak level from 2% to 5%.
Code Blanks Autollet with one of the following: iBomb Companion App, Aimbot, or Remote Bullets Autollet will trigger a blank upon entering any new room, not just rooms with enemies.
Comedy Gold OMITB Graceful Goop.png
Graceful Goop
One of the following:
AU Gun.png
AU Gun
Gilded Bullets.png
Gilded Bullets
Old Goldie.png
Old Goldie
Gilded Hydra.png
Gilded Hydra
Gold Junk.png
Gold Junk
Gold Ammolet.png
Gold Ammolet
OMITB Gold Guon Stone.png
Gold Guon Stone
OMITB Golden Armour.png
Golden Armour
Every enemy killed will drop exactly 1 bonus Money.png.
Concealed Carry Glock 42 One of the following:

Smoke Bomb, Shadow Bullets, Shadow Clone, Backpack, or Hiking Pack

Reloading the Glock 42 on an empty clip has a 50% chance to put the player into stealth mode.
Cop-Out Copper Sidearm and Copper Ammolet Copper Sidearm has a 25% chance to ignite enemies.
Corrupted By Warp Warp Bullets with one of the following: Jolter, Displacer Cannon, Teleporter Prototype, or Chest Teleporter The chance for bullets to warp is no longer a flat 20%, instead scaling off the firerate of the user's current gun, this means that guns that fire more slowly are more likely to trigger a warp.
Court Marshal The Judge and Void Marshal The damage and shot speed of both guns is increased by 20%.
Cow, on a Trash Farm Tear Jerker One of the following:

Junk, Trashcannon, or Klobbe

Bullets from the Tear Jerker have a 25% chance to inflict Poison.
Crowd Suppression Riot Gun One of the Following:

Chaff Grenade, Mega Douser, or Wicker Ammolet

Shooting an enemy with the Riot Gun inflicts fear upon enemies near the target.
Cursed Ceramics Potto One of the following:

Cursed Bullets, Sixth Chamber, Yellow Chamber, or Riddle of Lead

Potto will rapidly deal small amounts of damage to enemies in a four tile radius. Additionally, Potto will walk up to enemies instead of solely following the player.

Gun Fairies spawned by Potto will be jammed.

Omitb potto cursed.png
Cyaner Guon Stone Cyan Guon Stone One of the Following:

+1 Bullets, Amulet of the Pit Lord, Heavy Boots, or Bullet Boots

The Cyan Guon stone becomes larger, orbits more strictly, and shoots twice as fast.
Omitb cyanguonstone synergy.png
da ba dee da ba die Kaleidoscopic Guon Stone One of the following:

Blue Guon Stone or Gungeon Blueprint

When the Kaleidoscopic Guon Stone refracts a projectile into a rainbow of weaker bullets, the blue projectile will not have it's damage reduced by 50%. Additionally, the blue projectile will gain +20% shot speed, and +1 Shot Bounces.
Danger is my Middle Name
Omitb viscerifle.png
Green Guon Stone.png
Green Guon Stone
Viscerifle has a 20% chance to not consume health when firing. This chance increases to 50% if the health's consumption would kill the player.
DARC Cannon ARC Cannon One of the following:

Riddle of Lead, Cloak of Darkness, or Dark Marker

The ARC Cannon turns black and red, gains +20% damage, +10% firerate, and +1 clip shot. The large bolt will split into more lightning.

In addition, enemies killed by the lightning will be vaporised, and lightning can jump between enemies from further away.

Omitb darccannon.png
DARC Pistol ARC Pistol One of the following:

Riddle of Lead, Cloak of Darkness, or Dark Marker

The ARC Pistol turns black and red, gains +20% damage, +10% firerate, and +2 clip shots.

In addition, enemies killed by the lightning will be vaporised, and lightning can jump between enemies from further away.

Omitb darcpistol.png
DARC Rifle ARC Rifle One of the following:

Riddle of Lead, Cloak of Darkness, or Dark Marker

The ARC Rifle turns black and red, gains +20% damage, +10% firerate, and +2 clip shots.

In addition, enemies killed by the lightning will be vaporised, and lightning can jump between enemies from further away.

Omitb darcrifle.png
DARC Shotgun ARC Shotgun One of the following:

Riddle of Lead, Cloak of Darkness, or Dark Marker

The ARC Shotgun turns black and red, gains +20% damage, +10% firerate, and +2 clip shots.

In addition, enemies killed by the lightning will be vaporised, and lightning can jump between enemies from further away.

Omitb darcshotgun.png
DARC Tactical ARC Tactical One of the following:

Riddle of Lead, Cloak of Darkness, or Dark Marker

The ARC Tactical turns black and red, gains +20% damage, +10% firerate, and +2 clip shots.

In addition, enemies killed by the lightning will be vaporised, and lightning can jump between enemies from further away.

Omitb darctactical.png
Omitb blowgun.png
Omitb poison dart frog.png
Poison Dart Frog
The guns are dual wielded.
De4l 0f 4 Lif3tim3 Big Shot One of the following:

Gilded Bullets, Brick of Cash, Briefcase of Cash, Loose Change, or Rusty Casing

Projectiles from the Big Shot have a 5% chance to spawn 1-4Money.png upon impacting an enemy.
Delete This Displacer Cannon with any of the following: Chest Teleporter, Teleporter Prototype, Railgun, Prototype Railgun Enemies 'displaced' by the Displacer Cannon have a 25% chance to be erased, with no chance to show up again later.
Demolition Man Omitb demolitionist.png
One of the following:
Proximity Mine.png
Proximity Mine
Cluster Mine.png
Cluster Mine
OMITB Bombinomicon.png
OMITB Bomber Jacket.png
Bomber Jacket
C4 (Item).png
When the Demolionist is reloaded with an empty clip, a Cluster Mine will be spawned with no ammo cost.
OMITB Reinforcement Radio.png
Reinforcement Radio
Reinforcement Radio will spawn a bonus Fallen Bullet Kin alongside it's regular reinforcements when used.
Deviled Gregs Greg the Egg One of the following:

Pitchfork, Lament Configurum, Sixth Chamber, or Flame Hand

Greg the Egg has a 15% chance to launch fireballs in all directions upon taking damage.
Diamond Gaxe Gaxe One of the following:

Diamond Gun, Miner's Bullets, or Diamond Bracelet.

The Gaxe transforms into a diamond form, and deals 200% damage.
Omitb diamondgaxe.png
Dig Deep Hand Gun One of the following:

Knight's Gun, Drill, Amulet of the Pit Lord, or Portable Hole

All spade-suit projectiles fired by the hand gun have their damage doubled, and then gain a further +7% damage for each key the user has.
Dirty Tricks Showdown and any of the following: Shotgun Full of Hate, Poison Vial, Mistake Bullets Upon attempting to spawn a support enemy, any bosses in the room will take 50 damage.
Discord and Rhyme
Omitb corgun.png
Doggun gains the appearance of the Wolf, and fires wolves with twice the homing power of the dogs.
Omitb doggun discord and rhyme.png
Omitb disc gun.png
Disc Gun
Omitb gonne.png
The Gonne's burst size is increased to six, and it gains tight homing.

The Disc Gun gains a slight homing effect, and it's Discs will not deal damage to the player if that damage would be fatal.

Omitb gonne discworld.png
OMITB Organ Donor Card.png
Organ Donor Card
OMITB Heart of Gold.png
Heart Of Gold
Doubles the amount of Money.png obtained by using the Organ Donor Card, from 20 to 40.

Doubles the amount of Money.png obtained from Heart of Gold upon taking damage, from 10 to 20.

Don't Trust The Toaster Heat Ray One of the following:

Molotov Buddy or #1 Boss Mug

The Heat Ray's beam becomes wider, faster, and deals 200% damage.
Double Barrelled The Barrel and Barrel Chamber The wall of barrels created by the Barrel Chamber becomes two barrels thick.
Double Maiden Maiden Rifle with one of the following: Maiden-Shaped Box or Shield of the Maiden Maiden Rifle gains double range, +20% damage, and +2 piercing.
Double or Nothing Double Gun and Double Vision Double Gun deals 200% damage while Double Vision is active, but no damage when Double Vision is not active.
Double Risk, Double Reward Risky Ring and Risk Rifle The damage of the Risk Rifle is doubled, but emptying a clip with the gun will deal a full heart of damage to the user.

Risky Ring grants twice as much coolness when the owner is at full health (+6) and twice as much coolness in the negative direction when the player is not (-6).

Dual Alpha Alpha Beam and Alpha Bullets The Alpha Beam gains +50% damage.
Easy Peasy
OMITB Bullet Bullets.png
Bullet Bullets
Easy Reload Bullets.png
Easy Reload Bullets
Bullets can reload multiple shots into the clip upon intersecting enemy bullets mid-air, not just one.
OMITB Reinforcement Radio.png
Reinforcement Radio
The Scrambler.png
The Scrambler
Reinforcement Radio will spawn a bonus Gigi alongside it's regular reinforcements when used.
Elder Shot
Omitb viscerifle.png
Old Crest.png
Old Crest
The next shot from the Viscerifle will fire the Old Crest, dealing 5000 damage but destroying the crest in the process.
Elysian Night...
OMITB Voodoollets.png
When any enemy dies, there is a 10% chance that a Decoy will be spawned in their place.
Enspore! Fungo Cannon and Spore Launcher Firing one gun has a 45% chance to restore 1 ammo to the other.
OMITB Time Fuddlers Robe.png
Time Fuddlers Robe
Chance for Time Fuddlers Robe to freeze time upon killing an enemy is raised to 35%.
Eternal Prose
OMITB Purple Prose.png
Purple Prose
Really Special Lute.png
Really Special Lute
Drastically increases the Really Special Lute's range, and doubles it's bullet speed.
Even Luckier!
OMITB Lucky Coin.png
Lucky Coin
Seven-Leaf Clover.png
Seven-Leaf Clover
The chance of a successful outcome from Lucky Coin is raised to 75%.
Even More Visible!
OMITB Tracer Rounds.png
Tracer Rounds
Flare Gun.png
Flare Gun
The width of Tracer Rounds' fire trails is increased.

Gives fire immunity.

Even Worse Choices Omitb disc gun.png
Disc Gun
One of the following:
OMITB Bomber Jacket.png
Bomber Jacket
Double Vision.png
Double Vision
Discs from the Disc Gun deal double damage to enemies. They also deal a full heart of damage to the player.
Everlasting Love Omitb love pistol.png
Love Pistol
One of the following:
Charming Rounds.png
Charming Rounds
Shotgun Full of Love.png
Shotgun Full of Love
Charm Horn.png
Charm Horn
Charmed Bow.png
Charmed Bow
Love Pistol's charm effect is permanent.
OMITB Reinforcement Radio.png
Reinforcement Radio
Reinforcement Radio will spawn a bonus Executioner alongside it's regular reinforcements when used.
Explosive Core Maroon Guon Stone with Explosive Rounds Bullets that pass through the Maroon Guon Stone are guaranteed to explode.
Eye of the Spider OMITB Miners Bullets.png
Miners Bullets
One of the following:
Bloody Eye.png
Bloody Eye
Eye of the Beholster.png
Eye of the Beholster
Rolling Eye.png
Rolling Eye
OMITB Kalibers Eye.png
Kalibers Eye
Phaser Spiders become instantly killable.
OMITB Reinforcement Radio.png
Reinforcement Radio
Trank Gun.png
Trank Gun
Reinforcement Radio will spawn a bonus Beadie alongside it's regular reinforcements when used.
False Pretences
OMITB False Blank.png
False Blank
OMITB Forsaken Heart.png
Forsaken Heart
False Blank has a 50% chance to not give any curse when used.
Famished Gunger and Hungry Bullets The first shot of Gunger's clip will always have the Hungry Bullets effect.
Fast Pass Rectangular Mirror and Table Tech Speed Enemy bullets reflected off of tables move at significantly increased speed.
Fire Aspect Omitb diamond gun.png
Diamond Gun
One of the following:
Hot Lead.png
Hot Lead
OMITB Tracer Rounds.png
Tracer Rounds
Copper Ammolet.png
Copper Ammolet
OMITB Mr Fahrenheit.png
Mr. Fahrenheit
The Diamond Gun's shots will ignite enemies.
For Big Mistakes Mistake Bullets and Eraser Mistake Bullets no longer invert the player's knockback.

The -3x knockback multiplier of Mistake Bullets is replaced by a x3 multiplier.

Fortissimo Crescendo Blaster with any of the following; Bomb, Ice Bomb, Lil Bomber, Screecher The size of Crescendo Blaster's clip is increased by two, and it will fire two additional bullets at it's highest damage amount before starting to decline.
Forward Thinking Mistake Bullets and Bombardier Shells Instead of knocking the player backwards, firing with Bombardier Shells will knock the player forwards.
Frag Mental Shatterblank One of the following:

Ring of Triggers, Chance Bullets, or Flak Bullets

Bullets fired by the Shatterblank have a 20% chance to be from the player's current gun.
Free Range Gregs Greg The Egg One of the following:

Chance Bullets, Chaos Ruby, Rando Rounds, or Chaos Bullets

When Greg cracks open, he can grant any type of item, not simply companions.
Freehand Pencil and Beastclaw Bullets from the Pencil will appear at the location of the player's cursor.

On controller, bullets appear a set distance from the barrel in the direction aimed.

Frenemies Showdown and one of the following: Charming Rounds, Charm Horn, Charmed Bow, Shotgun Full of Love, Love Pistol, Purple Prose, Love Potion. Support enemies spawned by bosses are no longer erased, but are instead permanently charmed and fight the boss alongside the player.
Fresh Air Desk Fan and Balloon Gun Desk Fan has a 10% chance to fire a homing tornado from the Balloon Gun, which deals 10 damage.
Friends on the Other Side Kin Ammolet with any of the following: Cursed Bullets, Voodoollets, Yellow Chamber, or Sixth Chamber Friendly gundead spawned by the Kin Ammolet will be Jammed, and deal double damage.
Frost and Gunfire OMITB Frost Key.png
Frost Key
One of the following:
High Dragunfire.png
High Dragunfire
Ring of Fire Resistance.png
Ring of Fire Resistance
Staff of Firepower.png
Staff of Firepower
Increases Coolness by 2 for every item from the synergy held.
Frost-Key the Snowman
OMITB Frost Key.png
Frost Key
Snowballer's damage is multiplied by the player's currently held amount of keys.
Fully Funded Creditor and Microtransaction Gun Enemies killed by the Creditor have a chance to drop Hegemony Credit.png.

Enemies killed by the Microtransaction Gun have a chance to drop Money.png.

G is for Gain
OMITB GSwitch.png
Brick Breaker.png
Brick Breaker
The cost of using G-Switch is lowered to 1Money.png.
Gale Force Gusty and Cyclone Boots Forces Gusty to attack whenever the player dodge rolls.
Gatter Up Gatling Gun One of the following:

Casey, Remote Bullets, Vulcan Cannon, or iBomb Companion App

The Gatling Gun transforms into a miniature Gat, and adopts the following changes:
  • -150% Firerate
  • -400% Accuracy
  • Fires three projectiles at once.
Omitb gatgun.png
Gattlesnake Gatling Gun One of the following:

Snakemaker, Rattler, Viper, Snaker, or Guneonate

Any bullet fired from the Gatling Gun has a 25% chance to be duplicated.
GHOST SWORD!!! Bullet Blade with any of the following: Ghost Bullets, Spectre Bullets, Zombie Bullets, Bombinomicon, or Gunslinger's ashes. Bullet Blade becomes ethereal, and upon firing will launch a large central projectile in addition to its main spread. This large projectile deals 20 damage, and splits into 30 smaller bullets upon destruction.
Girls Best Friend Hand Gun One of the following:

Diamond Gun, Chaos Ruby, Coin Crown, or Diamond Bracelet

All diamond-suit projectiles fired by the hand gun have their damage doubled, and then gain a further +0.3% damage for each Money.png the user has.
OMITB Glass Rounds.png
Glass Rounds
OMITB Glass Chamber.png
Glass Chamber
The reload speed buff of Glass Chamber is raised to 15% per Glass Guon Stone.

The damage buff of Glass Rounds is raised to 10% per Glass Guon Stone.

Glue Gunner Hot Glue Gun and Balloon Gun. The Hot Glue Gun becomes a rapid firing glue cannon with the following stat upgrades: +200% Clip Size, +120% Max Ammo, +62% Firerate, +50% Shot Speed, and +50% Range.

However, the Gun in this form does get the following Stat Downgrades: -37% Damage, and -42% Reload Speed.

The lockdown effect on enemies lasts 1 second longer.

Additionally, the Hot Glue Gun no longer sets enemies on fire, instead having a low chance to poison them.

Going Clubbing Hand Gun One of the following:

Pearl Bracelet, Klobbe, Titan Bullets, Anvillain, Casey, or Boxing Glove

All club-suit projectiles fired by the hand gun have their damage doubled, and then gain a further +7% damage for each blank the user has.
Gold Reserves OMITB Golden Armour.png
Golden Armour
One of the following:
Old Goldie.png
Old Goldie
Gold Junk.png
Gold Junk
Gold Ammolet.png
Gold Ammolet
AU Gun.png
AU Gun
Gilded Hydra.png
Gilded Hydra
Upon being saved from death by Golden Armour instead of losing all their Money.png, the player will lose a random amount between 1 and the current amount held.
Golden Apple Apple One of the following:

Diamond Gun, AU Gun, Miners Bullets, or Old Goldie

The Apple will turn gold. Using the apple will fully heal the player (or give four Armour to the Robot), and grant +2 Speed, +25% Damage, and Fire Immunity for 60 seconds.

Instead of giving an Apple Core, the apple will give the Golden Apple Core. This Golden Apple Core is identical to the regular version, with the added benefit of having a high sell price.

Omitb goldenapple.png
Golden Shower
OMITB Gilded Lead.png
Gilded Lead
Mega Douser.png
Mega Douser
Chance for Gilded Lead to activate per projectile is raised to 50%. Mega Douser's stream becomes yellow.
Good Lads OMITB Baby Good Chance Kin Item.png
Baby Good Chance Kin
One of the following:
Baby Good Shelleton.png
Baby Good Shelleton
Baby Good Mimic.png
Baby Good Mimic
The chance for Baby Good Chance Kin to pay out upon the player taking damage is raised to 60%.
Good Old Guns
Omitb hand cannon.png
Hand Cannon
Omitb hand mortar.png
Hand Mortar
The damage of both guns is increased by 50%, and the range of both guns is increased by 300%.
Gorgun's Gaze Marbled Uzi One of the following:

Kaliber's Eye, Bloodshot Eye, Bloody Eye, Shade's Eye, Cartographer's Eye, and Eye of the Beholster

The Marbled Uzi's reload effect will petrify all bullet kin and shotgun kin regardless of their health percentage.
Grease Lightning
OMITB Gun Grease.png
Gun Grease
Sunlight Javelin.png
Sunlight Javelin
The damage of the Sunlight Javelin is doubled.
Green Behind The Ears Kaleidoscopic Guon Stone One of the following:

Green Guon Stone or Gamma Ray

When the Kaleidoscopic Guon Stone refracts a projectile into a rainbow of weaker bullets, the green projectile will not have it's damage reduced by 50%. Additionally, the green projectile will gain +20% shot speed, and +1 Shot Bounces.
Grenatterer Bullatterer One of the following:

Flak Bullets, Grenade Launcher, Bomb, Lil' Bomber, or RPG

Bullatterer has a 25% chance to spawn a friendly Grenat instead of a friendly Bullat.
Greyer Guon Stone OMITB Grey Guon Stone.png
Grey Guon Stone
One of the following:
-1 Bullets.png
+1 Bullets
Amulet of the Pit Lord.png
Amulet of the Pit Lord
Bullet Idol.png
Bullet Idol
Grey Guon Stone becomes larger, and the damage dealt to enemies that shoot the player is raised to 50 times the player's damage stat.
OMITB Greyer Guon Stone.png
Guild of the Gilded
OMITB Gilded Lead.png
Gilded Lead
Gilded Bullets.png
Gilded Bullets
Gilded Bullets quadruples the damage of bullets that it activates on.
Gun Punch Man
OMITB Bashing Bullets.png
Bashing Bullets
Boxing Glove.png
Boxing Glove
The damage of the Boxing Glove is tripled.
Gunderbolts and Lightning
Omitb mama.png
Sunlight Javelin.png
Sunlight Javelin
The Sunlight Javelin inflicts long-lasting fear on enemies.
Gunsignor Kaliber's Prayer and Chance Bullets Kaliber's Prayer has a 10% chance to grant six additional seconds of invulnerability.
Gunvana Kaliber's Prayer and SAA Reloading the SAA triggers a second of invulnerability.
Hack n' Slash Bayonet One of the following:

Combat Knife or Excaliber

Firing a gun has a 20% chance to trigger a bayonet slash.
Hard Boiled Gregs Greg the Egg One of the following:

Yellow Guon Stone, Potion of Lead Skin, Teapot, or Mirror Bullets.

Greg the Egg will take more damage from enemy bullets, but will reflect enemy bullets that hit him back at their owners.
Have a Heart Hand Gun One of the following:

Orgun, Heart of Ice, Heart Locket, Heart Purse, Heart Bottle, Heart Synthesizer, Heart Holster, or Heart Lunchbox.

All heart-suit projectiles fired by the hand gun have their damage doubled, and then gain a further +2.5% damage for each half a heart the user has.

As the robot, this additional boost is 2.5% for every armour piece held instead.

Headache Omitb orgun.png
One of the following:
Gunknight Helmet.png
Gunknight Helmet
Blast Helmet.png
Blast Helmet
Crown of Guns.png
Crown of Guns
Stone Dome.png
Stone Dome
Clown Mask.png
Clown Mask
Old Knight's Helm.png
Old Knight's Helm
OMITB Horned Helmet.png
Horned Helmet
Orgun transforms into a large brain, that fires 10 electric charges in a spread when used. Each electric bullet deals 20 damage, and is capable of electrifying water.

Grants Electricity Immunity. Reloading the brain leaves a large puddle of water.

OMITB Bombinomicon.png
Upon use, Bombinomicon will spawn 10 additional bombs at random positions in the room.
Heads, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes Hip Holster and Shoulder Holster Bullets fired from the Hip Holster and Shoulder Holster deal double damage.
Heart Attack Omitb orgun.png
One of the following:
Heart Holster.png
Heart Holster
Heart Locket.png
Heart Locket
Heart Bottle.png
Heart Bottle
Heart Lunchbox.png
Heart Lunchbox
Heart Purse.png
Heart Purse
Heart Synthesizer.png
Heart Synthesizer
Heart of Ice.png
Heart of Ice
OMITB Cheese Heart.png
Cheese Heart
OMITB Forsaken Heart.png
Forsaken Heart
OMITB Heart of Gold.png
Heart of Gold
OMITB Heart Padlock.png
Heart Padlock
Grants the Orgun +50 maximum ammo and +2 clipshots. Stacks, granting an additional 50 ammo and 2 clipshots for each heart item held.
Heart so wet and cold...
OMITB Organ Donor Card.png
Organ Donor Card
OMITB Rusty Casing.png
Rusty Casing
The amount of Money.png granted by using Organ Donor Card is doubled.
Heat Stress Hot Glue Gun with one of the following: Hot Lead, Copper Ammolet, Dragun Scale, Flame Chamber, or Phoenix The chance for Hot Glue Gun to set enemies on fire is raised from 7% to 21%.
Hidden Tech Nitro Table Tech Rocket with Gravity Gun Tables thrown by the Gravity Gun will explode.
High as a Kite Monsignor One of the following:
The Exotic.png
The Exotic
RC Rocket.png
RC Rocket
Yari Launcher.png
Yari Launcher
Void Core Cannon.png
Void Core Cannon
Bullet Bore.png
Bullet Bore
Gungeon Ant.png
Gungeon Ant
If Rocket Man launches a rocket from a gun that the player has in their inventory, the damage of that rocket will be doubled.

This works by default for the Gungeon Ant, and does not require the player to also have the Great Queen Ant synergy.

High Lord Kevin
OMITB Kevin.png
Kevin becomes a Veteran Bullet Kin.
High Score Snaker and Hungry Bullets 'Apples' created by the Snaker will have the Hungry Bullets effect, causing them to absorb enemy bullets and grow larger in doing so.
Highs and Lows Bashful Shot and Crowded Clips. Bashful Shot and Crowded Clips no longer give stats based on how many items you have, instead granting a flat +200% damage, +200% firerate, and +100% bullet spread.
His Grace Toolbox any any of the following: Cardinal's Mitre, Holey Grail, Blood Brooch, or Yellow Chamber Using the Toolbox will violently kill a random enemy in the room in a shower of blood.
Hive Mind OMITB The Hive Holster.png
Hive Holster
One of the following:
Bee Hive.png
Bee Hive
Jar of Bees.png
Jar of Bees
Hive Holster spawns 7 bees instead of 5.
Holy Smackerel
OMITB Cleansing Rounds.png
Cleansing Rounds
Silver Bullets.png
Silver Bullets
Chance for Cleansing Rounds to unjam enemies is raised to 50%.
Holy Socks Cardinal's Mitre and any of the following: Ballistic Boots, Heavy Boots, Gunboots, Springheel Boots, Rat Boots, Cyclone Boots, Legboot, or Blank Boots. Dodge rolling will also launch the homing projectile from the Cardinal's Mitre.
Honey, I'm Home! Honey Pot with one of the following: Bee Hive, Honeycomb, or Hive Holster. Increases the radius of the Honey Pot's honey pool by 3.
Hot Hot Table
OMITB Dragun Scale.png
Dragun Scale
Table Tech Heat.png
Table Tech Heat
Flipping a table will set all enemies in the room on fire.
Hot Pics
OMITB Tracer Rounds.png
Tracer Rounds
Firing the Camera creates a large pool of fire around the player.

Grants fire immunity. If the player also has the 'Behind the Goops' synergy between the Camera and Graceful Goop, the camera will leave green fire instead.

Hot Tempered
OMITB Graceful Goop.png
Graceful Goop
OMITB Tracer Rounds.png
Tracer Rounds
10% chance for bullets to trail green fire instead of poison.
Hungry Core Maroon Guon Stone and Hungry Bullets Bullets that pass through the Maroon Guon Stone are guaranteed to gain the Hungry Bullets effect.
Hunter Spores Fungo Cannon with any of the following: Wolf, Doggun, Rattler, Trick Gun, or Colt 1851 The chance for spores from Fungo Cannon to launch themselves towards enemies is raised to 50%.

Additionally, spores that attack enemies are twice as fast.

Hyperlink Blocked Big Shot One of the following:

Bow, Bomb, Bottle, Chicken Flute, or Grappling Hook

Bullets fired by the Big Shot have a 35% chance to have the Hungry Bullets effect.
I Call Hacks RC-360 and Aimbot Instead of mimicking the angle of the player's current gun, the 'turret bullet' of the RC-360 will automatically aim at nearby enemies.
I CAN DO ANYTHING OMITB Alchemy Crucible.png
Alchemy Crucible
One of the following:
Chaos Bullets.png
Chaos Bullets
Chaos Ammolet.png
Chaos Ammolet
Alchemy Crucible no longer respects the current floor when rerolling enemies, and can turn them into any enemy from any floor, as well as a plethora of harmless creatures like Chickens, Snakes, and Bunnies.
If We Could Turn Back Time
OMITB Elevator Button.png
Elevator Button
Space Friend.png
Space Friend
When used the Elevator Button is guaranteed to take the player up a chamber.
In the Movement... OMITB Voodoollets.png
One of the following:
Face Melter.png
Face Melter
Really Special Lute.png
Really Special Lute
Ghost Bullets.png
Ghost Bullets
Gunslinger's Ashes.png
Gunslinger's Ashes
OMITB Spectre Bullets.png
Spectre Bullets
Voodoollets will transfer damage to two other random enemies in the room, rather than one.
Indigoer Guon Stone Indigo Guon Stone One of the following:

+1 Bullets, Amulet of the Pit Lord, or Blank Bullets

The Indigo Guon Stone becomes larger, has roughly double the chance to trigger a blank upon blocking a bullet, and has a 20% chance to trigger a full blank effect instead of a mini blank effect.
Infrared Camera Infrared Guon Stone and Camera Firing the camera will cause the Infrared Guon Stone to shoot eight lasers along the cardinal and ordinal directions for a second.
Infraredder Guon Stone Infrared Guon Stone One of the following:

+1 Bullets, Amulet of the Pit Lord, or Aimbot

The Infrared Guon Stone orbits half as fast, and it's laser deals double damage.
It won't actually show up

on screen, but there's no

hard limit on how long

you can make synergy names.

Heat Ray One of the following:

Greek Fire, Lvl 2. Molotov, or Ring of Oddly Specific Benefits

The Heat Ray will inflict enemies with everlasting green fire instead of regular fire.
It's a Key-per!
Blank Personality.png
Blank Stare
Spare Key
The player has a 10% chance to gain a free key with any shop purchase.
Kaleidoscopicer Guon Stone Kaleidoscopic Guon Stone One of the following:

+1 Bullets, Amulet of the Pit Lord, or Scope

The Kaleidoscopic Guon Stone becomes larger, orbits more slowly, and the angle of spread in which refracted bullets emerge is narrowed.
Kellys Eye Grandfather Glock with either: 1 Shot or +1 Bullets The damage of the Grandfather Glock's hands is tripled if their corresponding unit of time contains a one on the current system time. (EG: The minute hand will deal triple damage at 3:11pm)
Key Death
OMITB Heart Padlock.png
Heart Padlock
Shelleton Key.png
Shelleton Key
Using the Heart Padlock has a 50% chance to not consume a key.
KEYGEN Keygen and Big Shot If Keygen would do something negative to a chest, it will instead do nothing.
King Bullatterer Bullatterer One of the following:

Crown of Guns, Coin Crown, or Goomperor's Crown

The Bullatterer takes the form of a King Bullat, and fires radial rings of bouncing bullets when used.

Reduces clip size by 50% and firerate by 57%.

Knockback Omitb diamond gun.png
Diamond Gun
One of the following:
OMITB Diamond Bracelet .png
Diamond Bracelet
Boxing Glove.png
Boxing Glove
Ruby Bracelet.png
Ruby Bracelet
OMITB Pearl Bracelet.png
Pearl Bracelet
Doubles the Diamond Gun's knockback.
Leadbulonial Vacuum Gun One of the following:

Hot Lead, Accelerant, Potion of Lead Skin, or Phoenix

Blobs fired from the Vacuum Gun are tinted grey, and burn enemies.
Lefty Loosey Lefthandedness and Robot's Left Hand Robot's Left Hand gains +50% projectile speed and +2 shot piercing when fired to the left.
Let Loose
OMITB Cyclone Boots.png
Cyclone Boots
Balloon Gun.png
Balloon Gun
Doubles the push radius of Cyclone Boot's knockback effect.
Level 20 Bard Lorebook with any of the following: Really Special Lute, Face Melter, Metronome, or Gunzheng Bard class bullets fired by the Lorebook gain +25% damage, and the charm effect they inflict on enemies is tripled in duration.
Level 20 Fighter Lorebook with any of the following: Excaliber, Vorpal Gun, Vorpal Bullets, Knight's Gun, Old Knights Flask, or Knightly Bullets Fighter class bullets fired by the Lorebook gain +25% damage, +15% shot speed, and +5 piercing.
Level 20 Rogue Lorebook with any of the following: Smoke Bomb, Knife Shield, Kruller Glaive, Grappling Hook, Shadow Bullets, or Box Rogue class bullets fired by the Lorebook gain +25% damage and poison enemies.
Level 20 Wizard Lorebook with any of the following: Magic Missile, Witch Pistol, Magic Bullets, Hexagun, or Bundle of Wands. Wizard class bullets fired by the Lorebook gain +25% damage, and shoot twice as fast.
Librarian Lorebook and Bookllet The guns are dual wielded.
Life, The Universe, and Everything Glock 42 One of the following:

Mr. Accretion Jr or Evolver

The damage of the Glock 42 is doubled, and it's bullets gain a homing effect.
Lightning Fast Strike Viper One of the following:

Shock Rounds, Shock Rifle, The Emperor, or Diode

Doubles the number of side projectiles that bullets from the Viper create.
Liturgist Kaliber's Prayer One of the following:

Bombinomicon, Bookllet, or Lorebook

The length of invulnerability granted by Kaliber's Prayer is doubled.
Live By The Sword Longsword Shot and Katana Bullets Projectiles affected by Longsword Shot will create a single Katana Bullets slash upon impact.
Livin' Off Discounts
OMITB Coupon.png
Ring of Miserly Protection.png
Ring of Miserly Protection
Using the Coupon to buy an item will not destroy the Ring of Miserly Protection, and will heal the player for two hearts.
Loot Vortex Displacer Cannon with any of the following: Menger Ammo Box, Bloody Ammo, Spare Blank, Spare Key, Loose Change, or Rusty Casing Reloading the Displacer Cannon with a full clip will consume 10 ammo from the gun and spawn a random pickup nearby.
Lost, Never Found
OMITB Loose Change.png
Loose Change
OMITB Rusty Casing.png
Rusty Casing
The amount of Money.png that Loose Change gives upon entering a new floor is increased by 5.

The amount of bonus Money.png from picking up pickups with Rusty Casing is also increased by 5.

Love, Exciting and New GayK-47 and Machine Pistol Both guns gain +25% Firerate and +25% Projectile Speed.
Luck of the Quickdraw
OMITB Keybullet Effigy.png
Keybullet Effigy
OMITB Chance Effigy.png
Chance Effigy
Killing a Keybullet Kin or Chance Kin permanently increases the player's damage by 10%.
Lucky Day Paper Badge and Mailbox The chance for Paper Badge to double bullet damage is raised from 50% to 80%
OMITB Clay Sculpture.png
Clay Sculpture
Gundromeda Strain.png
Gundromeda Strain
Clay Sculpture will suck two enemies into the floor upon the player taking damage, instead of just one.
Magic+ OMITB Reinforcement Radio.png
Reinforcement Radio
One of the following:
Magic Bullets.png
Magic Bullets
Bundle of Wands.png
Bundle of Wands
Reinforcement Radio will spawn a bonus Apprentice Gunjurer alongside it's regular reinforcements when used.
Magic-er Missile OMITB Magic Missile.png
Magic Missile
One of the following:
OMITB Magic Quiver.png
Magic Quiver
Magic Bullets.png
Magic Bullets
Witch Pistol.png
Witch Pistol
Bundle of Wands.png
Bundle of Wands
Magic Missile fires two missiles at once.
Magnum Opus All of the following:

Nigredo, Albedo, Citrinitas, and Rubedo

Fully heals the player upon entering a new floor.
Mahoguny Guon Stones Table Tech Guon and Mahoguny Wooden Guon Stones granted by Table Tech Guon last twice as long.
Man... or Machine?
OMITB Junkllets.png
OMITB Full Armour Jacket.png
Full Armour Jacket
Junkllet's damage buff is raised to 7% per piece of Junk.

Full Armour Jacket's damage buff is raised to 7% per piece of armour.

Manbat and Robin Red Robin and Bullatterer Reloading the Red Robin will spawn a friendly black Bullat.
Marooner Guon Stone Maroon Guon Stone One of the following:

+1 Bullets, Amulet of the Pit Lord, or Bloodthirsty Bullets

Maroon Guon Stone becomes larger, orbits slower, and increases the damage of bullets that pass through it by an additional 50%.
Masterglass Glasster and Glass Shard Glass Guon Stones will no longer fire bullets on their own while the Glasster is held.

Instead, firing the Glasster will cause all Glass Guons to also launch a projectile in the direction the user is aiming.

Mechanical Hands Grandfather Glock One of the following:

Lefthandedness or Finger Guns

Bullets fired by the Grandfather Glock will bounce in the direction of nearby enemies upon hitting a wall.
Megashark Omitb gunshark.png
One of the following:
Fat Bullets.png
Fat Bullets
OMITB Titan Bullets.png
Titan Bullets
Gunshark's damage is increased to 6.25, it's bullet speed is increased by 50%, it gains the ability to break the boss DPS cap, and it gains the appearance of a Great Bullet Shark.
Omitb gunshark megashark.png
Menger Clip AM-0 and Menger Ammo Box Collecting a regular ammo box for a gun that is not the AM-0 will still grant the AM-0 +2% damage.

Collecting a spread ammo box into the AM-0 will grant +10% damage instead of +5%.

Merchandising OMITB Bullet Kin Plushie .png
Bullet Kin Plushie
One of the following:
Microtransaction Gun.png
Microtransaction Gun
T-Shirt Cannon.png
T-Shirt Cannon
Increases Bullet Kin Plushie's chance to activate rage to 35%.
OMITB Mr Fahrenheit.png
Mr. Fahrenheit
Mr. Accretion Jr..png
Mr. Accretion Jr.
When Mr Accretion Jr fires the planet Mercury, it will be larger and permanently charm enemies that it hits.
Micro Aggressions Mini Gun and Nanomachines Bullets from the Mini Gun have a 10% chance to Shrink Enemies.
Mightier Than The Gun Pencil with one of the following: Gun Grease, Ballot, or Paintball Gun The Pencil becomes a pen, it's damage is raised to 4, and it's max ammo is raised to 6000.
Miiiining Away~ OMITB Miners Bullets.png
Miners Bullets
One of the following:
Lump of space metal 010.png
Lump of Space Metal
Mine Cutter.png
Mine Cutter
Cubic enemies drop a bonus 5Money.png each when killed.
Mini Shotgun Omitb mini gun.png
Mini Gun
One of the following:
Regular Shotgun.png
Regular Shotgun
Old Goldie.png
Old Goldie
The Mini Gun becomes a shotgun, and fires three projectiles at once.
Minor Confusion
OMITB Blank Boots.png
Blank Boots
Blank Bullets.png
Blank Bullets
The mini-blank triggered by Blank Boots has a 25% chance to be replaced by a full blank.
Mirror Blade Combat Knife and Mirror Bullets Causes the Combat Knife to reflect enemy bullets.
Misfire Cannon Displacer Cannon and Beastclaw The Displacer Cannon's projectile will be fired from the player's crosshair. On controller, the projectile will appear a set distance from the barrel in the aim direction.
Mixed Signals Flare Gun and Starter Pistol The Starter Pistol will ignite enemies.

The Flare Gun gains +114% Knockback, +100% Shot Speed, and bouncing projectiles.

Molly Tov Molotov Buddy and Molotov Launcher The player gains a second Molotov Buddy companion.
Moonstone Weapon Lockdown Bullets + Omega Bullets The last bullet of every clip inflicts Lockdown.
Multimorbidities Pestilence and Gundromeda Strain Pestilence will inflict two enemies every room with Plague, rather than just one.
Mush Ado About Nothing Fun Guy and Percussion Cap Fun Guy will create a miniature blank effect when they attack.
Myshellium Fungo Cannon with any of the following: Error Shells, Rando Rounds, Shutdown Shells, Blight Shell, or the Shell. The damage of the Fungo Cannon is doubled.
OMITB Mutagen.png
Killing a boss grants a free piece of armour in addition to the Mutagen's other effects.
Negative Matter Gravity Gun One of the following:

Dark Marker, Antimatter Bullets, or Mass Shotgun

Gravity Gun gains +50% projectile speed, electric shots, and grants electricity immunity while held.

Additionally, the Gravity Gun may pick up enemies with an HP equal to or less than 20 multiplied by the floor's current health scaling, as opposed to the unsynergised form which caps at 15.

Omitb gravitygun synergy.png
New Run, New Me OMITB Identity Crisis.png
Identity Crisis
One of the following:
Gun Soul.png
Gun Soul
Shadow Clone.png
Shadow Clone
Instead of granting a randomly selected loadout, using Identity Crisis will grant the starting items of ALL characters, excluding the Gunslinger, Cultist, or Paradox.
new Vector2(x, y) Laser Bullets One of the following:

Diode or Baby Good Det

Instead of firing lasers in an X or + pattern, projectiles affected by Laser Bullets will fire eight lasers, conforming to the cardinal and orbital directions at once.
Newton Apple One of the following:

Gravity Gun, Gravitron, Orbital Bullets, or Mr. Accretion Jr

The apple core given once the apple is eaten will grant the power of flight while held.
Nick of Time Minute Gun One of the following:

Grandfather Glock, or Bullet Time

The Minute Gun gains +5% damage for every second that passes.

This buff does not last between floors.

No Pane, No Gain Glasster and Glass Cannon Doubles the Glasster's damage, but taking damage while the Glasster is held will remove all of it's ammo,
No Running Away! Omitb spear of justice.png
Spear of Justice
One of the following:
Heavy Boots.png
Heavy Boots
Shield of the Maiden.png
Shield of the Maiden
Upon spawning, enemies have a 25% chance to be tinted green and rendered unable to move.
No Will To Break Lead Soul One of the following:

Tablet of Order, Key Bulwark, Knife Shield

When the shield granted by the Lead Soul is broken, it triggers a miniature blank effect.
Nobel Effort Dynamite Launcher One of the following:

Nitroglycylinder or Gunpowder Pheromones

In addition to the dynamite projectile, Dynamite Launcher will spawn a friendly Nitra upon being fired.
Non Desistas Non Exieris Head of the Order One of the following:

Kaliber's Prayer or Cardinals Mitre

Head of the Order gains +100 max ammo, +38% Firerate, and reloads twice as fast.
Non Lethal Solutions
Omitb stun gun.png
Stun Gun
Trank Gun.png
Trank Gun
The two guns are dual wielded.
North Star Boxing Glove and Frost Bullets The Boxing Glove freezes enemies.
NullReferenceException Wrench and Error Shells The Wrench turns red, and becomes a burst-fire gun, rapidly firing the words 'Null Reference Exception'.
Omitb wrench null.png
Number 9 OMITB Love Potion.png
Love Potion
One of the following:
Charm Horn.png
Charm Horn
Charming Rounds.png
Charming Rounds
Charmed Bow.png
Charmed Bow
OMITB Purple Prose.png
Purple Prose
Omitb love pistol.png
Love Pistol
When used, love potion will additionally spray an equally long line of charming goop opposite to the direction of aim.
Oil Can What? Tin Heart One of the following:

Fossilised Gun, Gun Grease, Gungeon Ant, Oiled Cylinder, or Sanctified Oil

+1 Movement Speed.

10% chance to negate damage with no additional penalty.

Oil Slick OMITB Gun Grease.png
Gun Grease
One of the following:
Oiled Cylinder.png
Oiled Cylinder
OMITB Sanctified Oil.png
Sanctified Oil
Doubles the radius of the oil pool left by Gun Grease upon killing an enemy.
Old and New
Omitb blowgun.png
Omitb dart rifle.png
Dart Rifle
The Blowgun gains the ability to stun enemies, and the Dart Rifle gains the ability to poison.
Once More Into The Breach Kevin and the Gravity Gun Throwing Kevin with the Gravity Gun will cause him to do a blank effect at his position upon colliding with an enemy or obstacle.
One Click Away! Clicker One of the following:

Big Shot, or Mailbox

The radius of damage around positions clicked with the clicker is increased.
Ooh Eee Ooh Ah Ah!
OMITB Love Potion.png
Love Potion
OMITB Voodoollets.png
The length and width of the stream of charm goop from Love Potion is increased.
Orange U Glad Kaleidoscopic Guon Stone One of the following:

Orange Guon Stone or Orange

When the Kaleidoscopic Guon Stone refracts a projectile into a rainbow of weaker bullets, the orange projectile will not have it's damage reduced by 50%. Additionally, the orange projectile will gain +20% shot speed, and +1 Shot Bounces.
Paint It Black Paintball Gun One of the following:

Black Hole Gun, or Black Holster

Paintball gun will only fire black paintballs, gaining +20% Damage and +10% Boss Damage.
Paned Expression Blankannon and Glass Ammolet Firing the Blankannon gives the user a Glass Guon Stone.

The Blankannon gains +4% damage for each Glass Guon Stone held.

Parallel Lines The Fat Line and The Thin Line Bullets from The Thin Line have a 50% chance to do a small blank effect rather than an explosion upon colliding.

Bullets from the Fat Line have a 10% chance to create a small explosion or a small blank effect upon impacting an enemy.

Pealadin Peanut and Pea Shooter Any projectile fired by Peanut has a 10% chance to be replaced by a large exploding pea from the Pea Shooter Synergy.png Pea Cannon synergy.
Pepper X
Omitb pepperpoppers.png
Pepper Poppers
Gungeon Pepper.png
Gungeon Pepper
Slightly increases the chance to shoot the peppers from Pepper Poppers. Pepper bullets adopt bullet effects, including Pepper Poppers itself, meaning that firing a pepper has a chance to fire another pepper.
Pickled Poppers
Omitb pepperpoppers.png
Pepper Poppers
Omitb pickledpepper.png
Pickled Pepper
The damage aura from Pepper Poppers grounded pepper projectiles will also poison enemies.
Pillars of Salt Salt Gun One of the following:

Wood Beam, Pillarocket, or Brick Breaker

Triples the range of the Salt Gun.
pipis Big Shot One of the following:

Megahand, Sunglasses, or Pea Shooter

The Big Shot will fire blue pipis instead of it's regular projectiles.

These pipis will burst into shotgun-style blasts of laughing heads after travelling a certain distance.

Pirate's Life Omitb blasmaster.png
One of the following:
Grappling Hook.png
Grappling Hook
Bullet Time.png
Bullet Time
The Blasmaster's damage is doubled for a short time after the Grappling Hook or Bullet Time are used.
Pistols Requiem
Omitb pista.png
Pista's bullets can be re-aimed an unlimited amount of times as opposed to just once.
Plan B Panic Pendant One of the following:

Muscle Relaxant or Shotgun Coffee

The time after taking damage in which all enemy bullets are friendly is extended to six seconds.
Pointiest One Fun Guy One of the following:

Katana Bullets, Excaliber, Unicorn Horn, or Kruller Glaive

The Fun Guy's spores deal 12.5 damage, and pierce enemies.
Poisbulonial Vacuum Gun One of the following:

Irradiated Lead, Plague Pistol, Uranium Ammolet, or Poison Vial

Blobs launched from the Vacuum Gun turn green, and inflict poison on enemies.
Polydactyly Omitb finger guns.png
Finger Guns
One of the following:
Lichy Trigger Finger.png
Lichy Trigger Finger
-1 Bullets.png
+1 Bullets
Finger Gun's clip size is raised to 6, it's max ammo is increased to 350, and it's damage is increased to 8.
Poopulonial Vacuum Gun One of the following:

Klobbe, Weird Egg, Egg Salad, or Meatbun

Blobs fired from the vacuum gun are tinted brown, and slow enemies.
Pot O' Gold Potto One of the following:

Seven Leaf Clover, Lucky Coin, or Unicorn Horn

Potto has a 1% chance to spawn 50 Money.png upon room clear.
Practically Pungent Gunsmoke Perfume One of the following:

Charming Rounds, Love Pistol, Shotgun Full of Love, or Gunpowder Pheromones

The range of Gunsmoke Perfume is doubled.
Prop Fly Gravity Gun One of the following:

Portable Table Device or Toolbox

While holding an object with the Gravity Gun, the player gains flight.
Proper Care And Maintentance Rusty Shotgun One of the following:

Gun Grease, Sponge, or Toolbox

The Rusty Shotgun is cleaned, gains x2 Accuracy, and no longer has a chance for it's projectiles to not spawn.
Prosperity OMITB Lucky Coin.png
Lucky Coin
One of the following:
Lump of space metal 010.png
Lump of Space Metal
OMITB Loose Change.png
Loose Change
Coin Crown.png
Coin Crown
Iron Coin.png
Iron Coin
Gold Junk.png
Gold Junk
Table Tech Money.png
Table Tech Money
Obtaining a positive outcome from Lucky Coin will grant a permanent 10Money.png in addition to its temporary stat boost.
Prototype Form G-Switch with one of the following: Prototype Railgun, or Teleporter Prototype When G-Switch is used, in addition to spawning a shield on the player, it spawns a shield at the position of any dropped money in the room.
Punch Line Boxing Glove One of the following:

Clown Shotgun, Clown Mask, or JK-47

The Boxing Glove charms enemies.
Omitb purpler.png
OMITB Purple Prose.png
Purple Prose
Purpler's damage is doubled, and its range is tripled.
Pyromaniac Flame Chamber with one of the following: Hot Lead, Copper Ammolet, Phoenix The radius of flame chamber's ignition is doubled.
Quick, Draw! Stick Gun One of the following:

Pencil or Hip Holster

The stick gun transforms into a fully automatic stick-machine-gun and gains +111 Max Ammo, and +30 Clip Shots.
Rainbower Guon Stone Rainbow Guon Stone One of the Following:

+1 Bullets, Amulet of the Pit Lord, or Ammolite

The Rainbow Guon Stone becomes larger, orbits more strictly, and mimics the synergised effects of various other guon stones rather than the base effects of other guon stones.
Rally The Slacker
OMITB Lewis.png
Battle Standard.png
Battle Standard
Lewis' stat upgrades are increased to +50% boosts instead of +20% boosts. Grants a second bonus heart container for a total of +2.
Omitb kalashnirang.png
Kalashnirang's damage and projectile speed is doubled.
Ranger Class Diamond Cutter One of the following:

Bow, Magic Quiver, or Ranger

The diamond cutter turns red, and shoots three projectiles at once.

These projectiles only gain +20% damage on passing through an enemy instead of the base form's +100%.

Omitb reddiamondcutter.png
Re-Heat Heat Ray One of the following:

Table Tech Heat, Phoenix, Hot Glue Gun, or Hot Lead

The time it takes for Heat Ray to ignite enemies is greatly reduced.
Rebondissement Rebondir One of the following:

Bouncy Bullets or SAA

The Rebondir turns red, and gains the following stat boosts:

+200 Max Ammo, +3 Shot Bounces, and double the amount of damage gain on projectile bouncing for a total of +60% damage per bounce.

Omitb redrebondir.png
Red Letter Day Gravity Gun and Mailbox Crates launched by the Gravity Gun will inflict the same random effects as the parcel launched by the Mailbox.
Red Shotgun+
OMITB Reinforcement Radio.png
Reinforcement Radio
Regular Shotgun.png
Regular Shotgun
Reinforcement Radio will spawn a bonus Red Shotgun Kin alongside it's regular reinforcements when used.
Redbirds Red Robin and Redhawk Both guns gain +30% Firerate and +20% Accuracy.
Reddy Steady Kaleidoscopic Guon Stone One of the following:

Red Guon Stone, or Chaos Ruby

When the Kaleidoscopic Guon Stone refracts a projectile into a rainbow of weaker bullets, the red projectile will not have it's damage reduced by 50%. Additionally, the red projectile will gain +20% shot speed, and +1 Shot Bounces.
Regular Hottie Gunsmoke Perfume One of the following:

Hot Lead or Flamechamber

In addition to charming enemies, Gunsmoke Perfume will also set them on fire.
Repeater Pea Shooter One of the following:

Repeatovolver or Shadow Bullets

The Pea Shooter will fire two projectiles at once when fired, one following behind the other.
Rerollin Rollin Rollin G20 with either of the following: Multiplicator or Scouter Reloading the G20 with a full clip consumes 10 ammo and rerolls it's stats prematurely.
ReShelletonKeyter Rekeyter and Shelleton Key. Rekeyter gains infinite ammo, and fires three bullets per burst.
Restoration Map Fragment One of the following:

Scroll of Exact Knowledge, or Tattered Map

Map Fragment will reveal adjacent rooms and rooms adjacent to those rooms on the map.
Reuknighted Gunknight Amulet One of the following:

Gunknight Helmet, Gunknight Armor, Gunknight Gauntlet, or Gunknight Greaves

The chance for Gunknight Amulet to skip reload times is raised to 50%
Ring of Fire
OMITB Tracer Rounds.png
Tracer Rounds
Orbital Bullets.png
Orbital Bullets
The chance for bullets to trail fire is raised to 100%.

Grants fire immunity.

Rod of Iron Kaliber's Prayer One of the following:

Yellow Guon Stone, Liquid Metal Body, or Big Iron

Kaliber's Prayer will grant temporary lead skin instead of simple invulnerability frames.
Roll Dem Bones Necromancer's Right Hand One of the following:

Grim Blanks, Shellegun, Vertebraek-47, Skull Spitter, or Uzi SPINE-mm

Necromancer's Right Hand has a 25% chance to reanimate friendly gundead as Skullets instead of Spent.
Roll With Advantage Dice Grenade One of the following:

Chaos Bullets, GayK-47, or Bullet Shuffle

Dice Grenade will create a puddle of random goop upon exploding.
Royal Flush Hand Gun One of the following:

Crown of Guns or Cat Bullet King Throne

Pressing reload on the Hand Gun while the clip is full will consume 15 ammo and fire an Ace, King, Queen, Knave, and Ten from a random suit.
Russel's Teapot Teapot One of the following:

Mr. Accretion Jr, or Moonrock

The Teapot has a 15% chance to shoot a random planet from Mr. Accretion Jr instead of it's normal projectile when fired.
Rust In Peace Rusty Shotgun and Rusty Casing The Rusty Shotgun gains +20% Firerate and +100% Clip Capacity.
Sabre Throw Longsword Shot and Fightsabre Slashes from Longsword Shot reflect enemy bullets.
Scarlet Tanager Red Robin One of the following:

Owl, Birdshot, Purpler, Chicken Flute, Fowl Ring, or Turkey

Red Robin's damage buff at full health is increased from +75% to +100%.
Schwarzschild Radius
Omitb blackguonstone.png
Black Guon Stone
Omitb shrinkshot.png
Black holes created by the Black Guon Stone last twice as long.
Scrambled Gregs Greg the Egg with The Scrambler Greg the Egg will periodically launch projectiles from The Scrambler at nearby enemies while in combat.
Screamosynthesis Blasting Cap and Percussion Cap Spores created by the Blasting Cap have a 7% chance to have the Blank Bullets effect.

Spores created by the Percussion Cap have a 7% chance to have the Explosive Rounds effect.

OMITB Cyclone Boots.png
Cyclone Boots
Armor of Thorns.png
Armor of Thorns
All enemies pushed by Cyclone Boot's knockback take damage equal to 3 times the player's dodge roll damage, as though they had been rolled into directly with Armor of Thorns.
Secrets of the Ancients Blankannon and Elder Blank Blankannon has a 25% chance to not consume a blank when fired.
Set The World On Fire OMITB Gun Grease.png
Gun Grease
One of the following:
Napalm Strike.png
Napalm Strike
Big Boy.png
Big Boy
Hot Lead.png
Hot Lead
Ring of Fire Resistance.png
Ring of Fire Resistance
Gungeon Pepper.png
Gungeon Pepper
Killed enemies will leave already burning fire instead of inert oil puddles.
Shapes n' Beats Omitb octagun.png
One of the following:
Face Melter.png
Face Melter
Really Special Lute.png
Really Special Lute
The Octagun's firerate is multiplied by 4, and it's bullet speed is multiplied by 3.
Sharpest Tool In The Shed Toolbox with any of the following: Drill, H4mmer, Cobalt Hammer, Anvillain, Wood Beam, or Pencil Toolbox will spawn three random object with each use rather than one.
Sharpness Diamond Gun and any of the following: Knife Shield, Katana Bullets, Vorpal Bullets, Excaliber, Longsword Shot The Diamond Gun's damage is increased by 50%.
Shattershot Glass Shard with Scattershot Instead of firing single projectiles, Glass Guon Stones will fire spreads of three, weaker projectiles at nearby enemies while in combat.
ShellllehS llehSShell The Shell and Shell The damage amount per bullet fired with The Shell is increased from 5% to 7%.
Shoot Your Shot The Shell and Scattershot Extra bullets added by Scattershot count towards calculating The Shell's damage buff.
Shotgatterer Bullatterer Any of the following:

Regular Shotgun, Justice, Ranger, Clown Shotgun, Blooper, Blunderbuss, Elephant Gun, Huntsman, Old Goldie, Pulse Cannon, Siren, Tangler, Void Shotgun, or Zilla Shotgun

Bullatterer has a 25% chance to spawn a friendly Shotgat instead of a friendly Bullat. Friendly Shotgats do 3x damage.
Shotgun Club Kin Ammolet with any of the following: Regular Shotgun, Clown Shotgun, Big Shotgun, or Winchester Kin Ammolet has a 50% chance to spawn a friendly Red Shotgun Kin instead of a friendly Bullet Kin when a blank is used.
Shotgun Pheromones
OMITB Gunpowder Pheromones.png
Gunpowder Pheromones
OMITB Shutdown Shells.png
Shutdown Shells
All shotgun kin enemies become permanently charmed.
Shotgun Wedding The Bride and The Groom The two guns are dual wielded.
Omitb justice.png
Justice's max ammo is raised to 600, it's clip size is raised to 12, and it rapidly fires three times in a burst whenever shot.
Silverer Guon Stone Silver Guon Stone One of the following:

+1 Bullets, Amulet of the Pit Lord, Silver Ammolet

Silver Guon Stone becomes larger, orbits more strictly, and can store up to an 8x damage multiplier rather than a 5x damage multiplier.

+15% damage to jammed enemies.

Sinister Handed Lefthandedness One of the following:

Witch Pistol, or Bundle of Wands

All player bullets fired to the left have a 6% chance to transmogrify enemies they hit into chickens.
Six Sharp Grandfather Glock with either: Sixth Chamber or High Kaliber The damage of the Grandfather Glock's hands is tripled if their corresponding unit of time contains a six on the current system time. (EG: The hour hand will deal triple damage at 6pm)
Skorpion Sting Skorpion One of the following:

Rattler, or Stinger

The Skorpion will fire a poisoning bolt when reloaded.
Smart Core Maroon Guon Stone with Homing Bullets Bullets that pass through the Maroon Guon Stone gain homing.
Smite Omitb diamond gun.png
Diamond Gun
One of the following:
Ghost Bullets.png
Ghost Bullets
Zombie Bullets.png
Zombie Bullets
Skull Spitter.png
Skull Spitter
The Diamond Gun will instantly kill enemies on the following list;
Snake World Champion Snaker One of the following:

Viper, Rattler, Snakemaker, or Ring of Ethereal Form

Bullets from the Snaker will be followed by a chain of identical shadow bullet-esque clones. The number of these clones will be equal to the amount of 'apples' that bullets from the Snaker have 'eaten' in the current room.
OMITB Reinforcement Radio.png
Reinforcement Radio
Sniper Rifle.png
Sniper Rifle
Reinforcement Radio will spawn a bonus Sniper Shell alongside it's regular reinforcements when used.
Sniper Viper Viper One of the following:

Sniper Rifle, AWP, 50. Cal Rounds, or Tracer Rounds

Side-bullets created by the Viper's projectiles travel twice as fast, and pierce enemies.
Soda Pop Pop Gun and Shotga Cola Doubles the shot speed of the Pop Gun.
Softnose Neutrino One of the following:

Mine Cutter or Quad Laser

Neutrino's bullets move half as fast, but deal x2 damage.
OMITB Voodoollets.png
Damage transferred onto other enemies by Voodoollets is doubled.
Song of my People Gunsmoke Perfume and Glock 42 Bullets fired by Glock 42 have a 33% chance to Charm enemies.
Sound Barrier
OMITB Table Tech Speed.png
Table Tech Speed
OMITB Speed Potion.png
Speed Potion
The length of Table Tech Speed's movement speed buff is doubled.
Spare Kin
OMITB Keybullet Effigy.png
Keybullet Effigy
Spare Key
Keybullet Kin and Chance Kin will drop two bonus keys instead of one. (Bringing the total of keys per Keybullet Kin up to 3).
Spare Protection
Spare Blank
Spare Key
In addition to the regular effects of both items, the player will also gain a bonus piece of armour every floor.
Spare The Rod Punishment Ray with Wood Beam Punishment Ray will only deal damage to the player upon losing a 20+ streak, rather than a 10+ streak.
Spiratterer Bullatterer Any of the Following:

Ghost Bullets, Spectre Bullets, Thompson Submachinegun, or Gunslinger's Ashes

Bullatterer has a 25% chance to fire a friendly Spirat instead of a friendly Bullat.
OMITB Reinforcement Radio.png
Reinforcement Radio
Thompson Sub-Machinegun.png
Thompson Sub-Machinegun
Reinforcement Radio will spawn a bonus Hollowpoint alongside it's regular reinforcements when used.
Spreadshot AM-0 with any of the following: Unity, Flak Bullets, Eyepatch, Sense of Direction, Clown Shotgun AM-0 fires three spread ammo boxes instead of one normal ammo box with each shot. Each spread ammo box deals 55% of the damage of the original. (2.75 with base damage).
Spun All of the following:

Antibody, Blood Thinner, and Booster Shot

Grants a x2 damage multiplier.
Stationary Pencil and Eraser Bullets drawn by the Pencil will have a 100% chance to trigger the effect of the Eraser on enemies that walk into them. This chance is removed once the Pencil is reloaded and those bullets begin moving.
Step To The Beat March Gun One of the following:

Face Melter, Metronome, Gunzheng, or Really Special Lute

Doubles the damage of the March Gun.

Projectiles from the March Gun will always travel in the direction the user is walking, regardless of their aim direction, the only exception being if the user is standing still.

Sterling Rectangular Mirror and Sculptors Chisel Decoys created by the Sculptors Chisel will reflect enemy bullets.
Stick In The Mud Hot Glue Gun with the Pig or Lockdown Bullets. The lockdown effect applied by Hot Glue Gun lasts twice as long.
Sting In The Tail
OMITB The Hive Holster.png
Hive Holster
Upon reloading the Stinger, the Hive Holster will spawn a bonus Stinger rocket at the end of its usual procession of bees.
Storm Rod Lightning Rod One of the following:

Shock Rounds, Thunderclap, or Sunlight Javelin

The Lightning Rod's max ammo is raised to 1700, and it will fire three lasers at once.
Suicide King Hand Gun One of the following:

Bullut, Viscerifle, Disc Gun, or Cigarettes

Doubles the damage of the Hand Gun, and gives it the ability to instakill any enemy or boss with 'King' in the name.

'King' projectiles from the Hand Gun have their damage quadrupled, rather than doubled.

Super Bounce Bros Rebondir and Rico The two guns are dual wielded.
Super Disc Omitb disc gun.png
Disc Gun
One of the following:
-1 Bullets.png
+1 Bullets
The Disc Gun fires a shotgun spread of five discs with every shot.
Omitb disc gun super disc.png
Supersonic Man
OMITB Mr Fahrenheit.png
Mr. Fahrenheit
OMITB Supersonic Shots.png
Supersonic Shots
Grants an additional +2 movement speed buff. The fire left by Mr. Fahrenheit turns green, and will burn enemies forever if it afflicts them.
Sword Mage Longsword Shot One of the following:

Knife Shield, Staff of Firepower, or Magic Bullets

Projectiles affected by Longsword Shot will slash twice as fast.
Table Salt Salt Gun One of the following:

Table Tech Blanks, Table Tech Heat, Table Tech Sight, Table Tech Rocket, Table Tech Money, Table Tech Stun, Table Tech Rage, Table Tech Speed, Table Tech Invulnerability, Table Tech Ammo, Table Tech Guon, Uns-table Tech, Portable Table Device, or Tabullets.

Flipping a table will double the damage of the Salt Gun for seven seconds.

Flipping another table while this buff is already active will extend the time remaining by another seven seconds.

OMITB Table Tech Ammo.png
Table Tech Ammo
Ammo Belt.png
Ammo Belt
Ammo given by Table Tech Ammo per flipped table is raised to 5–9.
OMITB Reinforcement Radio.png
Reinforcement Radio
Reinforcement Radio will spawn a bonus Tanker alongside it's regular reinforcements when used.
Tappy Toes March Gun One of the following:

Ballistic Boots, Heavy Boots, Bullet Boots, Gunboots, Bug Boots, Springheel Boots, Rat Boots, Cyclone Boots, Legboot, or Blank Boots

The March Gun will deal 300% damage if the player is moving opposite to the direction they are shooting.
Teapotto Potto and Teapot Potto will ignite enemies within four tiles of himself.

This range is increased to seven tiles while the Teapot is actively held.

The Bone Zone Uzi SPINE-mm One of the following:

Skull Spitter, or VertebraeK-47

Bullets from the Uzi SPINE-mm have the strength of their homing effect increased by 50%, and gain +1 Shot Piercing.
The Classics
Old Goldie.png
Old Goldie
Omitb hand mortar.png
Hand Mortar
Doubles the explosion radius of the Hand Mortar, and the range of Old Goldie.
The Doomed Descent Is Over
OMITB Graceful Goop.png
Graceful Goop
Tear Jerker.png
Tear Jerker
Using the Tear Jerker will cause it to violently explode, spawning either an A Quality Item.png, 1S Quality Item.png, or Synergy quality chest.
OMITB The Beholster.png
The Beholster
Eye of the Beholster.png
Eye of the Beholster
The damage of the beadies spawned from The Beholster is doubled, and two beadies are spawned at once.
The Green Room Pale O'Brien Fist One of the following:

Green Guon Stone, or The Membrane

The fire blast at the end of the O'Brien Fist's magazine produces green fireballs.
The Last Crusade Holey Water and Holey Grail Holey Water no longer prevents Cursed Floors from appearing, however the effects of Cursed Floors become positive.
Curses Positive Effects
Darkness Reveals the full map.
Infestation Spawned bats are friendly to the player.
Hive Honey slows enemies, but not the player.
Sludge Goop poisons enemies, but not the player.
Flames Fire burns enemies, but not the player.
Butterfingers Taking damage launches a projectile from the Bullet,

rather than throwing the player's gun.

The Love You Cannot Show Me
OMITB Voodoollets.png
Charming Rounds.png
Charming Rounds
When Voodoollets transfers damage onto an enemy, that enemy has a 25% chance to be temporarily charmed.
The Potter Boy Potto One of the following:

Magic Bullets, Witch Pistol, Bundle of Wands, or Owl

Every two seconds, Potto has a 5% chance to turn a random enemy in the room into a chicken.
The Sprinting Dead Necromancer's Right Hand One of the following:

Ballistic Boots, Speed Potion, Shotga Cola, or Shotgun Coffee

Friendly gundead re-animated by the Necromancer's Right Hand move twice as fast.
There are some who call me... Fire Lance One of the following:

Magic Bullets, Bundle of Wands, Hexagun, or Witch Pistol

Drastically increases the Fire Lance's range, allowing it to conjure explosions from a distance.
They Grow Inside Potto and Shotgrub Every two seconds, Potto has a 50% chance to launch a shotgrub-style bullet (from the Shotgrub gun with the Synergy.png Just Like the Real Thing synergy) at the nearest enemy.
Thicker Than Water Blood Thinner with one of the following: Heart Purse, Heart Locket, Heart Bottle, Heart Holster, or Heart Lunchbox. If Blood Thinner rerolls a full heart pickup, it will reroll into two pickups rather than one.

Half Heart Pickups are unaffected.

Those We Left Behind OMITB Identity Crisis.png
Identity Crisis
One of the following:
In addition to the randomly selected loadout, using Identity Crisis will also give the Dart Gun, Slinger, and Lamey Gun.
Timeless Flight
OMITB Rocket Man.png
Rocket Man
Chance for Rocket Man to trigger is doubled.
Times Tables Omitb multiplicator.png
One of the following:
Table Tech Money.png
Table Tech Money
Table Tech Sight.png
Table Tech Sight
Table Tech Rocket.png
Table Tech Rocket
Table Tech Shotgun.png
Table Tech Shotgun
Table Tech Heat.png
Table Tech Heat
Table Tech Rage.png
Table Tech Rage
Table Tech Blanks.png
Table Tech Blanks
Table Tech Stun.png
Table Tech Stun
OMITB Table Tech Table.png
Table Tech Table
OMITB Table Tech Invulnerability.png
Table Tech Invulnerability
OMITB Table Tech Speed.png
Table Tech Speed
OMITB Table Tech Ammo.png
Table Tech Ammo
OMITB Table Tech Guon.png
Table Tech Guon
OMITB Tabullets.png
Portable Table Device.png
Portable Table Device
Multiplicator requires one less ammo to fire on higher levels. (E.g.: At level 7, it will cost 6 ammo to fire).
Tinker Toys
OMITB Springloaded Chamber.png
Springloaded Chamber
Wind Up Gun.png
Wind Up Gun
Springloaded Chamber gives it's damage boost when the player's clip is above 25% full, rather than 50%.
Tomorrow, or just the end of time? Kaleidoscopic Guon Stone One of the following:

Ultraviolet Guon Stone or Purple Prose

When the Kaleidoscopic Guon Stone refracts a projectile into a rainbow of weaker bullets, the purple projectile will not have it's damage reduced by 50%. Additionally, the purple projectile will gain +20% shot speed, and +1 Shot Bounces.
Topaz Weapon Shrinkshot and Omega Bullets The last bullet of every clip will inflict Shrink.
Toxic Core Maroon Guon Stone and Irradiated Lead Bullets that pass through the Maroon Guon Stone are guaranteed to inflict poison.
Toxic Love Omitb love pistol.png
Love Pistol
One of the following:
Shotgun Full of Hate.png
Shotgun Full of Hate
Love Pistol's damage is doubled.
Toxic Shock Chem Grenade and any of the following: Poison Vial, Irradiated Lead, Graceful Goop, Gamma Ray, Gas Mask, Hazmat Suit, or Monster Blood. The radius of poison created by Chem Grenade is raised from 5 to 8.
Toxic Solutions Bottle Rocket One of the following:

Plunger or Poison Vial

The Bottle Rocket will spray poison goop rather than water, however this poison cannot harm the player, only enemies.
Transparent Lies Glass Ammolet and False Blank Using the False Blank will generate a Glass Guon Stone in addition to its blank effect.
Tri-Tip Dagger Combat Knife and Scattershot The combat knife will create three knife-slashes in an arc rather than one when used.
Trust in the All-Seeing Map Fragment One of the following:

Brick of Cash, Venusian Bars, or Kaliber's Eye

Map Fragment will reveal adjacent secret rooms on the map.
Turn Gundead Silver Guon Stone One of the following:

Silver Bullets, Cleansing Rounds, or Hallowed Bullets

Jammed enemies that shoot the Silver Guon Stone have a 10% chance to become unjammed.

Jammed bosses that shoot the Silver Guon Stone have a 5% chance to become unjammed.

Ultra Mutation Risky Ring with either: Crown of Guns, or Goomperor's Crown Grants an additional 5% chance to spawn a random chest on room clear, in addition to any other rewards.
OMITB Mutagen.png
Mutagen will heal an additional half a heart upon killing a boss in addition to its other effects.

While playing as the Robot, Mutagen will instead give an additional piece of armour.

Ultravioleter Guon Stone Ultraviolet Guon Stone One of the following:

+1 Bullets, Amulet of the Pit Lord, or Speed Potion

Ultraviolet Guon Stone becomes larger, orbits more strictly, moves faster, changes orbital radii faster, and will- on average- pick orbital radii that place it closer to the player.
OMITB Supersonic Shots.png
Supersonic Shots
Face Melter.png
Face Melter
While Face Melter is held, the player turns blue and gains a 45% speed buff, 45% dodge roll speed buff, and 10% damage buff.
Under Lock and Key Keymmolet and Ammolock Using a blank will deal damage to all enemies in the room equal to 7 multiplied by the user's number of held keys.
Undying Omitb spear of justice.png
Spear of Justice
One of the following:
Gun Soul.png
Gun Soul
Double's the Spear of Justice's firerate and max ammo.

Gives the Spear a 10% chance to fire yellow, homing spears.

Water Jacket Schwarzlose One of the following:

Mega Douser, Bottle, Heart Bottle, Holey Water, Bottle Rocket

Projectiles from the Schwarzlose gain the ability to bounce once. After bouncing, Schwarzlose projectiles gain a slight homing effect.
WEH Gumgun One of the following:

Weird Egg, Greg the Egg, The Scrambler, or Wax Wings

Grants a bird companion while the Gumgun is held, which gives dialogue hints as to the contents of chests, and grants immunity to pit damage.
Omitb denksnavel.png
Wel Wel Wel Welrod and Welgun The two guns are dual wielded.
What Does It Do? Potto and Hand Gun Increases the average amount of Money.png that Potto grants upon room clear.
Whirling Blade Combat Knife and Longsword Shot The combat knife will activate four times in quick succession when used, circling around the user.
White Ethesia Albedo One of the following:

Speed Potion, or Potion of Gun Friendship

Albedo will increase the speed of Glass Guon Stones by 300% instead of 200%
Wombular Uterine Polyp One of the following:

Orgun, Tear Jerker, or Mutation

The Uterine Polyp transforms into a fully automatic weapon, gains an infinite clip, +100 Max Ammo, and +22% Shot Speed, but loses it's ability to create damaging goop.
Omitb wombularpolyp.png
Woodcutter Tin Heart and the Huntsman If Tin Heart activates while the player is in the process of reloading the Huntsman, Tin Heart will not remove a heart container.
OMITB Baby Good Chance Kin Item.png
Baby Good Chance Kin
OMITB Chance Effigy.png
Chance Effigy
Baby Good Chance Kin will drop two pickups at once when they pay out.
Wouldn't You Agree? Rapid Riposte One of the following:

Super Space Turtle or Turtle Problem

Bullets reflected by the Rapid Riposte have a 50% chance to summon a Gunie (from the Magic Lamp) to punch enemies they collide with.
Wrong Kind of Drone Drone One of the following:

Bee Hive, Honeycomb, Bumbullets, Stinger, Hive Holster, or Jar of Bees.

Whenever the drone fires a bullet, it has a 20% chance to fire a bonus bee.
Wuv... twue wuv... The Bride One of the following:

Love Pistol or Shotgun Full of Love

Bullets fired from The Bride have a 10% chance to charm enemies.
Xenobiology Gravity Gun and Alkali Bullets The Gravity Gun may pick up and launch all blob enemies regardless of their HP.
Xenochrome Ultraviolet Guon Stone and Infrared Guon Stone The laser of the Infrared Guon Stone gains piercing and bouncing.

Whenever the Ultraviolet Guon Stone shifts it's orbital radius, it will leave a stationary projectile in it's place. This projectile will explode when an enemy touches it, or on its own after 2 seconds.

This explosion deals 25 damage.

Yellow There Kaleidoscopic Guon Stone One of the following:

Yellow Guon Stone or Yellow Chamber

When the Kaleidoscopic Guon Stone refracts a projectile into a rainbow of weaker bullets, the yellow projectile will not have it's damage reduced by 50%. Additionally, the yellow projectile will gain +20% shot speed, and +1 Shot Bounces.
You Need To Chill Icicle with any of the following: Glacier, Frost Bullets, Frost Key, Ice Cube, or Snowballer. The intensity of the Icicles' freeze effect is doubled.
Zero Risk Omitb risk rifle.png
Risk Rifle
One of the following:
Risk Rifle no longer damages it's owner at the end of the clip.
Zilvered Up
OMITB Golden Armour.png
Golden Armour
Silver Bullets.png
Silver Bullets
If Golden Armour saves the player from death, the player will be given two pieces of bonus armour.
[todo: Add funny synergy name]
OMITB Bloodthirsty Bullets.png

Bloodthirsty Bullets
Silver Bullets.png

Silver Bullets
Chance for Bloodthirsty Bullets to enjam enemies is lowered to 20%.

Bloodthirsty Bullets bonus damage is lowered from 30 times player damage to 14 times player damage.