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Chamber 5
<- Previous Chamber Next Chamber ->
HollowETG / Resourceful Rat's LairETG
Black Powder MineHoTG
The Blobulonian LairHoTG
Secret Exits: Bullet HellETG
Enemy Health Scale: 210%ETG
Item Cost Scale: 160%ETG
Bosses: High DragunETG

His Majesty's ChancellorXTG
High PriestHoTG

Music Tracks:

Forge Fire Roar ETG
The Forge Forgives You Not ETG
Aimless Void Awaits ETG
Forging Up XTG

Forge header.png

The Forge is the 5th chamber of The Gungeon, which appears in Enter the Gungeon, Exit the Gungeon, and Enter the Gungeon: House of the Gundead. Since Exit the Gungeon traverses the Gungeons floors in reverse, in that game the Forge serves as the first chamber. Additionall, since Enter the Gungeon: House of the Gundead does not include the Hollow, in that game the forge is the fourth chamber.

It is a metallic, mechanical foundry with turning gears and pipes of flammable liquid littered around. This is the last chamber the player must beat in order to kill the past in Enter the Gungeon, however the true final floor of that game is Bullet Hell.

As a difficulty limiting system for new players: if the player has not defeated the High Dragun, and has reached the Forge less than five times, each enemy has a chance to be removed, equal to 10% subtracting by 2% each time the player has reached the Forge.ETG

Layout ETG

The Forge follows a semi-standard layout. While it has a Secret Room, Chest rooms, and an Elevator Maintenance Room as normal, it does not have a regular Shop. The shop instead replaced by the Blacksmith merchant, who always appears on this floor, selling three items and three pickups. Additionally in Enter the Gungeon, streams of molten metal litter the ground, which set the player on fire when stepped on, but do not affect enemies.

Points of Interest

Blacksmith Room ETG

Blacksmith room.png

Main Page: Blacksmith
Always contains the Blacksmith NPC, replacing the regular shop for this chamber. The Blacksmith always has three items for sale, and three pickups.

In addition, this room contains several purely decorative objects such as a recliner, table and chair, and two cosmetic rifts into the Aimless Void. These rifts are not pits, and cannot be fallen into, however the molten metal rivulets on the floor in this room can still ignite an unawares Gungeoneer.

Visiting this room is necessary to complete and obtain the Bullet That Can Kill The Past.


Dragun Foyer ETG

Dragun foyer.png

The boss room foyer for the High Dragun is unique in shape, being much larger and more grandiose than normal, and with a large pair of wooden double doors barring entry to the fight, as opposed to the regular bullet skull door. The form of the bullet skull door is rendered in stone above the double-doors, given horns. This room also contains decorative turning gears and a single teleporter.


  • The High Dragun and Agunim in the R&G Dept. are the only bosses within the gungeon with unique boss foyer rooms.

Exit Room ETG

Dragun exit.png

The room after the High Dragun bossfight is only accessible by a single entrance to the south. It contains several floating glowing orbs, streams of molten metal on the floor, and a large skull resembling the Lich with a clock set into its forehead and bullets for eyes. A never ending stream of shells flows from the mouth of the skull, forming a veil that parts mysteriously as the player approaches.

Entering the mouth of this skull transports the player to the Aimless Void.


  • A similar looking giant skull, with the exception of the bullet curtain, is seen in the Underbreach in Exit the Gungeon, which may imply that the Underbreach is, or is connected to, this room.
  • It is possible to die in this room by standing on the pools of molten metal and allowing the fire inflicted to deal lethal damage, although this takes effort.
  • The skull and bullet cascade in this room are referred to as the Time Veil in the assets of Enter the Gungon, with the bullets themselves being referred to as a Bullet Curtain in the code for the game.
    • The term Bullet Curtain is a translation of the Japanese word "Danmaku", which is often used to describe shooting games with high bullet density; similar to the English term "Bullet Hell".

Aimless Void

Aimless void.png

The Aimless Void is a special area accessible only by entering the bullet veil in the exit room of the Forge. It is not a chamber in its own right, and is still considered part of the Forge internally, although glimpses of this space can also be seen in the Underbreach in Exit the Gungeon. It consists of a series of platforms floating in a twinkling galactic void, with waving streams of bullets and shotgun shells flowing in the cosmic background. Giant gun cylinders and clock faces float idly around in this area.
Passing through the Aimless Void is necessary to get all three main endings of Enter the Gungeon.

Upon entry, the player is placed upon the southernmost mote of floating earth, surrounded by empty casings. They must dodge roll from the primers of several large floating stone bullets to reach an even larger bullet which serves as a staircase to the main platform.
From there, a series of simple staircases allows the player to ascend to the Cache of the Ammulich, a large red box adorned with bullet kin decals, containing the fabled Gun That Can Kill The Past.

If the player has killed the pasts of the four main Gungeoneers, walking over the gun cylinder symbol embossed on the central platform will cause a large skeleton hand belonging to the Lich to erupt from below, and drag the player to Bullet Hell. On future runs, once this has already happened, the gun cylinder will be replaced by a large rift, leading to Bullet Hell. While the Lichs hand is impossible to dodge on the first run in which it is encountered, on all subsequent runs the player can avoid Bullet Hell by simply walking around the rift.
If the rift to Bullet Hell is present, a Save Button NPC will appear on a pedestal to its side.

Many items, as well as all guns are disabled while traversing the Aimless void, in an attempt to keep the player in-bounds. Flight giving items and the Bloodied Scarf do not work in this area, and several invisible walls exist to attempt to keep the player on the path. Despite this, certain items such as Rat Boots and Springheel Boots still function as normal, and allow the player to walk or dodge around the invisible walls and find normally inacessible standable area in the middle of the void.
Despite this, there is little else of note in this out of bounds area.


  • The name of this area, 'Aimless Void' is taken from the music track which plays in this area, which is titled Aimless Void Awaits.
  • The player cannot enter Bullet Hell for the first time when in Blessing Mode or Challenge Mode, but it is always accessible once the rift is opened.
    • The name Aimless Void is a play on words. The term 'Aimless' is in reference to how this area appears to be floating adrift in a chaotic void, but it may also reference a gun that has not been aimed before being fired.
    • In the code and assets of Enter the Gungeon, this area is instead known as the End Times, a play on words with it being both the end of the game, and related to time travel.
  • The quote "Gunesis 1-1 - In the beginning, the Gungeon was formless and void, and bullets moved over the face of the deep." from the description of the Particulator may be in reference to the Aimless Void.
  • The appearance of the Cache of the Ammulich is a reference to the Ark of the Covenant, a fabled and extremely holy relic in many abrahamic religions, said to contain the tablets to which God dictated the ten commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai.
    • The gun toting Bullet Kin on the lid of the cache are a reference to popular depictions of the Ark, which show two cherubim upon the seat of the vessel. The guns held by the Bullet Kin are a visual analogue for the wings of the cherubim.
    • The name Cache of the Ammulich is taken from the assets of Enter the Gungeon, and is not stated anywhere ingame. Ammulich was an in-development name for the Lich.
  • Falling off these floating platforms and into the void will not deal damage to the player, however falling in for the first time unlocks the Achievement Lion Leap.png Lion Leap Achievement.
  • Several parts of the platforms in the Aimless Void are decorated with Bullet Kin and Shotgun Kin carvings and insignia, including several crosshairs which appear to be styled out of swords.
  • The Map and Blank mechanics are disabled in this area.


Enter the Gungeon

High Dragun.png
High Dragun
"Ancient and Venerable"

Exit the Gungeon

Diginomicon Medusalier.png Ammonomicon Meowitzer.png Diginomicon His Majesty's Chancellor.png Diginomicon Buffammo.png
"Bomb Shell"
"Egg Nyan"
His Majesty's Chancellor
"Taur De Force"

Enter the Gungeon: House of the Gundead

Highpriest hotg.png
High Priest
"First of the Order"


Click expand to view the Forge enemy tables for all three games.

Enter the Gungeon

Icon Name Description
Bullet Kin.png Bullet Kin Slowly walks towards the player, firing bullets.
Bandana Bullet Kin.png Bandana Bullet Kin Slowly walks towards the player, rapidly firing bullets.
Veteran Bullet Kin.png Veteran Bullet Kin Slowly walks towards the player, firing bullets and predicting the player's movements.
Shroomer.png Shroomer Slowly walks towards the player, firing two bullets in a V shape.
Ashen Bullet Kin.png Ashen Bullet Kin Slowly walks towards the player, firing fast-moving bullets.
Red Shotgun Kin.png Red Shotgun Kin Slowly walks towards the player, occasionally firing a tight spread of 5 bullets. Has a chance to fire 6 bullets in all directions upon death.
Blue Shotgun Kin.png Blue Shotgun Kin Slowly walks towards the player, occasionally firing a wide spread of 5 bullets quickly followed by a wide spread of 4 bullets. Has a chance to fire 6 bullets in all directions upon death.
Veteran Shotgun Kin.png Veteran Shotgun Kin Slowly walks towards the player, occasionally firing a V-shaped spread of 5 bullets and predicting the player's movements. Fires many bullets in all directions upon death.
Ashen Shotgun Kin.png Ashen Shotgun Kin Slowly walks towards the player, firing tight spreads of 5 fast-moving bullets.
Chance Kin.png Chance Kin Runs away from the player and disappears if not killed. Turns into a !-cube which drops a random pickup upon death.
Keybullet Kin.png Keybullet Kin Runs away from the player and disappears if not killed. Turns into a key upon death.
Sniper Shell.png Sniper Shell Periodically aims at the player with a red laser, then fires a single high-speed bullet.
Professional.png Professional Periodically aims at the player with a green laser, then fires a single high-speed bullet that explodes into bullets in all directions upon impact.
Hollowpoint.png Hollowpoint Floats towards the player, rapidly firing bullets. Periodically disappears and reappears elsewhere in the room.
King Bullat.png King Bullat Periodically fires bouncing bullets in all directions. Spawns several Bullats and Shotgats upon death.
Pinhead.png Pinhead Walks towards the player and explodes upon death. If the player gets too close, it will leap towards the player and explode.
Nitra.png Nitra Walks towards the player and creates a line of explosions upon death. If the player gets too close, it will detonate itself.
Blobulon.png Blobulon Moves towards the player and attempts to deal contact damage. Splits into two Blobuloids upon death.
Blobuloid.png Blobuloid Moves towards the player and attempts to deal contact damage. Splits into two Blobulins upon death.
Blobulin.png Blobulin Quickly moves towards the player and attempts to deal contact damage.
Leadbulon.png Leadbulon Moves towards the player and attempts to deal contact damage. Becomes enraged after taking enough damage, moving faster and leaving a trail of fire.
Muzzle Wisp.png Muzzle Wisp Dashes three times in random directions, then releases a ring of flaming bullets. Leaves behind a patch of fire upon death. Sets the player on fire upon contact.
Muzzle Flare.png Muzzle Flare Dashes three times in random directions, firing three bullets towards the player with each dash, then releases a ring of flaming bullets. Leaves behind a patch of fire upon death. Sets the player on fire upon contact.
Cubulon.png Cubulon Frequently fires bullets in all directions in a diamond shape.
Chancebulon.png Chancebulon Fires random attacks from other Blobulon enemies, along with groups of bullets that look like dice. Has a chance to fire multiple attacks at the same time, and has a chance to die instead of attacking.
Cubulead.png Cubulead Fires bullets in all directions in a diamond shape, then pulls its bullets back towards itself.
Apprentice Gunjurer.png Apprentice Gunjurer Fires bullets in a variety of rotating shapes, such as a square, circle, or X. Occasionally disappears and reappears elsewhere in the room.
Gunjurer.png Gunjurer Summons 6 bullets, during which time any bullets fired at it will be absorbed. The 6 bullets along with any absorbed bullets are then fired at the player. Occasionally disappears and reappears elsewhere in the room.
High Gunjurer.png High Gunjurer Fires large rings of bullets at the player. Occasionally disappears and reappears elsewhere in the room.
Lore Gunjurer.png Lore Gunjurer Summons one of 3 bullet familiars, each with distinct behaviors.

Warrior: The bullet will home in on the player until it vanishes.

Rogue: The bullet will home in on the player and then teleport behind them in an attempt to catch them off-guard.

Mage: The bullet follows the player closely and will shoot smaller bullets at them.

Gunsinger.png Gunsinger Buffs an enemy in the room, increasing their health and speed. They will cancel their spell and run away if the player is too close or they take too much damage.
Aged Gunsinger.png Aged Gunsinger Buffs all enemies in the room, increasing their health and speed. They will cancel their spell and run away if the player is too close or they take too much damage.
Ammomancer.png Ammomancer Attempts to summon Shelletons. They will cancel their summoning ritual and run away if the player is too close or they take too much damage.
Wizbang.png Wizbang Teleports around the room, occasionally creating a projection of itself near the player that explodes into bullets in all directions.
Mimic.png Mimic Rapidly fires bullets towards the player. Drops items and/or pickups upon death.
Bullat.png Bullat Launches itself at the player, dying in the process.
Shotgat.png Shotgat Launches two projectiles in a V shape at the player, dying in the process.
Grenat.png Grenat Launches an exploding projectile at the player, dying in the process.
Spirat.png Spirat Launches itself at the player, dying in the process. Predicts the player's movements, and can reposition itself several times before hitting walls.
Phaser Spider.png Phaser Spider Fires large web-shaped sprays of bullets at the player that leave slowing cobwebs on the floor. Frequently burrows into the ground and reappears elsewhere in the room.
Tarnisher.png Tarnisher Sinks into the floor and chases the player. If it successfully catches the player, it will deal damage, partially drain the current gun's ammo, and reduce the magazine size of all of the player's guns until they pick up ammo.
Coaler.png Coaler Occasionally fires bullets at the player. Catches on fire upon taking damage, running around erratically and sending flaming bullets out in random directions.
Great Bullet Shark.png Great Bullet Shark Charges towards the player, releasing many bullets to the sides of itself.
Gun Cultist.png Gun Cultist Erratically moves around the room and shoots at the player. Has the ability to dodge roll.
Gripmaster.png Gripmaster Hovers over the player and attempts to grab them. If the player is successfully grabbed, it will shoot the player to a previously cleared room, which will be reset and have all enemies respawned. Automatically dies if all other enemies in the room are killed.
Gun Nut.png Gun Nut Periodically strikes the ground with its sword, releasing a wide 90 degree arc of bullets towards the player. Can only aim in the eight compass directions.
Spectral Gun Nut.png Spectral Gun Nut Periodically fires a wide 90 degree arc of bullets towards the player, along with a larger bullet that explodes into bullets in all directions upon impact.
Lead Cube.png Lead Cube Slides towards the player if they line up with it horizontally or vertically. Cannot be killed until the room is completed.
Dead Blow.png Dead Blow Pounds the ground, leaving a patch of fire and sending fire bullets in all directions. Cannot be killed, and disappears when the room is completed.
Lead Maiden.png Lead Maiden Hops around, then opens up and fires three rings of triangular bullets that stick to walls, then fire towards the player. Cannot be damaged while closed. Explodes upon death.
Shelleton.png Shelleton Slowly walks towards the player, frequently firing two wide bursts of bullets at the player. Occasionally fires a laser at the player. Collapses upon death, and will revive if not destroyed after a short period of time.
Agonizer.png Agonizer Periodically spews bullets in all directions.
Revolvenant.png Revolvenant Stretches its arm towards the player, attaching it to a wall. The arm will then release bullets perpendicular to itself. If the player is behind cover, the arms might also form a circle around them. This circle will follow the movement of the player and will shoot bullets at them.

Exit the Gungeon

Icon Name Description
XtG Blobulon.png Blobulon Hops back and forth, dealing contact damage. Splits into two Blobulins upon death.
XtG Blobulin.png Blobulin Hops back and forth, dealing contact damage.
XtG Bullat.png Bullat Drifts around for a while, before firing itself at the player in the form of a single bullet.
XtG Shotgat.png Shotgat Drifts around for a while, before firing itself at the player in the form of a shotgun blast.
Spent Bullat.png Spent Bullat Drifts around the elevator shaft, not actively attacking the player, though it does deal contact damage.
XtG Bullet Kin.png Bullet Kin Walks back and forth, firing single bullets at the player.
XtG Jetpack Bullet Kin.png Jetpack Bullet Kin Flies towards the player, firing single bullets at them.
XtG Bullet Shark.png Bullet Shark Flies around the elevator shaft, occasionally charging at the player, leaving bullets in its wake.
XtG Gigi.png Gigi Flies around, occasionally coughing up a bullet egg. This bullet egg splits into a cloud of smaller bullets which fire themselves at the player.
XtG Pinhead.png Pinhead Walks towards the player, and attempts to explode into a + shaped collection of blasts when the player is in range.
XtG Gun Nut.png Gun Nut Walks towards the player, occasionally slamming its sword down to send a huge swathe of bullets in the player's direction.
XtG Jetpack Gun Nut.png Jetpack Gun Nut Slowly flies towards the player, occasionally slamming its sword down to send a huge swathe of bullets in the player's direction.
XtG Hollowpoint.png Hollowpoint Flies towards the player, shooting rapid-fire bullets at the player in bursts of three.
XtG King Bullat.png King Bullat Flies around, occasionally releasing a ring of bouncing bullets around itself.
XtG Rubber Kin.png Rubber Kin Hangs in the air, periodically launching itself at the player. Deals no contact damage, but high knockback, posing great danger to players in precarious positions.
XtG Red Shotgun Kin.png Red Shotgun Kin Walks back and forth, occasionally firing shotgun blasts at the player.
XtG Jetpack Red Shotgun Kin.png Jetpack Red Shotgun Kin Flies towards the player, firing shotgun blasts at them.
XtG Apprentice Gunjurer.png Apprentice Gunjurer Sits in the air, periodically launching spinning bullet shapes at the player. Regularly teleports.

Related Unlocks

Enter the Gungeon

Exit the Gungeon

  • Vulcan Cannon (XTG).png Vulcan Cannon - Defeat the boss of the Forge without taking damage.


  • Upon killing the High Dragun, the Dragun's skull will be left on the ground and when broken with any gun will drop the Obsidian Shell Casing. Unlike other component based structures this skull spawns regardless of the player's progression and can always be obtained at the end of the Forge.


See also

The Gungeon
The Breach Keep of the Lead Lord Gungeon Proper Black Powder Mine Hollow Forge
Secret Chambers
Oubliette Abbey of the True Gun Resourceful Rat's Lair R&G Dept. Bullet Hell